Oh thats cute...his lawyers have the autopsy now that says conclusively that Floyd died from an opioid overdose (Fentanyl).
He should be exonerated, released, and sue the police and city of Minneapolis for charging him, suppressing the original autopsy reports and instead reporting and prosecuting him with another autopsy result and holding him in a cage for a long time now....so conveniently somebody tries to take him out.
A former cop locked up like that should have never, ever been in a position where other inmates could harm or kill him. He should have been in isolation or otherwise protected custody.
I hope he makes a full recovery and sues them for twice as much money as before and gets every penny. This guy got scapegoated and thrown to the wolves because it was politically profitable to those in charge.
He may be a garbage human, or a decent guy...I dont know and it doesn't matter honestly. He got railroaded by the police and the government and that's never OK with me. The government has more power by far than they ever had before, and we have to hold them accountable on the very few occasions that we actually get a chance to. This situation is just like Epstein getting killed in his cell while supposedly in protected custody and nobody ever facing charges for his murder, either. There is absolutely NO excuse for this bullcrap but they will just sweep it under the rug as the 24hr news cycle keeps changing. The founders of this nation would have been stacking bodies long long ago.