The Atlanta Braves Thread VII

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Kevin Ziomek could be the pick. Vandy lefty. I think it's a little bit of a reach, though. That hasn't stopped them before?
Kevin Ziomek could be the pick. Vandy lefty. I think it's a little bit of a reach, though. That hasn't stopped them before?

Never really came across all that impressed with Ziomek in terms of a first round pick. Tyler Beede though is a different story. Granted he is not eligible this year
Never really came across all that impressed with Ziomek in terms of a first round pick. Tyler Beede though is a different story. Granted he is not eligible this year

Beede is frigging beast.

The only reason I think it could be Ziomek is because the Braves like Vandy pitchers. Naturally.
You'll not like this, but I was referring to Tony Parker. Pull up J. Fade away. Screen and roll. Backdoor. 12-16 from the field.

Tony Parker has been surreal.

The spurs haven't set a legal screen once in four games.

We can't catch a break..not sure we even deserve one, but still.
Regardless of how it's turned out.. Neither was mike minor or Sean gilmartin

I know what you're saying, but there aren't many college, polished lefties in this draft. Marco Gonzalez and Ziomek are really the only two I can think of that might be available. Gonzalez has a good chance to go ahead of the Braves, though.
Game 7s are what it's all about. You love hockey!

Did you watch the game? Did you see the penalty shot they gave Chicago? My dad and I thought it was BS, but I'm biased and don't know a lot about hockey.

I'm already dreading the next 45 hours.
I could hang 25 with a pair of 7 footers setting illegal screens for me twice a possession for 35 minutes

Boston does the same thing.

Nobody calls illegal screens anymore. BS.
Did you watch the game? Did you see the penalty shot they gave Chicago? My dad and I thought it was BS, but I'm biased and don't know a lot about hockey.

I'm already dreading the next 45 hours.

I haven't seen it, no. Will have to see if I can find a replay.
I have ask this over and over about most recruits over the last 5 years do they ever lift weights .There has been just a handful in that time that has impressed me. Most guys I look at can barely bench more than they weigh and can not squat very much either. you would think that there would be some country strong guys or something . I did not play football after my freshmen year because it was a waste of time cause I do not like to loose and my freshmen year we lost at Webb 7-6 and lost 4 or 4 more by less than 10 and Gatlinburg Pitt beat us by 25 we won 3 games. I did not think that I was big enough to play in collage at 5"11 180 but last time I spent in weight room was beginning my senior year and I was benching 385 5 times squatting 700 coaches would not allow me to try more than that but I was leg pressing 1000 pounds and I walked around the weight room with 500 pounds for 5 minuets at a time stepping up on my tip toes. and I ran a 4.6 -4.7 40 and to see 6,5 265 pound guys benching 325 and squatting 425 is pitiful to me I could reach down and grab 300 pounds and lift it as far over my head as my arms could reach. Guys like big Dan Williams impressed me though.

\never said a thing about national weight lifting records but 26 years ago I was pretty stout. the first time i ever lifted weights at school i was an 8th grader and football coach had been asking me to play the next year and ask me to lift and he had the bar and he wanted me to lift 160 but i added to more 45 pound weights. so if you do not like it do not read . i am not lying i have no reason i am now 44 and my school is now closed due to a new school being built and consolidating two others .but i did stand on the record book for the squat and leg press and dead lift and the clean and jerk and second in bench press .just cause some of you 135 pound *********s could only lift your boy friends genitals or d--k does not mean no one ever lifted 36 i could still put 160 over my head 10 times but not any more. several slipped and bulging and herniated disk prevent it . but it is ok when you all get tired of opposing fans posting about stuff that has no bearing on UT. So bite me *****es for all i care every one of you smart mouth a== holes can put me on the ignor list. i have taken up for some Vol fans at several football and basketball games over the years due to big loud mouth drunks messin with them but i have come to realize i can not be friendly to all VOL fans because i have come to realize that a lot of you 18 to 30 year olds sucked your mommas tit way to long and are just some plain smart ass,s

i have been a hugh Vol fan for over 40 years and have never claimed to have benched a buick. BUT I HAVE COUGHT COPS IN THEIR CARS PULLED INTO A DRIVE WAY AND TURNED THEIR CAR AROUND BY GRABBING UNDER THE FRONT FENDER WELL AND LIFTING AND BACKING AROUND TILL THE CAR WAS FACEING A DIFFERENT DIRECTION.I picked up the trick from a friend that said while cops were looking for us we could turn their car so it would take a while to get back out of driveway and we could leave without getting chased down. when i lifted weights last we done 3 sets of 5 345,365,,and 385 and most i ever benched was around 425 one time and Delynn Kline a 6,4 240 pound guy who played and started te for 4 years at Carson Newman 86 - 89 was the only one to bench more and he bench 445 or so. it is like this at 5,11 i was told to guard cambell county Paul Provins AND HE WAS 6,6 260 pounds and i kept him from standing on the low block and receiving the ball for a layup i would push him way out on the floor never got called for a foul because the refs would under estimate me just like a lot of you guys .i played pg-sg on offense and i guarded the other teams best player if it was a big center or a fast guard. and Provins got a full scholly to UT for the track and field where he was a discus and threw shot put. ..NO i aint mad that a lot of you are being morons or pricks because i realize you all do not know me and did not know me from 1985 till1996 when i was in my prime when i had a 30 inch vertical, ran a 4.67 and was a lot quicker side to side than in strait out speed and strong as an ox I HAD DOZENS OF OFFERS FROM NAIA SCHOOLS IN FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL AND SIX IN BASEBALL. And i went to collage for a year and was on the team but i quit to be all that i could be in the US army.all attributes that helped me in RANGER SCHOOL AND IN AIRBORN SCHOOL AT FORT BENNING GA,AND AIR ASSULT SCHOOL AT FORT KNOX AND A JUNGLE TRAINING ON MARTINIQUE ISLAND which was really a French commando training but im not French so i called it jungle training off the coast of south America and survival school in Alaska. And was top 3 in my class at every one of those . I have more heart than 85 percent of you.NONE OF YOU YOUNG GUYS KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LIFE YOU READ A POST AND MAKE FUN OF IT CAUSE YOU CAN NOT DO IT AND YOU THINK GOING TO SCHOOL COMPARES TO BEING IN ARMY for 8 years .i saw friends die in training. That is how hard it is so make fun whatever i do not care .if your candy ass,s get off on calling people lyers .just remember there is a real life beyond your school books and your mommas basement.

Can't believe that I am just now coming across these gems
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