The complain about “game threads” thread.

As for the game fook them sawry Tigers... they neva eva eva shoulda been allowed in the SEC, and I will never accept them as one of us. They're Southern pretenders.

I HATE MIZZOU!!!!!!!!!!

Reasons we fixin to whip Missouri's ass this year!!

1) We got enough Tigers and cats in this conference....most unoriginal damn team mascot there is, not even a real tiger in North America. At least LSU goes all in and buys a damn real tiger.

2) There's nothing southern about Mizzou, and I don't want to hear about "But we supported slavery too!" That doesn't make you southern Mizzou that just makes you wrong!. Also does not sit right with me as East TN was Union south!

3) We could have had West Virginia....and that would have been far better for so many reasons and alot more fun. I would genuinely be excited for a yearly WV game with our hillbilly bretheren, and we coulda talked trash and exchanged shine, and had hoe downs, and lots of fun.... But stupid SEC people (likely yankees) saw demographic numbers only.. Quantity of viewers does not equal QUALITY of viewers. So not only did we get a lame school in SEC, but we missed out on an epic addition, and I will never forgive them for that.

4) They never even spell their own name right. You a University....there's no Z's in Missouri ya morons!

5) Eliah Drinkwitz is a crappy name for an SEC coach, sounds like a landlocked Polish Sailor.

6) Eliah's numbers at Mizzou are nearly a mirror copy of Derek Dooly.......I mean this is the most accurate comparison to him in SEC history. I dunno if he wears yellow pants or not but he may as well.
Eliah: 5-5, 6-7, 4-5 Dooly at TN: 6-7, 5-7, in the wrong conf Eliah.

7) They sorry ass hell.

8)They mascot is supposed to be a Tiger but manages to have the look of a scared deer just before you shoot it. If I was a Tiger I'd sue. You managed to make one of the worlds most ferocious predetors look like a skeered lil biatchian. DOes it ever not have a look of "Oh Sheet Don't hurt me pleaze" It's a cuck tiger if there ever was one.
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9) Heupel is gonna be out to showcase his system after Jawjaw, and boost Hooker's Heisman numbers.... Mizzou is gonna get both barrels. They couldn't deal with one barrel.

10) They already showed they sold their souls to the NWO AI with that Boston Dynamics robot at the halftime show. I haven't forgot. They mean to replace Smokie, Uga, Mike with Godless heathen robot mascots on the field. Missouri can't be trusted they gonna betray humanity...
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We gotta go Sarah/John Conner on em while they is weak and being handicapped coached by Okie version of Dooley.
In short we gonna Whoop dey azzes! And it is our moral obligation to whoop dey azzes!
I called that shyat!
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