The disney insanity continues

No kidding? I lived in Mesa, AZ with my parents when I was 19. A little over 20 years ago. Did you like Tempe?
Around the same time I was there and I loved it. I only knew TN at the time and decided to get as far away as possible that wasn't California. Little bit of everything in that state within about 3hr drive. And then there were the Southwest $99 deals to Vegas...
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I've never been to Disney but it's our plan to take the grandkids once they're old enough.

I went there around 7 years ago when my daughter was in Kindergarten. This new version of Disney may have some new plot twists.
Definitely. I think it's just the newer generations are less likely to define their sexuality in binary terms. That makes some uncomfortable
Really? Do you feel attracted to a guys hairy butt? What is with you liberal types that think that being a gay or trans person is totally fine?
Around the same time I was there and I loved it. I only knew TN at the time and decided to get as far away as possible that wasn't California. Little bit of everything in that state within about 3hr drive. And then there were the Southwest $99 deals to Vegas...

Right on. LA isn't too far of a drive either and Flagstaff is absolutely gorgeous. Red Rock in Sedona area is great as well.
Really? Do you feel attracted to a guys hairy butt? What is with you liberal types that think that being a gay or trans person is totally fine?
I don't but others may. What is it about you closed minded people who care what other consenting adults want to do? Why not just let people be happy in the short time we have on this earth?
Really? Do you feel attracted to a guys hairy butt? What is with you liberal types that think that being a gay or trans person is totally fine?
Uhm. Because they're human beings?

Love thy neighbor.

Not "love your straight white male" neighbor 🤣

What makes you think it is ok to dehumanize other, fellow human beings just becaue you don't agree or understand them? I feel sorry for you honestly. A broken heart, filled in with hate.
Uhm. Because they're human beings?

Love thy neighbor.

Not "love your straight white male" neighbor 🤣

What makes you think it is ok to dehumanize other, fellow human beings just becaue you don't agree or understand them? I feel sorry for you honestly. A broken heart, filled in with hate.

But not sorry enough to refrain from calling him racist. Btw, how is he racist?
I don’t know them all. I used to just trunc it at LGB.

But I think the ‘Q’ at the end is a nice catch all. Queer can be defined as different imo.

I think it sums it up.

I’m Gay. I’m Lesbian. I’m Bi. Or I’m something Different.

Don't forget about TransQueer.
Uhm. Because they're human beings?

Love thy neighbor.

Not "love your straight white male" neighbor 🤣

What makes you think it is ok to dehumanize other, fellow human beings just becaue you don't agree or understand them? I feel sorry for you honestly. A broken heart, filled in with hate.

Also, was “racist” intended as a derogatory label? I assume it was. What if someone is happy being racist? That’s the goal, right? Everyone happy. So why would you disparage him for it?
I don't but others may. What is it about you closed minded people who care what other consenting adults want to do? Why not just let people be happy in the short time we have on this earth?
I don't care anything at all about what gay people think or do. What I have a problem with is the executives at Disney or any gay people that want to promote this crap to kids. This has no business in children's lives, they need to remain innocent until they become teens.
Really? Do you feel attracted to a guys hairy butt? What is with you liberal types that think that being a gay or trans person is totally fine?

Do you shave yours for your wife or something?

I don't think it's a liberal or conservative thing. It's more a limit of perception. You are a lot older than me. You grew up in a much more quaint time. It's no surprise that you're resistant to change. People inherently fear that which they do not understand. I wager there's a hell of a lot of things you don't understand these days.
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Uhm. Because they're human beings?

Love thy neighbor.

Not "love your straight white male" neighbor 🤣

What makes you think it is ok to dehumanize other, fellow human beings just becaue you don't agree or understand them? I feel sorry for you honestly. A broken heart, filled in with hate.
Guess what I don’t hate gays anymore than I “hate” straight people who would make their sexual acts and sexuality the highlight and defining factor in their life. Like literally no one cares what you do at home, keep it where it belongs
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Guess what I don’t hate gays anymore than I “hate” straight people who would make their sexual acts and sexuality the highlight and defining factor in their life. Like literally no one cares what you do at home, keep it where it belongs

''At home'' and off your Little Mermaid Blue Ray?
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Pretty good if you start pushing them in that direction early on.
I get what you’re saying. But I have no idea the family history of this lady and her children.

If this lady was a chemical engineer and completely detached from the cause before children, and now is leading the charge for her kids? Well then more power to her.

If this lady was hard core down for the cause since college, and then managed to produce two children that identify? Well then I understand the side eye.
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