The cancel culture is getting out of control

This is an e-mail sent to Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune after an article he published concerning a name change for the Washington Redskins.

Dear Mr. Page: I agree with our Native American population. I am highly jilted by the racially charged name of the Washington Redskins. One might argue that to name a professional football team after Native Americans would exalt them as fine warriors, but nay, nay. We must be careful not to offend, and in the spirit of political correctness and courtesy, we must move forward.

Let's ditch the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and the Cleveland Indians. If your shorts are in a wad because of the reference the name Redskins makes to skin color, then we need to get rid of the Cleveland Browns.

The Carolina Panthers obviously were named to keep the memory of militant Blacks from the 60's alive. Gone. It's offensive to us white folk.

The New York Yankees offend the Southern population. Do you see a team named for the Confederacy? No! There is no room for any reference to that tragic war that cost this country so many young men's lives. I am also offended by the blatant references to the Catholic religion among our sports team names. Totally inappropriate to have the New Orleans Saints, the Los Angeles Angels or the San Diego Padres.

Then there are the team names that glorify criminals who raped and pillaged. We are talking about the horrible Oakland Raiders, the Minnesota Vikings, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Pittsburgh Pirates!

Now, let us address those teams that clearly send the wrong message to our children. The San Diego Chargers promote irresponsible fighting or even spending habits. Wrong message to our children.

The New York Giants and the San Francisco Giants promote obesity, a growing childhood epidemic. Wrong message to our children. The Cincinnati Reds promote downers/barbiturates. Wrong message to our> children.

The Milwaukee Brewers. Well that goes without saying. Wrong message to our children.

So, there you go. We need to support any legislation that comes out to rectify this travesty, because the government will likely become involved with this issue, as they should. Just the kind of thing the do-nothing Congress loves.

As a die-hard Oregon State fan, my wife and I, with all of this in mind, suggest it might also make some sense to change the name of the Oregon State women's athletic teams to something other than "the Beavers (especially when they play Southern California. Do we really want the Trojans sticking it to the Beavers?

I always love your articles and I generally agree with them. As for the Redskins name I would suggest they change the name to the "Foreskins" to better represent their community, paying tribute to every last dick-head in Washington D.C.


Stephen J. Huxley, Ph.D.

I wonder how many people stop to think that our "Native Americans" came from another continent. That likely the percentage of "African-Americans" who have even visited Africa is infinitesimally small. That the places where so much of the "police violence against minorities" are generally liberal Democratic cities - often with minority leaders. That to "insure" the rights of any group by suppressing another is bigotry - reverse discrimination is in fact simply discrimination - everyone is equal or we are unequal. That the very people who would force a rainbow flag (for example) on others are the ones who are offended by flags representing history and the thought that others might believe differently from them. And I doubt that any of us who completed Basic Training or any other Army course at places like Ft Benning will ever agree that it was Ft Something Else. So much for fighting to insure that others have a right to think and speak different thoughts. Those who would cancel culture should read about the origins of fascism - of either the far right or left variety.
J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky among dozens to Call for End to ‘cancel culture’

More than 100 writers and scholars — including Noam Chomsky, J.K. Rowling and Malcolm Gladwell — have signed a public letter decrying cancel culture and the rising “intolerance of opposing views.”

Published in Harper’s Magazine on Tuesday, the letter argued that the recent “needed reckoning” on racial and social justice has also “intensified a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments” that tend to stifle the norms of public debate and tolerating differences.

“The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted,” the letter states.
Chomsky finally says something smart.
I can only forgive the people that take responsibility for their actions.
Forgiveness comes from within. Better apologize for all of your farts that permeated the air at Starbucks. The hipsters inside of the establishment will never be the same.
Yep..... nobody wants to talk, understand, and work things out anymore.
My Dad and I had a similar conversation the other night. He is a weird Perot libertarian that voted for Trump, so we don't exactly agree on many things. We did agree that everyone needs to calm the hell down and actually listen to each other. But that ship has sailed, unfortunately.
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Scrabble Players Association Removes 236 ‘Offensive’ Words


The North American Scrabble Players Association announced it is removing more than 200 words from the official list of words eligible for scoring in the word-building board game.

The CEO of the association, John Chew, has been making the rounds with media outlets to explain the “necessity to take action on issues of diversity and inclusivity” as Chew wrote in a letter to association members.

Chew, however, has not revealed the list of banned words with the exception of the N-word.

Scrabble Players Association Removes 236 ‘Offensive’ Words
Michigan State May Scrub James Madison From Campus

Students, alumni express disappointment at 'ridiculous' proposal

A university residential college named after James Madison may change its name in order to promote "sustainable" racial change.

The interim dean of Michigan State University's James Madison residential college announced that the internal college is considering a name change in an attempt to advance "racial equity." In a letter addressed to James Madison students, alumni, and friends, interim dean Linda Racioppi and assistant dean Jeff Judge presented ways the residential college plans to address policies and practices that "disadvantage people of color," including a commitment to consider the removal of the founding father from campus.

Michigan State May Scrub James Madison From Campus - Washington Free Beacon
Nolte: Oliver Stone Rips Hollywood as ‘Too Fragile, Too Sensitive’

Three-time Oscar-winner Oliver Stone told the far-left New York Times he’s no longer “anxious” to make movies in a Hollywood that’s “too fragile, too sensitive,” and “like an Alice in Wonderland tea party.”

The Times interviewed Stone to promote the release of the 73-year-old director’s upcoming memoir, Chasing the Light. The outspoken Stone admits that after a near-15 year run of films that captured the zeitgeist and drove the national conversation, those days are over. But he also admitted, in so many words, that there is no real place for him in mainstream Hollywood anymore, that the industry’s “politically correct [expletive]” means he is no longer welcome.

OLIVER STONE: The problem is in Hollywood. It’s just so expensive — the marketing. Everything has become too fragile, too sensitive. Hollywood now — you can’t make a film without a Covid adviser. You can’t make a film without a sensitivity counselor. It’s ridiculous.

Nolte: Oliver Stone Rips Hollywood as 'Too Fragile, Too Sensitive'
In other words when did most people stop agreeing with racist, sexist, and homophobic statements?

Anyone complaining about pc culture or cancel culture or whatever is mad they can't say bigoted stuff and get away with it with no one calling them out.

You have to be willfully ignorant to believe this. There’s been calls for the co founder of Vox to step down because he signed a letter (with many other left wing figures like Chomsky) about the importance of free speech and open debate. Why should he step down? Because a trans staffer said they felt unsafe.

To pretend this is just people who want to express horrific ideals or opinions is completely devoid of reality.
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In other words when did most people stop agreeing with racist, sexist, and homophobic statements?

Anyone complaining about pc culture or cancel culture or whatever is mad they can't say bigoted stuff and get away with it with no one calling them out.

You and the three that liked your post truly are dumb . PC and cancel culture is a direct oppression to free speech . You know that thing we all have as a right ? It’s a fear tactic used to keep people from being able to voice their opinions . Nobody said you twits have to like their opinions , it’s actually ok to just disagree with them without thinking they must be punished for having one .
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