That's racist!

Ever think there is truth on both sides of your stereotypic perception? Of course not, your pale privilege forbids the truth that isn't YOUR truth.

This "personal truth" crap is yet another ill-conceived fictional Dimwit construct. Their intent was to use the words as a means to support the delusions of what they call "trans" people but are in fact just men/women in drag pretending to be the opposite sex 24/7.

Like pretty much everything else they come up with, it is complete BS and the vast overwhelming majority of sane people know this. Truth is universal. Not personal. It is based on facts, solid reason and logic based on empirical evidence. There is no my truth, nor your truth...there is only THE truth.

A great example of this that can be easily demonstrated with a microscope:

Men have XY chromosomes

Women have XX chromosomes

As much as the delusional folks try and deny this while shamelessly pushing it on others, they are scientific facts and therefore THE truth. Hope this helps.

The morons wont watch this because theres about 20 seconds of Tucker speaking in this whole interview. If they had even half a spine, or a brain; they could learn volumes from an extremely intelligent black man which I respect.
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Excuse me. I thought there were laws passed 60 odd years ago saying you can't be doing this no more to either blacks or to whites. Can these mayor(s) be arrested & charged w/breaking some laws that's on the books that the SCOTUS made? Biden's America on display.
And here we go again. Such a fine example of God-fearing, pro-life, religious, holy folks. Doing the right thing, eh?

Man faces federal charges for allegedly setting fires at predominantly Black Rhode Island church
Literally nothing in that story backs up your claims

"Notebooks and writings seized through a court-authorized search during the investigation "included phrases like 'burn churches down to the ground'; 'hunt them down, gun everyone down who isn’t white' and other phrases expressing animus towards racial and religious groups"

You gotta up your troll game.
Excuse me. I thought there were laws passed 60 odd years ago saying you can't be doing this no more to either blacks or to whites. Can these mayor(s) be arrested & charged w/breaking some laws that's on the books that the SCOTUS made? Biden's America on display.

I kind of like this. It lets me know what products/services not to buy just like the phrases Made in China, Hecho en Mexico, California compliant/legal, or <insert race/gender here> owned.

I fully support minority efforts to exclude White people from their gatherings, neighborhoods, schools, stores, restaurants, etc.
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Literally nothing in that story backs up your claims

"Notebooks and writings seized through a court-authorized search during the investigation "included phrases like 'burn churches down to the ground'; 'hunt them down, gun everyone down who isn’t white' and other phrases expressing animus towards racial and religious groups"

You gotta up your troll game.
Wow! So you're saying that God-fearing, pro-life, religious folks don't exist, and I'm dead wrong for thinking they do? Alrighty then, that explains a lot about hate=fueled people. Thanks for the correction.
Wow! So you're saying that God-fearing, pro-life, religious folks don't exist, and I'm dead wrong for thinking they do? Alrighty then, that explains a lot about hate=fueled people. Thanks for the correction.
Oh, they do. But not in regards to who you are trying to blame for a church burning in Rhode Island. Pro troll tip: Read the article before posting.

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