The disney insanity continues

Now they want all shows to have 50% of sodomites as lead actors.
Have you watched network TV lately? Every prime time drama now is apparently required to have at least one gay couple. Trans characters are now appearing too. I really can’t watch it anymore. It is preachy in a far worse way that non Christians always accused Christians of doing.
Have you watched network TV lately? Every prime time drama now is apparently required to have at least one gay couple. Trans characters are now appearing too. I really can’t watch it anymore. It is preachy in a far worse way that non Christians always accused Christians of doing.

Yeah we don't watch TV, we're too busy. Thankfully we don't have to see it.
I can't wait for them to "queer up" their movies as one of their executives said. Should be fun to watch the fall of Disney as they pander to the 5%.
The Disney executive remarked that the changes reflected her personal life, saying: "I'm here as the mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child and one pansexual child, and also as a leader."
The campaign will be called 'Reimagine Tomorrow' and pledges that "by 2022, 50 percent of regular and recurring characters across Disney General Entertainment scripted content will come from underrepresented groups."

What are the odds of having 2 LGBQ children?
I'm sure you'd have no problems with it.
I don't. I really don't have much issue with anything consenting adults do. I also don't care what Disney does. It's just funny watching you flail around every time a new story comes out
Disney is a very powerful corporate entertainment giant who make tons of money in Red China. They allow Red China to censor their content.

Disney, Hulu, ESPN, SECN, ACCN.

They could care less what we think about them because they know we will continue supporting them financially.

Yep, we try not to support them,
I can't wait for them to "queer up" their movies as one of their executives said. Should be fun to watch the fall of Disney as they pander to the 5%.

Woke majors in minors.

It's like the anti lynching bill. When is the last time someone heard about a lynching or noose besides the one's the left makes up? It's been decades. The 90's maybe down in Texas when the guy was dragged down the road. Clearly it was heinous but they talk it up like it's relevant today. Easy to see through unless you are still living in the past. Like we haven't made any progress.
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