The disney insanity continues

Pretty good if you start pushing them in that direction early on.
That's where I failed my daughters. They both became heterosexuals and had children with actual males. I have several grandchildren that I can hopefully convert before they become too old and actually decide for themselves what they want to be.
I would see no reason it couldn’t be possible, but those have got to be pretty steep odds.

I have a distant relations that treated her son like a daughter from pretty much birth and had him convinced he was gay by the time he was a teenager. Father finally got custody of him and turns out he's not gay. Now married with a couple kids.
That's where I failed my daughters. They both became heterosexuals and had children with actual males. I have several grandchildren that I can hopefully convert before they become too old and actually decide for themselves what they want to be.

It is not too late. Take the grand kids to Disney.
Make sure you get all the letters in there. I'm really not sure what IA+ means though, and I'm still am not sure what a queer is?
I don’t know them all. I used to just trunc it at LGB.

But I think the ‘Q’ at the end is a nice catch all. Queer can be defined as different imo.

I think it sums it up.

I’m Gay. I’m Lesbian. I’m Bi. Or I’m something Different.
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I have a distant relations that treated her son like a daughter from pretty much birth and had him convinced he was gay by the time he was a teenager. Father finally got custody of him and turns out he's not gay. Now married with a couple kids.
I used to work with a guy that decided that his son needed to play with barbie dolls and thought it was cool to treat his son as a girl like he was some sort of social experiment. I don't know what happened to the kid as the fruitcake coworker got fired.

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