That's racist!

Wow black people sure do commit an awful high percentage of those types of crimes compared to the percentage of black people in America.

Black on black violence is why it's hard to take the BLM movement seriously.

Call me when they're marching in Chicago over the 15 black on black murders that happened over the weekend. I get the whole "authority" thing about police related killings, but there has to be some accountability at home.
So I'm watching a show on the History channel today and they run a commercial that says that there has been a 1900% rise in hate crimes against asians in NYC alone this year and 2800 incidents reported across 48 states and Washington DC. "This is a national crisis" it reports and they need our help to call it out. They go on to say "call it a crime", "call it what it is, RACISM"
They should focus on talking to black democrats...the largest perpetrators of hate crimes against Asians.
Black on black violence is why it's hard to take the BLM movement seriously.

Call me when they're marching in Chicago over the 15 black on black murders that happened over the weekend. I get the whole "authority" thing about police related killings, but there has to be some accountability at home.
Yeah I agree and same with our politicians.... everyone gets worked up over these Asian murders( it is tragedy) but they remain completely silent over what happens on our streets every single weekend.
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That's not congruent with the last bit of data I could find, what's your source?

Whites are most likely to kill whites.

Blacks are most likely to kill blacks

and "Other" (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander) are most likely to kill "other."

Interestingly and to your point, of the identified races - blacks are actually the least likely to kill (other).

View attachment 358623
Add aggravated assault which covers shootings and see what happens
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Black on black violence is why it's hard to take the BLM movement seriously.

Call me when they're marching in Chicago over the 15 black on black murders that happened over the weekend. I get the whole "authority" thing about police related killings, but there has to be some accountability at home.
Agreed, the story about the woman who's son was murdered is a perfect example. She was complaining that police had not apprehended her son's murderer and she knew who it was.

If there is one person on this earth who has the motivation and reason to turn them in it's mom, nevermind her civic responsibility to prevent another mother from experiencing her pain. You cannot have that mentality and expect anyone else to care what happens in your community, you are literally part of the problem.

Society is in big trouble if this mentality continues to perpetuate.
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Oh look who robbed the Latinos!


Six People Indicted on 126 Criminal Counts for Robbing Nashville Latinos - Tennessee Star
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Black on black violence is why it's hard to take the BLM movement seriously.

Call me when they're marching in Chicago over the 15 black on black murders that happened over the weekend. I get the whole "authority" thing about police related killings, but there has to be some accountability at home.
Who are you and where did you hide Sep's body?
Why don't you do it? Or maybe we can keep moving the goalposts till we find something that meets your narrative.
Just stating that if you shoot at 25 people in a weekend, but only 2 die, doesn't make the rest "less violent"

One race overwhelmingly does violent crimes against all other races in comparison to their population, and its not even close. In Knox County alone, 88% of all shootings (lethal or not) were done by one race, and on top of that, roughly 70% of those were statistically in one 40-50 block radius of the city....
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Just stating that if you shoot at 25 people in a weekend, but only 2 die, doesn't make the rest "less violent"

One race overwhelmingly does violent crimes against all other races in comparison to their population, and its not even close. In Knox County alone, 88% of all shootings (lethal or not) were done by one race, and on top of that, roughly 70% of those were statistically in one 40-50 block radius of the city....

So you are going to keep moving the goalposts? Cool, at least you don't try to hide it.

A fact was asserted that wasn't true based on reality and in an attempt to shore up a narrative you resorted to "yeah but... <Insert rando fact here that sounds bad even though it has jack sh*t to do with the argument.>

Strawmen gonna straw.
A white Democrat can post a klan hood to a black conservative woman's social media without being cancelled or called a racist? I really don't have to ask what would happen if the party affiliations were reversed. We already know. And that very fact illustrates that we aren't a racist society, we are a deeply divided political society where the term "racism" is simply used as a tool to score political points.
what a world

I Am Not Ready to Reenter White Society

I’ve said, here and elsewhere, that one of the principal benefits of the pandemic is how I’ve been able to exclude racism and whiteness generally from my day-to-day life. Over the past year, I have, of course, still had to interact with white people on Zoom or watch them on television or worry about whether they would succeed in reelecting a white-supremacist president. But white people aren’t in my face all of the time. I can, more or less, only deal with whiteness when I want to. Their cops aren’t hunting me when I drive through my neighborhood; their hang-ups aren’t bothering me (or threatening me) when I’m just trying to do some shopping.

here's the horribly racist incident that he witnessed

I was idling in the parking lot, near the door, when another car pulled up, stopped right in front of the store (blocking traffic behind the car) and rolled down the window. An older white woman shouted towards the door, “Is this where you get the vaccines?” There was only one person standing outside of the CVS, a young Black woman, who looked to me to be no older than 16.

The Black teenager ignored the woman (as I teach my kids to do when strangers are shouting at them), but the white lady insisted: “I said, is this where you get the vaccines?” At this point, the teenager did this elaborate pantomime of looking behind her, a very clear “she must not be talking to me, a person just standing outside and messing with my phone” move. This, apparently, really pissed off the white woman who then yelled at the top of her voice: “IS THIS WHERE YOU GET THE VACCINES?” By this point, a small traffic jam had piled up behind her, and the cars started honking. She yelped in disgust—“the service!”—and drove off.
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I don't get to caught up into racism stuff but this guy is a moron. And he's actually running for congress as we speak.

He is right though despite the poor delivery. WTF is she doing, taking time to stand up for white supremacy.

when is her 15 mins of "fame" gonna be over. We can do better

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