That is interesting. Looks a lot like Clymb except Clymb does all types of outdoor gear.
I'm guessing about 21.9 miles today. Approximately 20.9 miles on the road and 1 mile on the MUP. Stairs are not a challenge right now.
I was approaching the park on the MUP and saw what looked to be a guy holding a shield.
Sure enough, there were four guys there with shields, "swords," and partial medieval "armor." I have no idea what they were doing.
Bigger tire means its easier to roll over stuff and you cover more ground with each revolution. 2 cyclists with equal ability and the one on the 29er will be faster. Biggest negative is it takes greater effort to get up to speed. Lower end models can be a little sluggish on steering.
Most pros are moving to 29ers. If I was buying a bike right now, thats what I'd get.
I'm probably going to try and buy a mountain bike this week. Looking at entry level stuff. I haven't been to the stores to see what's out there, but I'm trying to stay in the $500-$600 range. From my quick research, I'm thinking Giant Revel or Specialized Hardrock. I hear the 29ers are nice for a big guy who needs an easier ride. Can someone give me a dummy guide to the pros/cons of 29ers?
Do you have a Felt dealer in your area? They have amazing bikes at that price point. Same for KHS. I can't stand Giant, but Specialized Hardrocks are pretty good.
I'd get 650b. The best of both worlds and Nino Schurter won last week's World Cup race on them over the 29er pros. I quite like my 26in wheels because of the maneuverability.