The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

For those interested:
Using Luther's premise (a woman who prefers a female gyno) as foundation, I will try to illustrate where he has "lutherized" his example.
Let's say the woman chooses a female gyno and has a great relationship. The gyno consults with the patient throughout her pregnancy. The gyno is at hospital and delivers the woman's baby. But the baby is born with severe complications. The gyno is attending to the mother while a crash team enter the room to administer care to her newborn. Does the woman have the discretion to dictate the gender, race, or age of the team members rendering care to her baby in crisis?
I assume they hired the best female doctor they could find. If they were to stupid to find a qualified female doctor, they would justifiably lose a large part of their business.
You're hilarious. You cite an example of a very specific nature with which you draw a gestalt conclusion about humanity in general.

If we put 3 qualified black justices on the court we would have a SCOTUS more representative of the citizenry. I’m with you there.

But I would argue it “might” achieve what you want, but it also might only be skin deep (pardon the terminology).
I assume they hired the best female doctor they could find. If they were to stupid to find a qualified female doctor, they would justifiably lose a large part of their business.

Do you even comprehend what you are saying. If the schedule is running at capacity and has a waiting list, do you think it matters when they lose 7 Luthers as customers?
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That's because your post contained nothing worthy of response.
The WNBA tangent was completely irrelevant to the discussion.

Says the guy trying to cite gym trainers as some kind of analogue for arbitrary hiring equity with federal judges. ANY time (as in a 100%, no exceptions, ever) a preemptive qualification exists you shrink the talent pool for the hire. That does not necessarily preclude good hires (or even the best hire) aren't still in the pool but it absolutely, positively means your priority is not best available for the job. If the job description itself is exclusive (Like, IDK, the WNBA) then the "best" is entirely limited to what fits in those parameters. Anyone even suggesting they are truly after the absolute "best available" but tacks on any form of "as long as they're) is simply lying.

It was once said by someone of D4H one of his most common trolls was to simply make stupid arguments in circles until everybody else got tired. The two of you compare favorably here.
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If we put 3 qualified black justices on the court we would have a SCOTUS more representative of the citizenry. I’m with you there.

But I would argue it “might” achieve what you want, but it also might only be skin deep (pardon the terminology).
I just believe it would raise the overall level of confidence in and respect for the system.
There needs to be a perception of fairness, and diversity would help.
Says the guy trying to cite gym trainers as some kind of analogue for arbitrary hiring equity with federal judges. ANY time (as in a 100%, no exceptions, ever) a preemptive qualification exists you shrink the talent pool for the hire. That does not necessarily preclude good hires (or even the best hire) aren't still in the pool but it absolutely, positively means your priority is not best available for the job. If the job description itself is exclusive ( WNBA) then the "best" is entirely limited to what fits in those parameters. Anyone even suggesting they are truly after the absolute "best available" but tacks on any form of "as long as they're) is simply lying.

It was once said by someone of D4H one of his most common trolls was to simply make stupid arguments in circles until everybody else got tired. The two of you compare favorably here.
lol....Any and every qualification is a preemptive qualification.
If by definition the best person for the job is a woman, then the best person for the job is a woman.
Go back to a college coach hiring an assistant - how do you define best qualified?
Ten coaches would give you ten different answers, and the same coach would give you different answers for different hires.
I assume they hired the best female doctor they could find. If they were to stupid to find a qualified female doctor, they would justifiably lose a large part of their business.

So in a rural city that is heavily racist in the 50s you believe the restaurant owners who hired blacks were idiots because they lost customers?

So profit means more than equality?
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You better hang on to this jewel like it’s a gold bar , you’re going to need it for a talking point as we get closer to midterms . Trump Trump Trump , isn’t going to cut it this time around .

Well, you know that several one of them candidates are big suck-ups to Trump, Trump, Trump, who tried to overthrow our 2020 Election and our Constitution along with it. Maybe they are the kind of low characters you like.
So in a rural city that is heavily racist in the 50s you believe the restaurant owners who hired blacks were idiots because they lost customers?

