That's racist!

Jesus Christ. This is essentially what CRT theorizes. That racism is everywhere if you look for it. What a miserable existence.
I think it's a testament to how good we have it in the US that someone can have a paying job that allows them to sit around and come up with such hard hitting topics. I doubt there is much of this going on in Nigeria or eastern Europe.
Did you read the source article this was based on?
As Black people have historically had a lack of access to nature, we synonymously had a lack of access to our own healing. We have inherited trauma that still needs to be healed as a collective. Healing is part of our freedom.โ€
Mixed feelings about this - I get the point; if you claim to be woke show it with action rather than a sign in your yard. It's still nuts but it exposes the charade.

Group sends letter to pressure white parents against sending kids to Ivy League schools

Showing โ€œwokenessโ€ canโ€™t be shown without going to such an extreme?

This is social justice hi-jacking. When are white Democrats going to realize that the socialist vision doesnโ€™t have white democrats best interests at heart?

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