Great Father's Day meal prepared for me by my daughter. Meatloaf,Potato Salad and Green Beans with Cornbread and for Dessert Chocolate Mousse now time for a little Screwdriver and watch baseball.
The Atlanta Braves are beating the Rockies like a rented mule that's not working very well.
Braves were down 5 runs to zero and now the score is 13-6. Gonna be a 4 game sweep today.
The Atlanta Braves are beating the Rockies like a rented mule that's not working very well.
Braves were down 5 runs to zero and now the score is 13-6. Gonna be a 4 game sweep today.
Ok, so my wife convinced me that the fam should go to the restaurant she wants today, and when we get there, discloses that she actually went there for lunch several days this week. This is how Father’s Day always goes
Ok, so my wife convinced me that the fam should go to the restaurant she wants today, and when we get there, discloses that she actually went there for lunch several days this week. This is how Father’s Day always goes