The 1/6 Hearings

The deep state leftists are in total control now.

Yes they are! And you should see their REAL agenda!

You can get your infusion of alien lizard DNA at any Walgreens or CVS. The Mark of the Beast will be rolled out shortly, and you won't have to pay up front to go too the doctor for preventive care come December.

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Does anyone else see a problem with this? This is infuriating and it may be time to call your congress member's office? This is coup type of behavior that could lead to other malfeasance. The democrats are pushing it. Anything to distract from their incompetence.

This has already been adjudicated by the FBI. We have got to get these people out of there.

Democrats on January 6 committee demand phone records of all Trump family members and Republican lawmakers who attended the January 6 'Stop the Steal' rally

Democrats on January 6 committee demand phone records from Stop the Steal rally | Daily Mail Online
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I'm on record as saying those that destroyed property, engaged in violence, or committed more than just the crime of being there deserve to be punished, but with what's happening in Afghanistan atm, this seems like a colossal waste of time. Why can't the FBI handle this? Why does it take Congress? It seems to me there are far more important things that need to be addressed. If Congress really wants to investigate something, investigate the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Seems like there are some military commanders that may need to be relieved of duty IF some of the reports are true. It's a chaotic cluster**** of epic proportions. But I'm guessing the only way we see a Congressional investigation is if Pubs get control at the midterms. Not sure how anyone can look at what's being reported as happening over there and not think it needs to be looked in to. I don't care what party you belong to. And I'm not proposing a Biden impeachment witch hunt. I'm saying we need answers to why it has broken down so horribly, and I'm fairly certain there are some military officers that need to answer some tough questions.
I'm on record as saying those that destroyed property, engaged in violence, or committed more than just the crime of being there deserve to be punished, but with what's happening in Afghanistan atm, this seems like a colossal waste of time. Why can't the FBI handle this? Why does it take Congress? It seems to me there are far more important things that need to be addressed. If Congress really wants to investigate something, investigate the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Seems like there are some military commanders that may need to be relieved of duty IF some of the reports are true. It's a chaotic cluster**** of epic proportions. But I'm guessing the only way we see a Congressional investigation is if Pubs get control at the midterms. Not sure how anyone can look at what's being reported as happening over there and not think it needs to be looked in to. I don't care what party you belong to. And I'm not proposing a Biden impeachment witch hunt. I'm saying we need answers to why it has broken down so horribly, and I'm fairly certain there are some military officers that need to answer some tough questions.

You're correct we need answers. We also need answers as to how Capitol security broke down in such a manner. I'm willing to bet that Congress has a committee that oversees military and foreign affairs that could look into this and i'm willing to be they could schedule their hearings at a different time than the Capitol hearings. I don't know if they will, but they could. It's not an either/or proposition.
Gone Fishing: House January 6th Inquisition Seeks Trump Emails, HE’s Jack Posobiec Makes the List!

Bennie Thompson, chair of the partisan select committee empowered by House Democrats to “investigate” the events of January 6th, (D-MS) sent a 12-page letter to David S. Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States, on August 25th demanding volumes of communication records between the Trump White House and approximately 100 individuals. The communications being sought are those deemed related to the 2020 election.

The list of those identified includes a “Who’s Who” of conservative reporters, media pundits, and political players, including Human Event’s own Senior Editor, Jack Posobiec.

In his Twitter feed Wednesday, Posobiec said of the matter, “It’s clear they are after my sources. Not giving them up. Don’t care what letter they send me. It’s not happening. Not afraid to take a stand to protect these patriots…Democrats think every patriot is involved in some deep secret organized plot orchestrated from the top because that’s how they themselves operate.”

In response to the request, Former President Donald Trump issued a statement that read in part, “Executive privilege will be defended, not just on behalf of my Administration and the patriots who worked beside me, but on behalf of the Office of the President of the United States and the future of our Nation.”

Gone Fishing: House January 6th Inquisition Seeks Trump Emails, HE’s Jack Posobiec Makes the List!
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You're correct we need answers. We also need answers as to how Capitol security broke down in such a manner. I'm willing to bet that Congress has a committee that oversees military and foreign affairs that could look into this and i'm willing to be they could schedule their hearings at a different time than the Capitol hearings. I don't know if they will, but they could. It's not an either/or proposition.
The Dems are not going to investigate anything that could make Biden look bad. We both know that. The Afghanistan withdrawal deserves to be investigated, but for both parties, they're too busy playing politics to do what is right for the country.

Why can't the FBI investigate what happened on 1/6 and then deliver a report to Congress? We both know what's happening with these hearing is also playing politics, and not seeking legitimate answers. The Dems are hoping to unearth a "gotcha" moment on Trump or the GOP. When the GOP eventually retakes control, they'll most likely do the same with something against the Dems. This tit for tat BS does nothing to help the country.