So profit means more than equality?
????????? What??????? That makes no sense.
Equity and equality should outweigh profits.
You view it as unreasonable for a female to prefer a female gynecologist?
For those interested:
Using Luther's premise (a woman who prefers a female gyno) as foundation, I will try to illustrate where he has "lutherized" his example.
Let's say the woman chooses a female gyno and has a great relationship. The gyno consults with the patient throughout her pregnancy. The gyno is at hospital and delivers the woman's baby. But the baby is born with severe complications. The gyno is attending to the mother while a crash team enter the room to administer care to her newborn. Does the woman have the discretion to dictate the gender, race, or age of the team members rendering care to her baby in crisis?

Well, in Luther's world, it may be a man having the baby, so the gyno could also be male.
For those interested:
Using Luther's premise (a woman who prefers a female gyno) as foundation, I will try to illustrate where he has "lutherized" his example.
Let's say the woman chooses a female gyno and has a great relationship. The gyno consults with the patient throughout her pregnancy. The gyno is at hospital and delivers the woman's baby. But the baby is born with severe complications. The gyno is attending to the mother while a crash team enter the room to administer care to her newborn. Does the woman have the discretion to dictate the gender, race, or age of the team members rendering care to her baby in crisis?
Since this was met with a resounding thud let me further embarrass myself by adding on the next element to my hypothetical.

The gyno notices something critical and urgent with the woman. She needs surgery asap or she might die. The woman's gyno is not qualified to do the procedure.

At that moment, does the woman have discretion over race or gender of the surgeon?
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Since this was met with a resounding thud let me further embarrass myself by adding on the next element to my hypothetical.

The gyno notices something critical and urgent with the woman. She needs surgery asap or she might die. The woman's gyno is not qualified to do the procedure.

At that moment, does the woman have discretion over race or gender of the surgeon?

Is the woman a full-sized AOC or a mini-AOC.

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????????? What??????? That makes no sense.
Equity and equality should outweigh profits.
You view it as unreasonable for a female to prefer a female gynecologist?

Owner/CEO to Employees:

We lost $2mil this year and can no longer afford to remain open. We are shutting our doors and all losing our jobs. But, the good news is, we had a balanced and equal work force. We hired all of you based on being qualified within your pre-defined demographic, and not by overall most qualified. It was good while it lasted.
I would hire the most qualified I could find, regardless of their gender. Doing otherwise is stupid and insane.

If I were levied with that task as an HR professional, I'd prefer to initially review candidates with names and references to gender redacted. Then I can prove to myself and whomever that I am entertaining the top qualified available. I was always told there was not a most qualified. It was either qualified or not qualified.
I just believe it would raise the overall level of confidence in and respect for the system.
There needs to be a perception of fairness, and diversity would help.
I get that. And selecting based on race might get us what you’re looking for, but it’s probably not the best selection criteria imo.

Let me use a real world example.

There was a very famous attorney and judge in Memphis named D’Army Bailey. We named the courthouse in his honor when he passed.

I know his son. He’s a brilliant attorney just like his father. And he’ll make a great judge someday too.

Is he (the son) representative of the average black man living in South Memphis? Would he bring the diversity we need to the Court?
If I were levied with that task as an HR professional, I'd prefer to initially review candidates with names and references to gender redacted. Then I can prove to myself and whomever that I am entertaining the top qualified available. I was always told there was not a most qualified. It was either qualified or not qualified.
That's the way government should hire.
lol....Any and every qualification is a preemptive qualification.
Literally, LITERALLY, what people have been trying to pound into your head this whole time involving sex, race, etc.
If by definition the best person for the job is a woman, then the best person for the job is a woman.
Are you serious? I don't think this has been denied by anyone. It only MATTERS if males were disqualified from consideration for being, well, male. (or to be fair vise versa) If the most qualified person is in fact a female from ALL available applicants then so be it, there's your best hire.
Go back to a college coach hiring an assistant - how do you define best qualified?
Ten coaches would give you ten different answers, and the same coach would give you different answers for different hires.

To the last two it's the same thing we've been over before. If you are genuinely considering all applicants then the "qualifications" are up to whomever is doing the hiring. For the umpteenth time the absolute bright line here is the boldened. If you want to put a face on it 100% of all coaches that flatly stated they'd only consider a white male assistant would be considered racist misogynists. So what exactly should be thought of someone that is looking to fill a position and knows going in it's going to be, say, a black female?

