It was so sick nasty dirty that they
just had to put a name on it. Hahaha, sorry this comment cracks me up!
For content, though, all my "wrecks" have been pretty tame. Though, last July I was riding alongside a car through downtown and the girl turned straight into me, clipped me with her front end. I lifted up my leg just in time to push off the car and land going at a full sprint. Bike ended up under her car. I told homegirl that she had to pay for my bike or else I get the police involved so she did. Some friends and I went back for the bike to find that only the reflectors and front brake pads broke and that the handlebars were turned all the way around. Rode the bike home no problem. Then 1 week later I get a ticket on my bike for not having any reflectors of it. IRONY! :birgits_giggle: