Yes 100%. The school acts in loco parentis and has a responsibility to maintain order and discipline when children are on school grounds. Stopping bullying is part of that.
It’s not a perfect analogue, but Criminal law is what I know best, so let’s look at Murder. If someone is only being kept alive by life support has no quality of life, and will never be able to survive without life support, do you think it should be a crime to turn it off? Should we arrest those who make that decision for their aged parents? Spouses who decide for their injured partner?
By their plain meaning, many homicide statutes say yes.
Saying “no” does not mean you support all forms of murder. It doesn’t mean you think we should only stop certain types of immoral murders.
It just means you support the exceptions that are written into those laws for situations like those, so that the law is clear and people who make those decisions can rely on it.
So while I agree that forcing this stuff into the curriculum is wildly inappropriate, the law doesn’t seem to have considered situations where it may be in everyone’s interest to have an adult in the room who can speak about those issues at all without fear of a lawsuit.