The Economy and the Election. The only poll that maybe matters.

Part of the funding for it was supposed to be stock buyback tax. The Biden administration has yet to issue finalized guidance on how to collect this tax....

The IRA reduces energy inflation by wait for it.....raising taxes on certain types of energy

A stock buyback tax is nothing more than pandering to the anti-capitalist, financially ignorant, wealth envying leftist vote.

It could possibly be a net negative considering that they are taking away some of the incentives of well run companies allocating their capital. More capital gains taxes are collected when stocks appreciate. Buying back shares is a method of combating equities that are under attack by short sellers.

If a company is sitting on excess cash they can spend on long term expansion (CapEx, acquisitions, more labor, etc), increase inventories, return it to shareholders (investment returns are fundamental to our system), or buy back undervalued shares. The last option is a very good one for the short term and there’s a good chance that those shares could later be sold (with a taxable capital gain).

The amount of revenue generated through the new taxes would be insignificant. If they want to institute a soak the rich themed envy tax they should create an excise tax on stock awards to highly compensated employees on any shares accumulated in buy backs that are given away to those executives. But those guys have a lot of influence over the law makers so it won’t happen that way.
For those Volnation Marxist Study Group who suck at basic math and brag about their 401K is doing great (up by 4-5% ).
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A shame that whatever money you have is now worth 40-200% less. Inflation the ultimate tax on elderly, and poor, and making middle class all poor. Way to go, you helped do that.
Biden wasn't President in 2019. Wonder why they didn't do since 2020.....
A stock buyback tax is nothing more than pandering to the anti-capitalist, financially ignorant, wealth envying leftist vote.

It could possibly be a net negative considering that they are taking away some of the incentives of well run companies allocating their capital. More capital gains taxes are collected when stocks appreciate. Buying back shares is a method of combating equities that are under attack by short sellers.

If a company is sitting on excess cash they can spend on long term expansion (CapEx, acquisitions, more labor, etc), increase inventories, return it to shareholders (investment returns are fundamental to our system), or buy back undervalued shares. The last option is a very good one for the short term and there’s a good chance that those shares could later be sold (with a taxable capital gain).

The amount of revenue generated through the new taxes would be insignificant. If they want to institute a soak the rich themed envy tax they should create an excise tax on stock awards to highly compensated employees on any shares accumulated in buy backs that are given away to those executives. But those guys have a lot of influence over the law makers so it won’t happen that way.

I think the stock buyback tax is stupid as hell. Just pointing out the Biden Admin can't even get the revenue from their biggest legislative item....
I think the stock buyback tax is stupid as hell. Just pointing out the Biden Admin can't even get the revenue from their biggest legislative item....

A big problem with that tax, and ALL of them, is that initially it is promoted as only being a fraction of or a percent or two. Then once it’s in place it’s pretty easy for the rate to creep up.

About 30 years ago liberals tried to get a TN state income tax passed along with a cut in sales taxes. It was supposed to result in LOWER overall taxes on average citizens. Yeah, right.
How is that statement wrong?
Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose. If you can't see that, give up on economics entirely....
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Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose.
Everything? So Trump's trillion dollar deficits propping up a shaky economy didn't contribute? How about the trillions in covid spending and promises of much more? That was putting us on the right track?

No need for the strawmen. I don't think anyone has said they are equal but you would have to be economically illiterate to believe this is all on Biden.
Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose. If you can't see that, give up on economics entirely....

Trump certainly deserves some blame for being sucked into the Covid black hole but I don’t think it would have mattered if he opposed them. The ridiculous attempted attack by those in the middle is trying to convince themselves that Biden wouldn’t have spent more or locked down longer if the roles were reversed
The ridiculous attempted attack by those in the middle is trying to convince themselves that Biden wouldn’t have spent more or locked down longer if the roles were reversed
Who has made that argument? Trump signed the bills. He owns them and his future promises are part of the record
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Who has made that argument? Trump signed the bills. He owns them and his future promises are part of the record
His bills are not responsible for the economic implosion and run away inflation. That is Firmly the the liability of the CFR candidates over the years going back decades. he was doing everything he could to counter those idiotic policies.
Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose. If you can't see that, give up on economics entirely....
Trump added significantly to our deficit BEFORE Covid hit.

it was 600 billion in '16, and 980 billion in '19. he then added more than 2 TRILLION to it in 2020, the deficit was 3.13 TRILLION when he left office. he is the picture of out of control money supply, and zero accountability.

our current issues could/should have been mitigated by Trump slightly increasing interest rates when he had the chance. but he didn't care about the long term future of this country and instead didn't want to do anything and kept the rates lower than they should have been.

the argument wasn't that they were equal, just that both contributed enough to have an impact on the current economy.
Who has made that argument? Trump signed the bills. He owns them and his future promises are part of the record

No argument from me but the other side of that is certainly out there, Biden is going to “shut down the virus not the economy”
His bills are not responsible for the economic implosion and run away inflation. That is Firmly the the liability of the CFR candidates over the years going back decades. he was doing everything he could to counter those idiotic policies.
Of course they're part of the equation. You can't just ignore trillions in new debt

How was he trying to counter runaway govt spending? Was he working towards his campaign promise to easily pay off the national debt?
Trump added significantly to our deficit BEFORE Covid hit.

it was 600 billion in '16, and 980 billion in '19. he then added more than 2 TRILLION to it in 2020, the deficit was 3.13 TRILLION when he left office. he is the picture of out of control money supply, and zero accountability.

