The 1/6 Hearings

At least hoping for a refund from the bride by mail company.
LMAO her personal holdings were probably worth several times your cat sanctuary worth before she married Trump.

And I don’t blame her for saying no. Hell she probably looked at the last four years of mean girl attitude and just said “F$@@ it” which easily translates to “no” here 😂
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Any of you guys hearing about the J6 political prisoners protest planned in DC this weekend? I'm really worried about another situation escalating. Nobody really knows who is organizing it and a lot of the vocal Patriots are telling people not to go and that it could be a setup.

They are. My opinion might be different if the scumbags that spent last summer burning our cities and destroying family businesses would have gotten the same treatment.
Some on the Left will not be liking what a judge has to say ..... rioters "charges might be" ......

The Jan. 6th riot has incorrectly been dubbed an armed insurrection. Not one rioter with a gun ..... but the Capitol police were the only ones that were armed & ready to shoot Americans.

Federal Judge: Capitol Hill Rioters' Charges Might Be Unconstitutional
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Some on the Left will not be liking what a judge has to say ..... rioters "charges might be" ......

The Jan. 6th riot has incorrectly been dubbed an armed insurrection. Not one rioter with a gun ..... but the Capitol police were the only ones that were armed & ready to shoot Americans.

Federal Judge: Capitol Hill Rioters' Charges Might Be Unconstitutional

I disagree that the convection to ratify the votes is not an official proceeding, but that's probably an easily fixed rules issue. Everything else the judge said - especially the rebuke of "we'll know it when we see it" prosecution - makes solid sense.
Any of you guys hearing about the J6 political prisoners protest planned in DC this weekend? I'm really worried about another situation escalating. Nobody really knows who is organizing it and a lot of the vocal Patriots are telling people not to go and that it could be a setup.
Patriots? You have absolutely no idea about patriotism
Joe and the dems are burning the country down around us and you're worried about a tweet and 1/6 which was nothing compared to the summer of 2020 and cities getting burned to the ground by your leftist cohorts.

Actually it was a couple of cars, a convenience store and part of an old mattress donated to Goodwill by UT. The cities are still standing.
So DC in flames again? Is the Capitol being ransacked by an extremist group of rabble rousers? I can’t find any news on the destruction anywhere 🤷‍♂️
So DC in flames again? Is the Capitol being ransacked by an extremist group of rabble rousers? I can’t find any news on the destruction anywhere 🤷‍♂️

No. Fortunately this time the police were not foolish enough to assume Trump supporters would be calm and peaceful.
This was about as fake as a $3 bill. What right wing group actually showed up for this?

Justice for J6 rally starts and ends with small crowds and tight security (

I think that is more weapons seized than on January 6th...
msdnc take: more automatic weapons of war were seized than on January 6th showing the white rage and white supremeisticty movement is growing and is an existential threat to democrazy! And these trumpists are a superspreader causing climate change! this is a woot caus! defund the police!
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