That's racist!

His motivation is reported to have been salary. Like I said, I personally think he should get some jail time. He wasted a lot of people's time and resources and made a false police report. I think 30 days would be about right.

I think 364 days is about right. Where does that put the little punk?
yeah cause when I want a pay raise I make up a story and call the cops about some racist POSs and blame my political enemies.

seems legit.

weren't there pics of him with Harris protesting the lynching thing before hand?

*went back and found the photo I was thinking of. I wasn't protesting the lack of lynching law. It looks like it was a general anti Trump protest as they were wearing shirts saying "Times Up" with their fists raised.
Sure they didn't misspell that......Left hand raised....Timex Up?
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He should get the same amount of time plus a bit more that someone would have got if they actually did commit this actual hate crime. He should also pay what it cost authorities to do the investigation and all fees involved with his court tie up and use of resources, imo.
He should get the same amount of time plus a bit more that someone would have got if they actually did commit this actual hate crime. He should also pay what it cost authorities to do the investigation and all fees involved with his court tie up and use of resources, imo.

After thinking about it and the fact libs feel the need to add labels to existing crimes, ie “hate crimes”, then this should be deemed one. Any racially motivated crime should be. I originally said 6 months but maybe a year would be more fitting.
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After thinking about it and the fact libs feel the need to add labels to existing crimes, ie “hate crimes”, then this should be deemed one. Any racially motivated crime should be. I originally said 6 months but maybe a year would be more fitting.
I agree with the crime part, but I feel like the sentencing is too light. This crap could have started a bunch of nonsense. luckily most people were skeptical from the beginning.
The whole thing is just bizzaro. Smollet took advantage of being a gay black man and portrayed himself as a victim. Now that it turns out it was a hoax to make money and get attention, I see that Trump has wasted no time today taking advantage of the guy taking advantage, portraying himself and his supporters as victims.

Smollet should go to jail. Trump should quit smirking.

LOL. Just being a Democrat on a daily basis is like living in bizzaro world.
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His incompetence keeps adding up. Plus only $3500 ? What a cheap ass.

@bamwriter is right, his attorneys will play up some mental disorder due to the stress of being a gay black man in Hollywood and that he lost his mental capacity to make rational decisions . They will ask for extreme psychoanalysis and community service.
If Jussie sent that powdery envelope that the HAZMAT team had to investigate through the mail, then Jussie is about to get hit with a bunch of serious charges.
We are talking terrorism type charges.
The whole thing is just bizzaro. Smollet took advantage of being a gay black man and portrayed himself as a victim. Now that it turns out it was a hoax to make money and get attention, I see that Trump has wasted no time today taking advantage of the guy taking advantage, portraying himself and his supporters as victims.

Smollet should go to jail. Trump should quit smirking.
What is it with you people and smirking?
How much time would someone get if they had actually done it?

I get the theory but its hard to answer because a) we do not know the record of the assailants (if they were real); and b) I do think there is something qualitatively worse about actually physically beating someone and pouring a chemical on them versus making a false police report. Both are bad, but its too easy to draw a fale equivalency on them.

Yet Roger Stone is accused of lying. Send a team of federal agents to take him at gun point, ruin him financially with legal bills and try to put him away for 10 years, right?

The FBI gave an explanation. You just don't like it.

And given Stone's subsequent antics with the judge, I think their assessment of his volatility and potential to do something truly idiotic, has been borne out.
I get the theory but its hard to answer because a) we do not know the record of the assailants (if they were real); and b) I do think there is something qualitatively worse about actually physically beating someone and pouring a chemical on them versus making a false police report. Both are bad, but its too easy to draw a fale equivalency on them.

The FBI gave an explanation. You just don't like it.

And given Stone's subsequent antics with the judge, I think their assessment of his volatility and potential to do something truly idiotic, has been borne out.
IMO, this isn't just a run of the mill false report. He went to great lengths to play the racist angle. From claiming his assailants were white to the noose and the bleach, he was absolutely looking to flame racial tensions. He deserves the most severe punishment they can give him, and even then, he's probably getting off light.
And on top of everything, he wrote them a check. A CHECK!?!!!!
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The whole thing is just bizzaro. Smollet took advantage of being a gay black man and portrayed himself as a victim. Now that it turns out it was a hoax to make money and get attention, I see that Trump has wasted no time today taking advantage of the guy taking advantage, portraying himself and his supporters as victims.

Smollet should go to jail. Trump should quit smirking.
Did the dumbazz include the homophobic guys that beat him up was wearing a Maga hat and screamed Maga country? Yes? Then Trump should unload on his azz and your the last person that should be saying anything. Don't turn this around to be anything against Trump or his supporters.

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