The Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

I once dated a girl that moved here from Germany. What a kisser she was.
So I went to Fulton high school, let’s just was not our strongest sport.
Our football coach encouraged us to play other sports in the off season, so a few of us decided to play soccer. Well, they had no choice but to take anyone that tried out, or we wouldn’t have enough to field a team. Long story short, we were terrible!
Then we got an exchange student from Germany, named Filipe.
The funniest 💩 you ever saw!! Basically he was a one man team, doing his thing while the rest of us just stood on the field and watched him work.
So I went to Fulton high school, let’s just was not our strongest sport.
Our football coach encouraged us to play other sports in the off season, so a few of us decided to play soccer. Well, they had no choice but to take anyone that tried out, or we wouldn’t have enough to field a team. Long story short, we were terrible!
Then we got an exchange student from Germany, named Filipe.
The funniest 💩 you ever saw!! Basically he was a one man team, doing his thing while the rest of us just stood on the field and watched him work.
Futbol? Really? Prolly great for your wind, though.
Futbol? Really? Prolly great for your wind, though.
A couple of us freshman made the varsity football team and we were encouraged to play.
It was pretty comical!
I swear, every team we played would put like 8 guys guarding Filipe. The rest of us could barely dribble the ball, let alone be a scoring threat!
I would love to know what Filipe is doing now.
He was a really good dude.
He would get frustrated and could not understand why a 16 year old couldn’t get served das bier, in Knoxville!!

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