The DeSantis containment thread -- all things DeSantis go here

The GOP is a disaster these days. Its politicians are THE most cowardly and disgusting individuals ever--too afraid of calling out the criminal ex-president for fear of losing the rube vote. Wow--sorry. Had they denounced him from the start, they'd be rid of that lowlife and could start halfway clean again. But they haven't had the the balls to do so, and now the party is a freak-show mess--with the gangster trying to run again despite the obvious fact that he should be in prison. And his supposed big challenger is a little, thin-skinned, unlikable a-hole from florida. It's what happens when low IQ, no integrity extremists are allowed to set terms.

Christie has criticized and repudiated the gangster, so I give him credit for that. And in fact, he's the type of candidate the party should be turning too--meaning that he's neither a conservative extremist nor a dumb redneck who wants only to appeal to dumb rednecks and christian crazies. The party has scared off all moderate conservative voters and those with ethical integrity and thus will lose the next election. Liz Cheney is one of the few Republicans who could actually save the party from itself. But she's not interested in peddling stupidity and conspiracy theories, and neither she nor anyone else can talk any sense into the crazies and fascists who seem intent on destroying the party....
The GOP is a disaster these days. Its politicians are THE most cowardly and disgusting individuals ever--too afraid of calling out the criminal ex-president for fear of losing the rube vote. Wow--sorry. Had they denounced him from the start, they'd be rid of that lowlife and could start halfway clean again. But they haven't had the the balls to do so, and now the party is a freak-show mess--with the gangster trying to run again despite the obvious fact that he should be in prison. And his supposed big challenger is a little, thin-skinned, unlikable a-hole from florida. It's what happens when low IQ, no integrity extremists are allowed to set terms.

Christie has criticized and repudiated the gangster, so I give him credit for that. And in fact, he's the type of candidate the party should be turning too--meaning that he's neither a conservative extremist nor a dumb redneck who wants only to appeal to dumb rednecks and christian crazies. The party has scared off all moderate conservative voters and those with ethical integrity and thus will lose the next election. Liz Cheney is one of the few Republicans who could actually save the party from itself. But she's not interested in peddling stupidity and conspiracy theories, and neither she nor anyone else can talk any sense into the crazies and fascists who seem intent on destroying the party....

The purge of filth will continue …

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The GOP is a disaster these days. Its politicians are THE most cowardly and disgusting individuals ever--too afraid of calling out the criminal ex-president for fear of losing the rube vote. Wow--sorry. Had they denounced him from the start, they'd be rid of that lowlife and could start halfway clean again. But they haven't had the the balls to do so, and now the party is a freak-show mess--with the gangster trying to run again despite the obvious fact that he should be in prison. And his supposed big challenger is a little, thin-skinned, unlikable a-hole from florida. It's what happens when low IQ, no integrity extremists are allowed to set terms.

Christie has criticized and repudiated the gangster, so I give him credit for that. And in fact, he's the type of candidate the party should be turning too--meaning that he's neither a conservative extremist nor a dumb redneck who wants only to appeal to dumb rednecks and christian crazies. The party has scared off all moderate conservative voters and those with ethical integrity and thus will lose the next election. Liz Cheney is one of the few Republicans who could actually save the party from itself. But she's not interested in peddling stupidity and conspiracy theories, and neither she nor anyone else can talk any sense into the crazies and fascists who seem intent on destroying the party....
The sitting president peddles conspiracy theories and outright lies. I can provide numerous more examples.

'They're going to put y'all back in chains' (Updated)
She boasted about jabbing and busting her children around December 2021. If I'm not mistaken, they still got C-19.
I was mistaken... they weren't boosted (yet).

Both of my kids (two doses of Pfizer; one in November and one in early December) caught omicron. One stayed completely asymptomatic. The other had low grade fever (99-100) for two days and some sniffles. Both are now back to normal. I (thrice jabbed with Pfizer) stayed negative throughout, despite quarantining and caring for them. Pretty damn happy with the vaccine performance. I know several people who didn't get the booster and are getting b*tch-slapped by omicron. Not hospitalized, but miserable for a few days.
Unless Trump has wised up. I find that hard to believe though.

Trump wise up? He's 77 or 78 and been a gangster in a tie all his life--seriously. His entire reason for being is to spew bull$hit to promote....D. Trump. Corrupt and dishonest to the bone.
Credibility evaporating alert.

DeSantis was well positioned to offer the level-headed an alternative to Trump that they desperately want. Instead, he has campaigned on offering the Trump fanboys an alternative to Trump for which they've never asked. I'm not sure I've ever seen a candidate waste so much political capital so quickly.
DeSantis was well positioned to offer the level-headed an alternative to Trump that they desperately want. Instead, he has campaigned on offering the Trump fanboys an alternative to Trump for which they've never asked. I'm not sure I've ever seen a candidate waste so much political capital so quickly.

He cut his own throat and has no one else to blame but himself.
Credibility evaporating alert.

What a loser. Can't believe you goobers thought this guy had a chance. He's got the personality of a porcupine - prickly, to say the least.


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