Do you believe everything you read?
Actually, chronic MJ smoking can have a number of harmful effects on the body, most notably on the heart and lungs. The popular notion that MJ smoke is free of carcinogens has been debunked, and the evidence is clear in the medical literature.
Of course, the most common problems caused by THC use are found in the CNS: "Amotivational Syndrome," anxiety, depression, memory impairment, and schizophrenia.
Of course, many people will relay a story of some brilliant friend who scored a 36 on his ACT and now studies at Harvard as "proof" that MJ is safe. But, this is the exception, not the rule. The evidence is very convincing that there are numerous adverse effects. To say that chronic MJ use would not affect an athlete's performance is, quite simply, preposterous.
Of course not. If I did, then Facebook would have already convinced me that the H1N1 vaccine was a conspiracy by our government and that it would cause everything from Autism to paralysis. So far, all it has accomplished is a drastic decrease in the number of swine flu cases and mortality.
The peer-reviewed and medically-sound evidence is convincing: there are numerous ill effects of THC use. Is it as "dangerous" as some other illegal drugs? No. But, has it been shown to affect the CNS, lungs, and heart? The answer is a resounding "yes."
I know this is a touchy subject, as many posters use MJ on a regular basis. However, it should be a decision made with clear understanding of both the medical and legal risks one incurs.
On a personal note, I have also witnessed the effects of MJ use in friends, patients, and family members. By no means do I consider myself a blind, closed-minded physician, but the ill-effects are quite clear to me.
The fact that you support the H1N1 vaccine tells me all I need to know. Good luck with all that. No Vaccines at all = Healthy.
All the vaccines available= sick all the f*n time. Do the math Doc?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
All you need to know is that I have spent 21 years in school and 9 years practicing medicine, reading, and seeing with my own eyes the effects of illness, medications, and vaccines. If you think that "No Vaccines at all = Healthy," then perhaps you should ask someone a little older than you about the suffering people endured during the days of Polio, Haemophilus influenza type B, Measles, neonatal Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus. . . .and even more recently with invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. How many cases reports of H1N1 deaths have you read? How many parents have you spoken with who have lost children to vaccine-preventable diseases? How much legitimate science do even understand regarding vaccines and their production?
The facts are clear: vaccines are EXCEPTIONALLY safe and prevent potentially-lethal diseases with great efficacy.
Do you remember all the hype in the media and on the internet regarding concerns with H1N1 safety? Guess what: the vaccine is made the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine, which has a great record, and there have been no more adverse events reported than with the seasonal flu vaccine -- which explains why you haven't heard any of the uneducated morons spewing unfounded concerns, as of late. You want more? Cases of novel H1N1 have fallen dramatically since the vaccine's distribution, as have pediatric deaths (225 this season already, more than double the "normal" yearly average).
OK, now tell me more about YOU that makes you more qualified to discuss the vaccine than me.
Haha, no thanks to you and your vaccines. Keep sticking people with diseases though, if that's what floats your boat. You didn't mention the Tuskegee Experiment in your above term paper, wonder why? I know about Malaria ridden blankets and men being witheld knowledge that would stop their painful,agonizing deaths. Enough for me to know I want no part of anyones needles. I can only speak for my family and myself, but we don't have vacc, and were healthy. I've never had a flu shot, and I've never had the flu. Don't need 30 years of school to figure that one out.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I can only speak for my family and myself, but we don't have vacc, and were healthy.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
All you need to know is that I have spent 21 years in school and 9 years practicing medicine, reading, and seeing with my own eyes the effects of illness, medications, and vaccines. If you think that "No Vaccines at all = Healthy," then perhaps you should ask someone a little older than you about the suffering people endured during the days of Polio, Haemophilus influenza type B, Measles, neonatal Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus. . . .and even more recently with invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. How many cases reports of H1N1 deaths have you read? How many parents have you spoken with who have lost children to vaccine-preventable diseases? How much legitimate science do even understand regarding vaccines and their production?
The facts are clear: vaccines are EXCEPTIONALLY safe and prevent potentially-lethal diseases with great efficacy.
Do you remember all the hype in the media and on the internet regarding concerns with H1N1 safety? Guess what: the vaccine is made the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine, which has a great record, and there have been no more adverse events reported than with the seasonal flu vaccine -- which explains why you haven't heard any of the uneducated morons spewing unfounded concerns, as of late. You want more? Cases of novel H1N1 have fallen dramatically since the vaccine's distribution, as have pediatric deaths (225 this season already, more than double the "normal" yearly average).
OK, now tell me more about YOU that makes you more qualified to discuss the vaccine than me.
Originally Posted by Orangekush423
"Haha, no thanks to you and your vaccines. Keep sticking people with diseases though, if that's what floats your boat. You didn't mention the Tuskegee Experiment in your above term paper, wonder why? I know about Malaria ridden blankets and men being witheld knowledge that would stop their painful,agonizing deaths. Enough for me to know I want no part of anyones needles. I can only speak for my family and myself, but we don't have vacc, and were healthy. I've never had a flu shot, and I've never had the flu. Don't need 30 years of school to figure that one out."
I've never had HIV but I still use condoms. Its great that you've never had the flu, and also happen to have never gotten a flu shot, but don't get all Tom Cruise and try to preach the dangers of medication to a doctor. You may not need 30 years of school (he stated he had 21 years of school, 9 practice, not 30 years of school) to know that you haven't been sick, but maybe if you had gone to school, you might have a clue as to what you're talking about. But then again, who needs school when you can be blissfully ignorant right?
A flu shot is just that, a shot that contains the flu. No thanks. Call me crazy all you want.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Ignorance is the lack if knowledge, I'm actually pretty knowledgable ab my health. A better example of ignorance is your stated "knowledge" of my schooling. And its no coincidence that I haven't gotten the flu. A flu shot is just that, a shot that contains the flu. No thanks. Call me crazy all you want.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I am torn on the issue, most likely due to my lack of understanding about vaccines and the H1N1 in particular. I like to trust those with more understanding and education but am wary at the same time. I think I remember hearing that the H1N1 vaccine has a component that is the one thought to have brought on the illnesses so many suffered from after the first gulf war. As a doctor I was hoping you might be familiar with this and could give me some insight into this matter.
If this is not correct then please explain some of the medical professions thoughts on the possible causes of this "syndrome" and the varying symptoms so many have experienced.