our current issues could/should have been mitigated by Trump slightly increasing interest rates when he had the chance. but he didn't care about the long term future of this country and instead didn't want to do anything and kept the rates lower than they should have been.

the argument wasn't that they were equal, just that both contributed enough to have an impact on the current economy.
I don't for the record think even you are this stupid, but that perhaps is me once again being way too kind. NO president could NOT have run or added to the deficit because of the decades of policies since pretty much do not turn a over weight ship at sea on a dime. Not to mention we were still at war in do not NOT run a deficit when you have an out of control money supply, and a World running on the petro dollar, that suddenly starts unloading that back on the American economy either. You know damn well that there was no posibility of ANY President NOT running a deficit in those conditions. Oh and BTW did you fail civics so badly you do not understand the difference between Congress/legislative and the Executive when it comes to power of the purse and economic policy? Meanwhile as he desperately tried to bring both manufacturing and service industries back home he was being harrassed by an easily proven sham accusations about Russian collusion and the like, with fake documents and lying sacks of ***** in every agency determined to not let an "outsider" aka an American not aprt of the DC club gain control. It's a laughable accusation. Only the most out of touch can not understand that the RINO's and Democrat Globalists wanted to ship our industries over seas, and have done so for decades, and Trump was actively opposing this at every turn, all while trying to stop teh hemraging of our U.S. Military who had not remotely replaced all the spent munitions, or updated in some time,a nd was actively falling behind. Under whose tenure did they stop publish the M3 report and why?
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A stock buyback tax is nothing more than pandering to the anti-capitalist, financially ignorant, wealth envying leftist vote.

It could possibly be a net negative considering that they are taking away some of the incentives of well run companies allocating their capital. More capital gains taxes are collected when stocks appreciate. Buying back shares is a method of combating equities that are under attack by short sellers.

If a company is sitting on excess cash they can spend on long term expansion (CapEx, acquisitions, more labor, etc), increase inventories, return it to shareholders (investment returns are fundamental to our system), or buy back undervalued shares. The last option is a very good one for the short term and there’s a good chance that those shares could later be sold (with a taxable capital gain).

The amount of revenue generated through the new taxes would be insignificant. If they want to institute a soak the rich themed envy tax they should create an excise tax on stock awards to highly compensated employees on any shares accumulated in buy backs that are given away to those executives. But those guys have a lot of influence over the law makers so it won’t happen that way.
Yep. The oligarchy are the ones on the left that are supporting the Dimwit party because they KNOW their money is not at any risk. Other than Thiel and Musk, can anyone name a billionaire that contributes to the Republican party?

I'll wait.
And the federal income tax was only supposed to be for the wealthiest earners in the country when it was sold to the naive public. Yet, here we are.
And then there is the Alternative Minimum Tax.....

And the latest one that Puddinhead sold to the unwashed is the "No one making under $400k will pay any additional taxes"

Wealth envy/soak the rich is just stupid
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You guys can lie through your teeth all day but ask any man on the street on how we got here, particularly those of old enough to remember sane fiscal policy, and or the insanity under Carter in the 70's.....But Americans coast to coast know damn well the policy was more resposible under Trump and more so then it had been in decades, much less the absolute sh** show that is the current administration and congress's economic failure.
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I don't for the record think even you are this stupid, but that perhaps is me once again being way too kind. NO president could NOT have run or added to the deficit because of the decades of policies since pretty much do not turn a over weight ship at sea on a dime. Not to mention we were still at war in do nto not run a deficit when you have an out of control money supply, and a World running on the petro dollar, that suddenly starts unloading that back on the American economy either. You know damn well that there was no posibility of ANY President NOT running a deficit in those conditions. Meanwhile he was being harrassed but and easily proven sham accusations about Russian collusion and the like, with fke documents and lying sacks of ***** in every agency determined to not let an "outsider" aka an American not aprt of the DC club gain control. It's a laughable accusation.
he straight up lied about trying to pay off the national debt. he didn't have to run with no deficit, he just needed to decrease it and put into place policies that would have continued to reduce them over time. but he didn't even try.

again a slight increase in interest rates in 18 or 19 as many were calling for would have us in a much better place. people were saying it in this forum before Covid that bad inflation was coming because we had three presidents who never increased the interest rates. and Trump was supposed to be some savvy business man who had it all figured out. but he didn't.

he promised to drain the swamp, but he filled it up even more.

and you need to stop trying to deflect, as you pointed out its the economy that matters, trying to play victim isn't going to address the economy.

based on Trump's track record how can you expect him to come in here and do anything that would actually help the economy? him getting slandered had nothing to do with him continuing out of control spending and putting us in a worse place than we were before him. and if you think he was such a limp wristed wuss due to people talking bad about him in his first term, how can you expect him to be any better in his second term? they aren't going to suddenly support everything he does. the real problem was that he refused to even attempt to address the real problems. it doesn't matter if he had support or not, he never had a plan that needed support.
Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose. If you can't see that, give up on economics entirely....

Trump was doing just ok prior to Covid but once Covid hit he opened up the federal spigots pumping unheard of money into the system so he deserves blame.
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Yep. The oligarchy are the ones on the left that are supporting the Dimwit party because they KNOW their money is not at any risk. Other than Thiel and Musk, can anyone name a billionaire that contributes to the Republican party?

I'll wait.
Miriam Adelson, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman, John Paulson, Robert Mercer, Harold Hamm, Steve Wynn, Nelson Peltz, Shaun Maguire, several of the Waltons. those are all within the last month.

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