It's kind of sad you haven't been able to better support a simple argument that, without introducing gender qualifications, a female (or POC, or whatever) can absolutely be the best candidate for X job. You've been (and deservedly so) getting pummeled for running with this idea there's some kind of inherent virtue in diversity hires in an area that really, really needs to hold as much as possible to the standards of a meritocracy. Begin and end qualifications based on merit. Anything else is settling for exclusionary lower standards and virtue signaling.
Owner/CEO to Employees:

We lost $2mil this year and can no longer afford to remain open. We are shutting our doors and all losing our jobs. But, the good news is, we had a balanced and equal work force. We hired all of you based on being qualified within your pre-defined demographic, and not by overall most qualified. It was good while it lasted.
What a stupid owner.
I get that. And selecting based on race might get us what you’re looking for, but it’s probably not the best selection criteria imo.

Let me use a real world example.

There was a very famous attorney and judge in Memphis named D’Army Bailey. We named the courthouse in his honor when he passed.

I know his son. He’s a brilliant attorney just like his father. And he’ll make a great judge someday too.

Is he (the son) representative of the average black man living in South Memphis? Would he bring the diversity we need to the Court?
He is more representative of the average black man living in South Memphis (if he is black) than would be the son of a famous white attorney.
He is more representative of the average black man living in South Memphis (if he is black) than would be the son of a famous white attorney.
Of course. Agree there. (Yes, he is black).

But I would argue he’s more representative of the white attorney than the black janitor in Orange Mound. At least in his experiences.

He is a black man in America. He can’t turn that off - so he absolutely gets that.

But he’s never been hungry. He’s never been faced with a no-win situation. He doesn’t know desperation.

I think the diversity we’re looking for is socio-economic diversity. Most of the people (black and white) that get screwed by Justice are poor.
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To the last two it's the same thing we've been over before. If you are genuinely considering all applicants then the "qualifications" are up to whomever is doing the hiring. For the umpteenth time the absolute bright line here is the boldened. If you want to put a face on it 100% of all coaches that flatly stated they'd only consider a white male assistant would be considered racist misogynists. So what exactly should be thought of someone that is looking to fill a position and knows going in it's going to be, say, a black female?

It's kind of sad you haven't been able to better support a simple argument that, without introducing gender qualifications, a female (or POC, or whatever) can absolutely be the best candidate for X job. You've been (and deservedly so) getting pummeled for running with this idea there's some kind of inherent virtue in diversity hires in an area that really, really needs to hold as much as possible to the standards of a meritocracy. Begin and end qualifications based on merit. Anything else is settling for exclusionary lower standards and virtue signaling.
If a black coach with an all black staff coaching a team in North Dakota that was made up of 90% white players said, "you know, I think the next coach I hire will be a white guy".... the majority of people would think that it was entirely appropriate.

If a white head coach with an all white staff is coaching a team in Detroit made up of 90% black players said, "you know, the next coach I hire needs to be a black guy" I would say that it was entirely appropriate ....and a little over due.

Pummeled??? lol.......That's news to me.
A diverse legal/judicial system is best for the country. Making appointments based on what is best for the country is the appropriate job of the POTUS. Pretty simple if you can clear the muck from your eyes.
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He is more representative of the average black man living in South Memphis (if he is black) than would be the son of a famous white attorney.

what if the white person grew up in South Memphis in a low-middle income family vs a son/daughter of a wealthy black business man? is the black candidate still more representative of the average black man living in S Memphis?
Of course. Agree there. (Yes, he is black).

But I would argue he’s more representative of the white attorney than the black janitor in Orange Mound. At least in his experiences.

He is a black man in America. He can’t turn that off - so he absolutely gets that.

But he’s never been hungry. He’s never been faced with a no-win situation. He doesn’t know desperation.

I think the diversity we’re looking for is socio-economic diversity. Most of the people (black and white) that get screwed by Justice are poor.
I agree, we need both and desperately need to avoid having neither.
what if the white person grew up in South Memphis in a low-middle income family vs a son/daughter of a wealthy black business man? is the black candidate still more representative of the average black man living in S Memphis?
They are getting closer on the representative continuum.

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