The "Big Fish" Quarterback Rumor

It's obvious that he's talking about a rumor and the only one we've had lately that would be relevant is the "big fish" rumor. I doubt it has anything to do with Sims, but stranger things have definitely happened. I do think he's referring to a QB.

Outside of Sims wouldn't the only other quarterbacks be Tyler Bray or Cameron Newton?
It could be anyone. And like he said, it is "possible" we will have some good news soon. This is going to turn into the next big fish thread, and weeding through 50 pages of posts just isn't appealing. I'll check back in on Monday morning.
Word on the street is that Tennessee is going after a QB I thought wasn't interested anymore in Tennessee. More to come when I find the info

From Matt's twitter page.

Matt Prehm (Prehmmr) on Twitter

Doesn't sound like Bray then... Doesn't really sound like Sims either. Those are only guys I recall hearing rumors about though. From that I would say it sounds more like Heaps, Rettig, Rees, or Hendrix??

Actually, I forgot about the Brunetti rumors. Maybe it's Brunetti...
his post from yesterday said that we would have news about a "east coast" QB. So who's all "committed" in the east that we have been after? That may be the best place to start looking.

Based off of that and Matt's connections to the West Coast, it might very well be a change of heart for Heaps. Remember, that UT finished 2nd for Heaps and we made a "lasting impression" on him when he came to campus in February. Maybe he is seeing all this talent we are bringing in at WR and wants to be apart of something big brewing up in Knoxville. It would be a huge surprise!
his post from yesterday said that we would have news about a "east coast" QB. So who's all "committed" in the east that we have been after? That may be the best place to start looking.

I thought we found out who the east coast quarterback was. Wasn't it Turner Batty - Florida? If not, Phillip Sims - Virginia or Barry Brunetti - Tennessee. Otherwise I don't know.
By saying legs, I assume he is referring to a rumor. By saying the legs are growing, i assume he means a rumor, is gaining more momentum. Since Matt also writes for an Alabama site (as well as an Oregon site), and while i'm not saying Matt's sources are limited to those two teams, but if something was to happen at, say, Bama, Matt would be one of the first people to know. It could be one of three things in my mind:

1. A Dietrich Riley silent commitment

2. Phillip Sims possibly opening up his recruitment to Tennessee

3. Keiwone Malone opening up his recruitment to Tennessee

Personally I think it either #2 or 3.

Just my take on things.

At this point, does the staff want Malone? It seems they are pulling in better receivers than Keiwone already.
At this point, does the staff want Malone? It seems they are pulling in better receivers than Keiwone already.

Trust me, they want Malone. Since now it looks like Prater isn't coming, they'd love to have Malone as their 4th WR (assuming Cobbs commits here), and not only would it be a good get talent wise, it'd be a statement get considering he's one of the top players in state and currently committed to one of our biggest rivals. It would be more of a slap in the face to Saban if he lost Malone to us than it was for us to lose Malone to Saban.
Trust me, they want Malone. Since now it looks like Prater isn't coming, they'd love to have Malone as their 4th WR (assuming Cobbs commits here), and not only would it be a good get talent wise, it'd be a statement get considering he's one of the top players in state and currently committed to one of our biggest rivals. It would be more of a slap in the face to Saban if he lost Malone to us than it was for us to lose Malone to Saban.

Stealing Malone from Saban would be a hand slap. If Kiffin can steal Sims, that would be a mushroom slap....

It's obviously a qb. We know about the Phillip Sims rumors before in the past. It's him, duh
Posted via VolNation Mobile
It's obviously a qb. We know about the Phillip Sims rumors before in the past. It's him, duh
Posted via VolNation Mobile

There were Tyler Bray and Barry Brunetti rumors too though. Actually, I am not sure if the Bray stuff was really rumors or people just assuming that he wouldn't stay at San Diego State because well.... it's San Diego State.
Come on. Matt in his Twitter said it was a QB he thought we were not interested in anymore. Bray and Brunetti don't fit the description. Matt writes for the Tide too... Not that hard guys
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Come on. Matt in his Twitter said it was a QB he thought we were not interested in anymore. Bray and Brunetti don't fit the description. Matt writes for the Tide too... Not that hard guys
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I don't think him writing for Alabama means it has to be Sims. He has wrote articles on Kilgo - NC, Baty - Florida, Meline - Florida... etc. It may very well be Sims but I don't think him being a writer for Alabama necessarily makes it Sims. You could just as easily say since he writes about Tennessee that it's Brunnetti because he is from Tennessee. Just curious why you don't think Brunetti fits the description? I hope it's Sims over Barry.

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