The All things Lane Kiffin Car Accident Thread (merged)

Boosters giving him an apartment for his trysts wouldn't look good for you, but doesn't seem NCAA-worthy.

I recall questioning the photo in this story when it first came out, commenting here that it was poor form for him to be hanging with co-eds like this.
I would be willing to bet that a lot of TN's problems will go away now that Kiffin is gone. They were going after Kiffin big time. If all this is true, I wish he would have taken his "boosters" with him. They sounded like a perfect fit for each other.
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Boosters giving him an apartment for his trysts wouldn't look good for you, but doesn't seem NCAA-worthy.

I recall questioning the photo in this story when it first came out, commenting here that it was poor form for him to be hanging with co-eds like this.

Yep. Really poor form to hang out with these girls. It seems extremely likely that he invited his brother-in-law there to witness the adultery.

It may have happened, but this picture doesn't mean anything.
I say that nothing comes of this, as it will be left unproven or supported.

Those on here who say that they, "know" things sure seem to like the attention, but are notably short on facts.
Guy on TOS talked to TMZ a few days ago. Last I checked, nothing came of that.

Perhaps they have a, "sour-grapes" detector?
Looks like the idea for that story came from here. What other gossip can we start? This is fun!!!!
Looks like the idea for that story came from here. What other gossip can we start? This is fun!!!!

Well, you certainly meet the necessary demographic to spin this story out of control.

In whatever tale you weave, be sure that your pom-pom skirt plays a prominent role.
These coaches don't need to be hanging out at a party with Coed's (17-21yr olds)...period. Doesn't matter what did or did not occur. Especially Kiffin, being a high-profile married man...that's all this program would need (if he were still here) a Tiger Woods scandal.

But now that he's bailed, all the doo-doo would hit his fan...not ours. I say, let 'er fly, boys! :salute:
Well, you certainly meet the necessary demographic to spin this story out of control.

In whatever tale you weave, be sure that your pom-pom skirt plays a prominent role.

Well, it isn't a skirt, it's pants. And there's only one man that gets anywhere near them. He's my personal coach.

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