That's racist!

The other problem with your “logic” is that you’re attempting to falsely proclaim there’s only 3 ethnicities. As if Slavs, Romanians, Scots, etc are all the same. That way you (most likely the descendant of western Africans) can attempt to falsely take credit for the accomplishments of Egyptians. What’s even more insane is Africa is far larger than Europe and you’re still attempting to proclaim these are the same people throughout. No one considers the mongols and Palestinians to be the same people. That’s the argument you’re making

It would be like myself (mainly of English, Scottish, and Norwegian descent) attempting to take credit for the great Roman Empire or Byzantine empire

I have made zero arguments about ethnicity. I've only been talking about race. I've never tried to claim all Europeans or all Africans are the same. My only argument has been to show that the Ancient Egyptians would have been categorized as black according to our modern concept of race. Just as modern day Africans in countries like Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are categorized as black. For the record I've never implied or stated any connection between Ancient Egypt and West Africa. The Ancient Egyptians were clear about their origins. They claimed to have come from the south where the Nile starts. And if you know anything about geography you would know the Nile begins in Uganda and Ethiopia.
I have made zero arguments about ethnicity. I've only been talking about race. I've never tried to claim all Europeans or all Africans are the same. My only argument has been to show that the Ancient Egyptians would have been categorized as black according to our modern concept of race. Just as modern day Africans in countries like Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda are categorized as black. For the record I've never implied or stated any connection between Ancient Egypt and West Africa. The Ancient Egyptians were clear about their origins. They claimed to have come from the south where the Nile starts. And if you know anything about geography you would know the Nile begins in Uganda and Ethiopia.

So you took pride in the accomplishments of Egyptians as a west African yet believe there to be no connection?
You completely ignored the rest of my claims. Should the Scottish take credit for the accomplishments of the Byzantine empire? Should the Palestinians take credit for the accomplishments of the Japanese and the mongols?

The world isn’t only made of 3 ethnicities as you’re attempting to claim. West Africans like yourself and Egyptians aren’t the same people. Me being English doesn’t make me Russian.

I’m sorry you’ve wasted decades of your life trying to take credit for the accomplishments of others

Actually I broke up your points into two different parts because I wanted you to respond to each in kind. Now instead of running away from my point about the Antentokoumpo brothers I would like to see you respond to it.

You claimed the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves differently from the Nubians thus making them non-black. I countered that fallacious point by showing you an image of the Ancient Egyptians depicting half the Nubian army in the same skin tone as them. Instead of conceding this point you went down the silly path of trying to act like black people should all have the same skin color. Anyone with sense knows there are varying shades of brown and black exhibited by native African populations. The Antentokoumpo brothers being the perfect example. All 4 have the same parents yet they have different shades of brown and black. Its this diversity in skin color native to African people that the Ancient Egyptians depicted so accurately.

Just admit the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as having the same skin tone as other black people. It won't hurt. I promise.
So you took pride in the accomplishments of Egyptians as a west African yet believe there to be no connection?

Absolutely. Just as I took pride in the accomplishments of the Nubians despite not being Nilo-Saharan.

It's about respecting the greatness of human accomplishments rather than a my tribe or ethnicity is better than your tribe or ethnicity thing. Maybe if you separated yourself from this natural tendency towards tribalism you would appreciate the contributions people of black ancestry have given to this world. But alas many of our white brothers and sisters are still afflicted by this natural tendency toward tribalism by us humans.
Actually I broke up your points into two different parts because I wanted you to respond to each in kind. Now instead of running away from my point about the Antentokoumpo brothers I would like to see you respond to it.

You claimed the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves differently from the Nubians thus making them non-black. I countered that fallacious point by showing you an image of the Ancient Egyptians depicting half the Nubian army in the same skin tone as them. Instead of conceding this point you went down the silly path of trying to act like black people should all have the same skin color. Anyone with sense knows there are varying shades of brown and black exhibited by native African populations. The Antentokoumpo brothers being the perfect example. All 4 have the same parents yet they have different shades of brown and black. Its this diversity in skin color native to African people that the Ancient Egyptians depicted so accurately.

Just admit the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as having the same skin tone as other black people. It won't hurt. I promise.

Yes, people have different shades. Even brothers. In your mind that’s a point, and it’s cute. It still doesn’t change the fact that overwhelmingly the Egyptians saw themselves and depicted themselves as reddish/brown and distinguished themselves from black Ethiopians and white Libyans.

Even though Egyptians came in many colors, the overwhelming amount of Egyptian art did not depict themselves as black, Nubian, Ethiopian, or any other descriptor you wish to use. Rather they depicted themselves as reddish/brown.
Absolutely. Just as I took pride in the accomplishments of the Nubians despite not being Nilo-Saharan.

