Oh FFS...find one person alive in this country that has or is suffering a quantifiable negative impact in their lives due specifically to anything that happened or anyone living in this country prior to 1865.
Current psychological delusions of fabricated repression attributed specifically to that time period are obviously excluded because it’s just a crock of total bull shite. There are way to many that don’t suffer with that mental infirmity who prove it to be a bs excuse.
Racism in this country, or the world in general, is not bound by the constraints of time, nor unfortunately will it ever be. It’s also not specifically bound to a particular shade of one’s skin tone. As long as mankind exists there sadly will always be those who base their judgement and response to others upon exterior appearances.
It’s up to all those who look to character first and foremost to come together and lift each other up in joyous celebration of individual success as an shining example to those still mired in the darkness.
If you are a active part of the political machinations and destructive agenda currently in play in this country to purposefully create divisiveness based on skin pigmentations then you are the racist and you actually are the problem not the solution.
Also, have you noticed the United States of America seems to be suffering from this oppressive and racist illness but no other country in the world is? That is the oddest thing considering we are the most generous and the beacon of capitalism and dreams.
I think we all know there is some racism that exists. That is human nature. All cultures suffer with it to some extent. It will never be all gone. We can all say we want the USA to be perfect and guess what, it won't happen. There is absolutely no way to this great utopia. It is phony.
There are areas like criminal justice reform that need to get better. That is controllable. Btw, it was Joe Biden that had a hand in the discrepancy. Democrats are attempting to hide that glaring and obvious stain. So Joe believed in it but now he don't. I'm not saying it was the right or wrong policy, but I am saying the guy and his party are hypocrites.
Also, corporations hiring and promotional practices can be better. There is always a debate for and against affirmative action. I'm not trying to debate that here. I don't think less qualified people should get jobs over more qualified people but what does happen is when it's close or equal the minority candidate is passed over more often. But even that is not bust your balls racism and tends to happen more as comfort. That is where HR departments can get better, need additional training and be held accountable to recognize hiring and promotion shortcomings. This is more than likely not being looked at with unruly teens and marxists focusing on faux issues. Now corporations can say I donated millions to the faux non profit blm so I've done my part.
If you have good grades they don't care what race you are. If you have good credit they don't care what race you are. If you have money to pay they don't care which race you are. But there are going to be some human conditions that will always need to be fixed internally whether you silence people or not. Those come from God. I always find it odd that people find imperfections in other but not themselves. That eagerness to place blame.
Are there only a few examples where the police made the right choices or let someone go in a bad neighborhood versus more where they slam them to the turf or kill them when they shouldn't? Should drug dealing become legal when lives are destroyed and gang violence eventually prevails?
Is the next play reparations? Does someone like Cortez or Omar try to get a check? How about Tlaib?
So I ask again, how is America the great boogeyman of the world with these horrible systematic racism problems when everyone is free? Where apparently any legal citizen of every culture can supposedly thrive in some capacity except black citizens who are oppressed more often than not. Where so many have come from poor backgrounds to be doctors, lawyers, CEO's, etc. Is that not afforded to everyone?
Europe, South America, China, Africa, the Middle East, etc. No systemic racism issues? How about Mexico? We know the Spanish invaded Mexico. How did Israelis overcome this? Or is it the good ole US of A that is a world leader in black oppression, police brutality and systemic racism?