The Afghans, along with some other Muslim peoples like the Palestinians are nothing more than a bunch of peasants that are forever stuck in the 7th century. They are basically barbarians and live and think as such, never contributing to society only causing trouble. They are dumb as a brick for the most part and understand two things: Money and fear. So, how do you win permanent victory over a adversary such as this? The answer is simple and very cruel. No one has the ba!!s to do it either. You have to make them fear you....forever. You have to target not only them, but their families safety/freedom and their interests. Even if they off themselves in a suicide bombing they will still have to fear that their family will be targeted. The most cost effective way to do this is to round up their immediate families and force them all to work in a prison camp for 5 years, mining gold or other valuables that can be transported out of their country back to the U.S. That would not only make them fear us, but would help pay us back for the war effort. You must also do the same for all those who have helped or financed them in and way. Round them up and kill them, or send them to work in the prison camps. That's how you beat barbarians, by becoming a barbarian yourself.