It's about respecting the greatness of human accomplishments rather than a my tribe or ethnicity is better than your tribe or ethnicity thing. Maybe if you separated yourself from this natural tendency towards tribalism you would appreciate the contributions people of black ancestry have given to this world.

Except you openly admitted you took pride in this only after believing they were black. So you didn’t separate yourself from tribalism, you embraced it and are now openly lying about that.
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I've never said being African and being black are synonymous. Africa is a continent. While black is a phenotype. My argument is you can be black and non-African as well as African and non-black.

Weird claim given you see Egyptians, west Africans, and Ethiopians all as black. Can you explain outside of European or Asian settlers which African people you consider to be nonblack?
Ok …. So what happened?

As in why are black people today at the bottom of the racial totem pole when it comes to civilization despite being the originators of said civilization in antiquity? Very simple. Times change. Its the same reason Tennessee went from a college football powerhouse in the 90s and early 2000s to an after thought the last 15 years. Imagine trying to tell kids of today that Nebraska used to run college football 30 years ago. They wouldn't believe it. Well it's the same thing with Africa and it's fall. It happened for the same reason all nations fall. The kids of a great man are not destined to be great men as well.

Greece is no longer a global powerhouse neither is Italy. Same thing happened in Africa. Though Africa seems to be struggling worse. Similar to how both Tennessee and Nebraska fell off since the 90s but Nebraska seems to be suffering more than Tennessee.
As in why are black people today at the bottom of the racial totem pole when it comes to civilization despite being the originators of said civilization in antiquity? Very simple. Times change. Its the same reason Tennessee went from a college football powerhouse in the 90s and early 2000s to an after thought the last 15 years. Imagine trying to tell kids of today that Nebraska used to run college football 30 years ago. They wouldn't believe it. Well it's the same thing with Africa and it's fall. It happened for the same reason all nations fall. The kids of a great man are not destined to be great men as well.

Greece is no longer a global powerhouse neither is Italy. Same thing happened in Africa. Though Africa seems to be struggling worse. Similar to how both Tennessee and Nebraska fell off since the 90s but Nebraska seems to be suffering more than Tennessee.

We actually agree on this part at least. The demands for success in one era are not always the same as the previous. And yes, the sons of great men often fail to live up
Except you openly admitted you took pride in this only after believing they were black. So you didn’t separate yourself from tribalism, you embraced it and are now openly lying about that.

Race vs ethnicity. I took pride in black people accomplishing this even if they weren't from my specific ethnic group. You falsely assumed that I thought I was descendant from the same ethnic group as the Ancient Egyptians. I know I'm not. Just as I know I'm not from the same ethnicity as the Nilo-Saharan Nubians. But that doesn't mean I can't take pride in their accomplishments as black people.

Black is a race. Ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Nigerians, etc. Those are ethnic groups. It's perfectly valid to feel a sense of pride in the accomplishments of other black people of different ethnicities.
Yes, people have different shades. Even brothers. In your mind that’s a point, and it’s cute. It still doesn’t change the fact that overwhelmingly the Egyptians saw themselves and depicted themselves as reddish/brown and distinguished themselves from black Ethiopians and white Libyans.

Even though Egyptians came in many colors, the overwhelming amount of Egyptian art did not depict themselves as black, Nubian, Ethiopian, or any other descriptor you wish to use. Rather they depicted themselves as reddish/brown.

Have you ever seen how Nilo-Saharan speaking East Africans look compared to other East Africans? I'll show you:


Now compare that to Cushitic speaking East Africans:


See the difference. This is what the Ancient Egyptians were trying to capture. They were depicting the difference in skin tone among black peoples along the Nile. The Nubian were Nilo-Saharan speakers like the young ladies on the top with jet black skin. While the Ancient Egyptians spoke a language similar to most Horn Africans in Ethiopia and Somalia. Hence the reason they typically depicted themselves with reddish brown skin while the Nubians had jet black skin.

It's called attention to detail. It wasn't them saying they weren't black. The fact they painted half the Nubians in the same reddish brown skin showed they knew there was a crossover. Just as in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to this day Nilotic and Cushitic Africans live side by side, intermarry, and share the same customs.

If you studied the African continent more closely them maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.
Have you ever seen how Nilo-Saharan speaking East Africans look compared to other East Africans? I'll show you:

View attachment 575977

Now compare that to Cushitic speaking East Africans:

View attachment 575978

See the difference. This is what the Ancient Egyptians were trying to capture. They were depicting the difference in skin tone among black peoples along the Nile. The Nubian were Nilo-Saharan speakers like the young ladies on the top with jet black skin. While the Ancient Egyptians spoke a language similar to most Horn Africans in Ethiopia and Somalia. Hence the reason they typically depicted themselves with reddish brown skin while the Nubians had jet black skin.

