The DeSantis containment thread -- all things DeSantis go here

I see that his likely opponent in the November election is already busting out the Hitler comparisons. She must not feel too good about her chances.

If the Dems could find someone halfway decent they'd stand a fair chance. But alas, down here they are inept as can be.
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Wonder who'll be the first one to say we should have had COVID parties to reach herd immunity faster. Maybe they'll bring in @kiddiedoc as their new crackerjack surgeon general.
What has he posted that doesn't follow the science. I curious because I factored in his advice when I was deciding weather or not to get my 13yr old daughter the vaccine. By all accounts he was right in that she didn't need the vaccine. She caught covid and had a headache for about 4 hours.
What has he posted that doesn't follow the science. I curious because I factored in his advice when I was deciding weather or not to get my 13yr old daughter the vaccine. By all accounts he was right in that she didn't need the vaccine. She caught covid and had a headache for about 4 hours.
If you wanted to do your best to avoid rolling a 6, would you want to roll one or six different dice?
If you wanted to do your best to avoid rolling a 6, would you want to roll one or six different dice?
I only have 1 child, so it is one role. The die has around 12,000 numbers on it. I could have rolled a die that had more numbers that may, or may not,contain other perils.
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If you wanted to do your best to avoid rolling a 6, would you want to roll one or six different dice?
What a stupid ass reply. 🤡

If it saves just one life… oh and I’m gonna ignore the other accepted perils by making this stupid choice.
What a stupid ass reply. 🤡

If it saves just one life… oh and I’m gonna ignore the other accepted perils by making this stupid choice.

She loves her life as if Covid is the only thing in it.

I hope her children are intelligent enough to realize that their mother was part of the idiocy that eroded their future.
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What a stupid ass reply. 🤡

If it saves just one life… oh and I’m gonna ignore the other accepted perils by making this stupid choice.

It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.

Just because some got vaxxed doesn’t mean they made the correct choice. Depending on age and health, the vax is essentially irrelevant to millions. Irrelevant.
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.
Oh now we want to play actual science! Math! The probability says the child will be fine and there’s no need to infer added unknown long term risk of a vax. Next stupid ass reply? 🤡
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She loves her life as if Covid is the only thing in it.

I hope her children are intelligent enough to realize that their mother was part of the idiocy that eroded their future.
Shirley no one is dumb enough to have kids with her.
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.
You’ve fallen for scare tactics, your cats have a better chance of getting hit by a Zamboni than you dying of Chinese virus.

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