Sonny Hostin is so obsessed about America being a racist country & people showing racism all the time ( in her mind). IMO, blacks are more racist to other blacks than whites are in this country. But, I'm not to have an opinion on the matter bc I'm not black. You can't talk w/Hostin bc her mind is made up to shut you down w/a different opinion from hers. You can't have a civil conversation w/any leftist bc they're always right in their mind & shuts down or talks over loudly to anyone else's opposing viewpoint.
A growing number of white liberal women are paying to confront their privilege – and racism – at dinners that cost $2,500. These race merchants are trash
"They started Race to Dinner to challenge liberal white women to accept their racism, however subconscious. “If you did this in a conference room, they’d leave,” Rao says. “But wealthy white women have been taught never to leave the dinner table.”
Rao and Jackson believe white, liberal women are the most receptive audience because they are open to changing their behavior. They don’t bother with the 53% of white women who voted for Trump. White men, they feel, are similarly a lost cause. “White men are never going to change anything. If they were, they would have done it by now,” Jackson says.
Why liberal white women pay a lot of money to learn over dinner how they're racist
A growing number of women are paying to confront their privilege – and racism – at dinners that cost $2,
Sonny Hostin is so obsessed about America being a racist country & people showing racism all the time ( in her mind). IMO, blacks are more racist to other blacks than whites are in this country. But, I'm not to have an opinion on the matter bc I'm not black. You can't talk w/Hostin bc her mind is made up to shut you down w/a different opinion from hers. You can't have a civil conversation w/any leftist bc they're always right in their mind & shuts down or talks over loudly to anyone else's opposing viewpoint.
Everyone remember this the next time your facing a major surgery at a hospital that emphasizes DEI.The whole world is abusing crazy pills
Hiring the most qualified candidate is unfair,' say researchers
Researchers at the American Psychological Association suggest that focusing on socioeconomic disparities is more important than considering a candidate based on their
What is an experiential barrier?Reasonable take here.
British countryside is a ‘racist and colonial’ white space, wildlife charities claim
People from ethnic minorities face ‘structural, experiential and cultural’ barriers to accessing green spaces, report