Theres nothing good about the seemingly (keyword IMO) growing desire to segregate by some black folks. That is regression, not progress, plain and simple. I say seemingly because i occasionally read of such...and the 24/7 news cycle will write literally anything these days...but I have not personally seen any examples of this in reality. Nor do I know of anyone in my locale that desires segregation in any way. Perhaps in the moral and political wasteland of places like Berkeley and such there are groups of young black folks that desire these things (college kids being well known for great decision-making and whatnot) but in the real world...and the other 99% of this country...I believe people just want the same things they always have: to be left alone to make a decent living and raise a family. I refuse to believe that black folks en masse detest white people, or actually want segregation. In my experience, and in my mixed family, we all just want some peace. For everyone in America.