The anything medical thread.



Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the meltdown.
Jan 8, 2012
I recently injured my hand at work. (Open wound). Not having insurance I just cleaned it out and bandaged it up. Now, which is 3 days later I am pretty positive that I have Solmenalla. Again, I don't have insurance. I'm running a fever and have severe abdominal cramps. Do any of you cyber Docs have any advice? Anything will help.

Just adding that I work with Reptiles,Mostly Alligators though.

I'm not cc but my suggestion would be to go to a real doctor at either the ER or a walk-in clinic.
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Troll alarm going off, but just in the name of good sense, OP should get that looked at immediately.

I called my local walk in and they said let it run its course but they don't have the greatest reputation.
I recently injured my hand at work. (Open wound). Not having insurance I just cleaned it out and bandaged it up. Now, which is 3 days later I am pretty positive that I have Solmenalla. Again, I don't have insurance. I'm running a fever and have severe abdominal cramps. Do any of you cyber Docs have any advice? Anything will help.

Just adding that I work with Reptiles,Mostly Alligators though.

Workers Comp?
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My suggestion would be just to cut your hand off. Once the hand is removed, get a iron really hot and stick it on the stump thing that is left. That should cauterize the wound. Your welcome!
Tablespoon of Robitussin will do the trick.

If that doesn't work, you need to walk it off and/or rub some dirt in it.

You'll be ready by the weekend.
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Are we talking about 2 different maladies? First a cut hand and now a stomach ailment? I'm confused.

edit: Did you get bit by a gator? If so, that could cause salmonella to transfer to you. Can't diagnose it without testing your stools. Any blood in the stool? If not, then it will probably pass. If so, then it will probably develop into typhoid fever, which, you know, well, anyway...
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Are we talking about 2 different maladies? First a cut hand and now a stomach ailment? I'm confused.

edit: Did you get bit by a gator? If so, that could cause salmonella to transfer to you. Can't diagnose it without testing your stools. Any blood in the stool? If not, then it will probably pass. If so, then it will probably develop into typhoid fever, which, you know, well, anyway...

Oh, I know, it is really fun!.....


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Are we talking about 2 different maladies? First a cut hand and now a stomach ailment? I'm confused.

edit: Did you get bit by a gator? If so, that could cause salmonella to transfer to you. Can't diagnose it without testing your stools. Any blood in the stool? If not, then it will probably pass. If so, then it will probably develop into typhoid fever, which, you know, well, anyway...

No, I was cutting chicken gizzards to feed the alligators. A fellow employee startled me and I jabbed the knife into the Thumb muscle known as venus

Also, If I did file for WC I would have been fired due to smoking after I get off of work. I really don't like going to the Er unless I absolutely have too. I just figured someone on the great interwebs would have a homerememdy or something of that sort.

Edit. Stool is complete water with a brown tint.
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No, I was cutting chicken gizzards to feed the alligators. A fellow employee startled me and I jabbed the knife into the Thumb muscle known as venus

Also, If I did file for WC I would have been fired due to smoking after I get off of work. I really don't like going to the Er unless I absolutely have too. I just figured someone on the great interwebs would have a homerememdy or something of that sort.

Edit. Stool is complete water with a brown tint.

Apple Cider Vinegar (with Mother), two table spoons in some water a couple of times each day.


I'll wait to see if govols/cc confirms.
you can't be fired for smoking cigarettes. I man get you a lawyer if he'll let me in on the deal with a finders fee. Hold on tight.
Do not let it run it's course as you have no idea what "it" is.

Go to an urgent care- damage is done and you might simply need some sort of antibiotics. Maybe not. I think it was yorkvol-don't hold me to it- that said the other day in shingles thread he had a friend go in to the er and it turned into something else and ultimately fatal. GO SEE SOMEONE as quick as possible. Urgent care is best bet, put it on a credit card if you can.

Tetnis shot current?
Since salmonella is a food-borne illness, I'll go with the thought that your GI problems are separate from your probably infected wound. As far as your wound goes, soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin or some other antibiotic ointment and keep it clean and covered. If your Tetanus shot isn't up to date, you should probably get a booster. Otherwise, monitor for signs of infection: pus, redness around the wound, etc. If it gets to that point, you'll need antibiotics, at minimum, and further eval.
My hand after it happened. The knife went in at a angle.


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