And if hearings into Afghanistan were nothing but more tit for tat, with the GOP looking for something to impeach Biden, it would be a waste of time IMO. But we legitimately need to investigate the military breakdown that has occurred, and some people need to be held accountable.
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The Dems are not going to investigate anything that could make Biden look bad. We both know that. The Afghanistan withdrawal deserves to be investigated, but for both parties, they're too busy playing politics to do what is right for the country.

Why can't the FBI investigate what happened on 1/6 and then deliver a report to Congress? We both know what's happening with these hearing is also playing politics, and not seeking legitimate answers. The Dems are hoping to unearth a "gotcha" moment on Trump or the GOP. When the GOP eventually retakes control, they'll most likely do the same with something against the Dems. This tit for tat BS does nothing to help the country.

And if hearings into Afghanistan were nothing but more tit for tat, with the GOP looking for something to impeach Biden, it would be a waste of time IMO. But we legitimately need to investigate the military breakdown that has occurred, and some people need to be held accountable.

Congress has oversight authority and they're going to use it how they see fit. The notion of "leave this one alone, because you should be focusing on something more important," assumes there aren't 535 members divided into multiple committees who can handle multiple assignments over the course of a given period of time. If you're worried about partisan investigations, that's fine, but those have been around a lot longer than the current Congress.
McCarthy Warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Tuesday warned American telecommunication companies not to turn over records related to an investigation by House Democrats into the January 6 Capitol Hill riot.

"Adam Schiff, Benny Thompson, and Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to strong-arm private companies to turn over individuals’ private data would put every American with a phone or computer in the crosshairs of a surveillance state run by Democrat politicians," the California Republican said in a statement to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. "If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If they pursue this path, a Republican majority will not forget and will be ready to hold them fully accountable under the law."

McCarthy warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'
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Yes they are! And you should see their REAL agenda!

You can get your infusion of alien lizard DNA at any Walgreens or CVS. The Mark of the Beast will be rolled out shortly, and you won't have to pay up front to go too the doctor for preventive care come December.


Some of you people rejoice in wickedness.
McCarthy Warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Tuesday warned American telecommunication companies not to turn over records related to an investigation by House Democrats into the January 6 Capitol Hill riot.

"Adam Schiff, Benny Thompson, and Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to strong-arm private companies to turn over individuals’ private data would put every American with a phone or computer in the crosshairs of a surveillance state run by Democrat politicians," the California Republican said in a statement to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. "If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If they pursue this path, a Republican majority will not forget and will be ready to hold them fully accountable under the law."

McCarthy warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'

He's intimidating them, pure and simple.

Makes you wonder: what's he worried might come out ?

Former President Donald Trump was gifted a replica of Mount Rushmore by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Its cost was set at $1,100 and it was funded by private donors, not taxpayers' money

South Dakota governor gifted Trump with a statue of Mount Rushmore with HIM on it after July 4th | Daily Mail Online
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Introducing RealClearInvestigations' Jan. 6-BLM Riots Dataset

RealClearInvestigations has found that:

  • The summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 30 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot. George Floyd rioters were found to have used more sophisticated and dangerous tactics than did the Capitol rioters, and in some cases weapons of greater lethality.
  • Authorities have pursued the largely Trump-supporting Capitol rioters with substantially more vigor than suspected wrongdoers in the earlier two cases. Many accused Capitol rioters, unlike accused participants in the other riots, have been held in pretrial detention for months – with one defendant serving more time than the maximum sentence for the charge to which he pleaded guilty. Some allegedly endured solitary confinement and other mistreatment.
  • With authorities applying lenient prosecutorial standards in many major cities torn by the summer riots, the vast majority of charges last year were dismissed, as were charges in the Inauguration 2017 unrest. Charges have to date been dropped in only a single Capitol riot case.
and here's the link to the database

Stark Contrasts: RealClearInvestigations' Jan. 6-BLM Side-by-Side Comparison
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McCarthy Warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Tuesday warned American telecommunication companies not to turn over records related to an investigation by House Democrats into the January 6 Capitol Hill riot.

"Adam Schiff, Benny Thompson, and Nancy Pelosi’s attempts to strong-arm private companies to turn over individuals’ private data would put every American with a phone or computer in the crosshairs of a surveillance state run by Democrat politicians," the California Republican said in a statement to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. "If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If they pursue this path, a Republican majority will not forget and will be ready to hold them fully accountable under the law."

McCarthy warns companies not to turn over private data of Jan. 6 rioters: GOP majority 'won't forget'
Oh, look....more propaganda from Fox News. Great link!

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