I thought Ferguson has the best arm. Looks more natural and let us not forget that that is his first live action. Dobbs got game experience last year. Fergie looked pretty good and he made good decisions at times. He was the only qb that checked down to a back (27 yard completion to Hurd). That drive lead to a touchdown by Hurd. I mean 7-12 is not a bad line. He made one poor throw with the pic.
Speaking of Dobbs does anyone have any idea why the kid doesn't have eyebrows? Is it a medical thing or does he shave them? Every time I look at that kid I ask myself where the hell his eyebrows are.
Ive liked dobbs from the start, but I have never tried to force him into a starting role like many have for Riley. I find it very funny that because Riley did poor and Dobbs did great that the Riley supporters are on here saying its only one game or its just a spring game. When actually if he had showed out today they would be crowning him the savior of our football team.
All the qbs had moments that wowed but the two that were most consistent were Worley and Dobbs. Does that mean I think fergy is out of the starting race? Heck no! I just think it shows that he's not as ready as everyone thinks he is and that Dobbs isn't as far back as some of the Riley supporters think.
May the best man win GBO!
Dobbs. Though i must say tony can still throw that ball. i have video of him QBing today if folks want me to post. He had the game winning int too for the orange team in the vfl game.
Things may change in August, but as of now, Worley would start (most game experience, rarely makes mistakes), Dobbs second (second most experience, running ability), with Ferguson and Peterman tied for third (least game experience).
Did he play at all against the #1 D?
Tony Robinson, hands down. He looked incredible in the flag football game. He ran well, looked off defenders, and didn't miss a pass. I think he could still play. SIAP. I just got home.