The Atlanta Braves (Chipper Jones Edition)

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Been listening to any good records lately Noch?

Ever listen to The Devil Makes Three?

Heard a couple of their songs here and there, never really sat down and gave 'em a shot. Sounds like I need to.

Funny enough, I've been listening to their new album that just came out in November:


Other than that, there haven't been any new things coming out from the people I really follow closely but I have heard a few random things that have caught my attention.

Lindi Ortega is probably not for everybody but her voice is pretty amazing to me. Also, doesn't hurt that she isn't too horrible to look at either. She put out "Tin Star" a couple months back and just got around to listening to that.

The Defibulators are a little out there but I like their new album also.

Also, even though it's not new, I just found out that Joshua Hedley put out an EP a few years ago. I have no idea how I just found that out but I've been listening to that the last 2 days, even though it's on 6 songs. I really wish he'd do more solo work.
Long John Silver for me

I don't know that I'll ever eat at LJS again. The last time I ate there was almost 10 years ago, and I guess after I paid I accidentally set my wallet on my tray as opposed to just putting it back in my pants pocket, and must have forgotten about it and threw it in the trash with everything else on the tray. The crappiest part about it was that not only was it was a couple hours till I realized it was missing, but I also had almost $500 in cash in it. I almost never carry cash, but it figures that the one blue moon when I had a bunch on me was the day I accidentally tossed my wallet in the garbage. I went back and of course they had already emptied the trash cans, so I spent about 15 minutes looking through the stuff near the top of the dumpster before I realized that it was basically a hopeless endeavor. It's just kind of a funny story to me now, but as nearly broke 19-20 year old, I was PISSED. Let me tell you, having the misfortune of picking through a fast food restaurant's trash will cure you of any desire to ever eat there again.
I don't know that I'll ever eat at LJS again. The last time I ate there was almost 10 years ago, and I guess after I paid I accidentally set my wallet on my tray as opposed to just putting it back in my pants pocket, and must have forgotten about it and threw it in the trash with everything else on the tray. The crappiest part about it was that not only was it was a couple hours till I realized it was missing, but I also had almost $500 in cash in it. I almost never carry cash, but it figures that the one blue moon when I had a bunch on me was the day I accidentally tossed my wallet in the garbage. I went back and of course they had already emptied the trash cans, so I spent about 15 minutes looking through the stuff near the top of the dumpster before I realized that it was basically a hopeless endeavor. It's just kind of a funny story to me now, but as nearly broke 19-20 year old, I was PISSED. Let me tell you, having the misfortune of picking through a fast food restaurant's trash will cure you of any desire to ever eat there again.

Im not eating here by choice, but wouldn't digging through any trash at a restaurant do that?

My cousin is a plumber in Nashville, he tells us horror stories of restaurants he won't eat at anymore after working in their kitchens.
Im not eating here by choice, but wouldn't digging through any trash at a restaurant do that?

My cousin is a plumber in Nashville, he tells us horror stories of restaurants he won't eat at anymore after working in their kitchens.

Almost certainly, but LJS happens to be the one I had the misfortune of pilfering through the trash looking for my money. It was a horrible cocktail of trash completely coated in tartar sauce and malt vinegar, but I imagine each fast food joint's trash is it's own special hell.
The Boro SmashBurger was literally 3 miles from my last apt. It is also right by the Jimmy Johns so I never made it in there (needless to say)

vurry nice. it's real, real good. brunswick stew fries are awesome.

i'm moving to a place Jan 1 that is basically attached to a jimmy johns. good and bad news.
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