Rubio and a side of fries for me please.
I've heard a lot of good things about Rubio, he has
some pretty good support.
Howsomeever, today I read that he joined Lieberman,
McLame and Graham in support of Obama's endorsement
of the 'transitional' government in Libya.
My respect for him went south like the last goose
of winter.
As for Rick Perry, for one, I don't particularly think
speaking to a La Raza get together makes me like him
so much and I've heard from Texans who says he puts
up a good front but is bogus as a three dollar bill.
I would like to see Bachman and Palin get fair
consideration but we know this isn't going to happen
in today's world.
For instance, here are excerpts from a statement from
Bill Maher today:
"Now, Im not saying that sexism doesnt exist and
isnt real. And we cant, but we cant throw around
the word sexist just to stop people like me from
pointing out that Michele Bachmann, now running
second for the Republican presidential nomination,
isnt a dangerous nincompoop.
And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious
braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim, a scold,
a know-it-all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism
like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred
weirdos straight out of The Hills Have Eyes, thats not
sexist. Im saying it because its true, not because its
true of a woman."