It's called attention to detail. It wasn't them saying they weren't black. The fact they painted half the Nubians in the same reddish brown skin showed they knew there was a crossover. Just as in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to this day Nilotic and Cushitic Africans live side by side, intermarry, and share the same customs.

If you studied the African continent more closely them maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.

Or…they actually had more of a reddish skin as do middle eastern peoples and current Egyptians.
Or…they actually had more of a reddish skin as do middle eastern peoples and current Egyptians.

Middle Eastern people have white skin. Stop the cap.


That's your average Arab. They have nowhere close to the phenotype the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as.

You know who looks just like the Ancient Egyptians. East Africans. Here are some men from the Afar tribe in Ethiopia who still dress like the Ancient Egyptians.


Same hairstyles. Same skin tone.

You won't find any Arabs with locks or dark brown skin like you'll find in East Africa.
You won't find any Arabs with locks or dark brown skin like you'll find in East Africa.

You’re following the basic conspiracy theorist playbook of attempting to overwhelm people with more false info than they can possibly respond to. But I’ll start here, yes, middle eastern people also braided their hair as have people across the world. Here’s a depiction of braided hair from Mesopotamia. Even current Tibetans wear dread locks


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You’re following the basic conspiracy theorist playbook of attempting to overwhelm people with more false info than they can possibly respond to. But I’ll start here, yes, middle eastern people also braided their hair as have people across the world. Here’s a depiction of braided hair from Mesopotamia. Even current Tibetans wear dread locks

Now show me what non-black populations have afros and twists like the Ancient Egyptians.







The only people who look like the way the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves are black people. You won't find the average Arab looking like any of this art. However, the average Ethiopian or Somalian definitely looks like the art from Ancient Egypt.
I watched the end of this game and didnt see this particular interview. That said:

I would assume our VOLS roster is also 75% black...and so is half of our coaching staff. So whats he talking about? I am talking actual scholarship players...seems like we have more white guys on the practice squad/walk ons etc, but actual scholarship players....who is NOT black? Cooper mayes, McCastles at TE...and a couple Olinemen like Nichols? There isnt a single person on defense 1st or 2nd team that isnt none of our skill.players on offense but Nico and McCastles right? I saw in the PFF grades that a 3rd or 4th team safety which i had never heard of playd like 15 snaps in the 4th quarter...Brooks maybe was his last name?

My point being that pretty much every team in the SEC is about 75% black or more....the only Power 5 teams with a bunch of white guys are the Iowas, Kansas, etc of the Big10 who simply cant recruit black kids from the south to go up north to inferior programs and freeze their azzes off 6 months each know, the teams that always get 50+ points hung on them by middling SEC teams in bowl games because they are so slow on the edges. Year after year. S

So what the Hell is Deion talking about? Just being a racist bastard for no apparent reason i guess? Football, like basketball, has long since been dominated by black athletes. For decades. Is he trying to dupe his players into believing that the whole world is against them because they are mostly black? As if all the good P5 teams arent also mostly black? To take it a step further, was Deion this racist before he went to coach at that HBCU where they teach afrocentric bullcrap like D4h is always regurgitating? Or did he get these racist ideas and nonsense mindset while in that environment? How many white coaches does Deion have on his staff? How many kids lives did he ruin when he kicked every single player previously at Colorado off scholarship so he could bring in 85 new players? Lots of questions here and very few answers.
Deon's politicking and saying whatever he thinks will help recruiting. It's BS but it works.
There sure are lots of questions about his methods and lack of ethics.
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Gwinn: Deion Sanders Needs to Make His Success About Religion, Not Race​

View attachment 575695

A sense of euphoria and amazement dominated the field in Fort Worth, Texas, on Saturday after Deion Sanders and his completely remade roster of Colorado Buffaloes pulled off an incredible win on the home turf of a team that made it to the national championship game last year.

However, in the post-game press conference, Sanders’ tone took a decidedly disunifying turn as he talked about how his “75% African American” roster would be seen as “threatening,” and how “they” don’t like that. He also took a few shots at the media for good measure.

Replace a dumb explanation with an even dumber explanation
Lol we have I think 2 white starters on offense. Imagine being dumb enough to write an article claiming there’s a narrative (one no one has ever heard) that the guys on defense are all “of one color” and therefore can’t keep up with our guys of the same color
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