I don't know that I'll ever eat at LJS again. The last time I ate there was almost 10 years ago, and I guess after I paid I accidentally set my wallet on my tray as opposed to just putting it back in my pants pocket, and must have forgotten about it and threw it in the trash with everything else on the tray. The crappiest part about it was that not only was it was a couple hours till I realized it was missing, but I also had almost $500 in cash in it. I almost never carry cash, but it figures that the one blue moon when I had a bunch on me was the day I accidentally tossed my wallet in the garbage. I went back and of course they had already emptied the trash cans, so I spent about 15 minutes looking through the stuff near the top of the dumpster before I realized that it was basically a hopeless endeavor. It's just kind of a funny story to me now, but as nearly broke 19-20 year old, I was PISSED. Let me tell you, having the misfortune of picking through a fast food restaurant's trash will cure you of any desire to ever eat there again.