The DeSantis containment thread -- all things DeSantis go here

If the Dems could find someone halfway decent they'd stand a fair chance. But alas, down here they are inept as can be.

Have you thought about relocating to NY or Cali? You might be happier around your own kind. Just think of the times you could have there, paying all those taxes, masking up, and showing your vax card. You could join antifa and literally be a weekend warrior. Go west or north, young man!
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.

Might want to brush up on what the real probabilities are. Your analogy using 1 in 10 vs 1 in 10,000 are grossly off in terms of the real risk, especially with respect to healthy kids.

And then compare to other types of risks.
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"all things here"...

This thread is nothing but getting ahead of the curve for the 2024 race. Think about it...3 years away and hasn't even announced a run yet.

Like a mutation of TDS becoming DDS by the radical cult.
I see that his likely opponent in the November election is already busting out the Hitler comparisons. She must not feel too good about her chances.

Not everybody likes Adolf Hitler. If you want to be like Adolf, you can expect to a bit of disapproval.
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.
It means someone freely made a choice. Right or wrong it doesn't matter. That used to be allowed in this country without the unnecessary shaming which is now too common sadly.
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She loves her life as if Covid is the only thing in it.

I hope her children are intelligent enough to realize that their mother was part of the idiocy that eroded their future.
They have other problems if they are under 18 and she made them get these shots.
Risk assessment example:

Was bit one time by an animal and went to the doctor a few days after the bite became infected. The doc asked where the animal was (it did not survive the encounter) and if it had been tested. I replied no and found out to test an animal for rabies, it pretty much as to be done immediately post mortem. I asked the doc about getting the rabies vaccine and what risks were associated with it, which there are some. I then asked, naively, what the treatment was for rabies. None. Rabies is as close to a 100% death sentence as there is on the Earth for the last time I checked, only two humans in all of history are documented to have survived contracting rabies.. I asked where the needle was and expressed my willingness to do the jabs myself.

So now we have covid. If you have certain co-factors, you have a relatively small probability of dying, although the older, fatter and diabetic one is can significantly increase that probability. Otherwise, you have a far smaller risk. I was always on the side of wishing I'd get it, because the risk was low and afterward, my body would be far better prepared for whatever bug the Chinese or Mother Nature decide to throw at me. Alas, I've missed out. Have not gotten it in spite of doing nothing to avoid it. Would rather have this omicron than the vax. Everything I've read with one exception, indicated natural immunity gained from having the virus is superior to the vaccine, and that one CDC report "suggested" the vaccine was better.

Hmmm, no, couldn't be because the CDC has a vested interest in the vaccine could it?
It's probabilities. If there's one cyanide-laced jelly bean in a jar, and you have to pull one out and eat it, do you want to choose from a jar with 10 jelly beans or one with 10,000? That's what the vaccines do. They decrease your risk across the board (from infection all the way to death). They don't eliminate it. Just because someone went unvaxxed, got covid, and then safely recovered does not mean they made the smart choice on whether to get vaxxed or not.
Well OK then. I already had Fauci's Flu. Why do I need to double down, especially now that it has morphed into a head cold?
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Risk assessment example:

Was bit one time by an animal and went to the doctor a few days after the bite became infected. The doc asked where the animal was (it did not survive the encounter) and if it had been tested. I replied no and found out to test an animal for rabies, it pretty much as to be done immediately post mortem. I asked the doc about getting the rabies vaccine and what risks were associated with it, which there are some. I then asked, naively, what the treatment was for rabies. None. Rabies is as close to a 100% death sentence as there is on the Earth for the last time I checked, only two humans in all of history are documented to have survived contracting rabies.. I asked where the needle was and expressed my willingness to do the jabs myself.

So now we have covid. If you have certain co-factors, you have a relatively small probability of dying, although the older, fatter and diabetic one is can significantly increase that probability. Otherwise, you have a far smaller risk. I was always on the side of wishing I'd get it, because the risk was low and afterward, my body would be far better prepared for whatever bug the Chinese or Mother Nature decide to throw at me. Alas, I've missed out. Have not gotten it in spite of doing nothing to avoid it. Would rather have this omicron than the vax. Everything I've read with one exception, indicated natural immunity gained from having the virus is superior to the vaccine, and that one CDC report "suggested" the vaccine was better.

Hmmm, no, couldn't be because the CDC has a vested interest in the vaccine could it?

There's a significant difference which is that rabies isn't contagious. If you live alone and have no contact with others at all, you have a fine argument.

But if your catching covid creates risk for others, it's a more complicated question.

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