The Economy and the Election. The only poll that maybe matters.

Trump policies did everything to counter both current policy and the horrible economic policies of Obama, and the prior two administrations before that. Our current issues have to do with continued drive towards globalization, shipping jobs over seas, an out of control money supply, and zero accountability at either the fed, or federal trade policies. You have to be an imbicile to then try and say our economies problems are equal from biden and Trump. Biden first of all is nothing new, and he didn't dream it, it's the same polcies we had under Obama, Bush and Clinton that are destroying our nation's manufacturing, and logistics....and on purpose. If you can't see that, give up on economics entirely....

Except for all the policies that were similar. You go into absolutely no specifics.

The Fed and the money supply? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Trump pressured the Fed to keep interest rates low, which led to inflation.

Trump upped trade wars, making input pieces much more expensive, which led to inflation. Biden has followed suit. Protectionism is precisely part of the problem (and I warned all of you and now we have threads all about how nobody can afford life anymore).

Trump grew government spending and handed out free COVID relief checks to everybody, which led to inflation. Biden has followed suit.

In fact, Trump inherited an economy that was growing and by year 2 the private sector stopped growing (well before Covid). The reason the GDP number went up was government spending.

Trump is a total fraud with the economy. The emperors have no clothes and the country is blind to the old white saggy ass their party puts out.
We need to do better for all Americans!

Owning a home is not what it use to be, we have homeless vets, starving kids, people in poverty who shouldn't be (grant it there will always be some who just don't want to help themselves) healthcare that is out of control, a drug problem (directly due to big pharma) out of control..... you name it we pretty much have it.

We can and need to do better, and no I'm not talking about handouts / entitlement programs.
Trump increased debt by multiple trillions (before COVID)

Trump signed all the excess waste COVID bills

Trump signed 600/week unemployment bill. Labor inflation is absolutely tied back to this

All the 6-9 month lagging indicators (CPI) were screaming inflation in early Spring 2021

Trump absolutely started the inflation fire but Biden came in and poured gas on it by continuing these same policies and attacking the energy industry stupidly....
Trump increased debt by multiple trillions (before COVID)

Trump signed all the excess waste COVID bills

Trump signed 600/week unemployment bill. Labor inflation is absolutely tied back to this

All the 6-9 month lagging indicators (CPI) were screaming inflation in early Spring 2021

Trump absolutely started the inflation fire but Biden came in and poured gas on it by continuing these same policies and attacking the energy industry stupidly....

It's indisputable.
I don't for the record think even you are this stupid, but that perhaps is me once again being way too kind. NO president could NOT have run or added to the deficit because of the decades of policies since pretty much do not turn a over weight ship at sea on a dime. Not to mention we were still at war in do not NOT run a deficit when you have an out of control money supply, and a World running on the petro dollar, that suddenly starts unloading that back on the American economy either. You know damn well that there was no posibility of ANY President NOT running a deficit in those conditions. Oh and BTW did you fail civics so badly you do not understand the difference between Congress/legislative and the Executive when it comes to power of the purse and economic policy? Meanwhile as he desperately tried to bring both manufacturing and service industries back home he was being harrassed by an easily proven sham accusations about Russian collusion and the like, with fake documents and lying sacks of ***** in every agency determined to not let an "outsider" aka an American not aprt of the DC club gain control. It's a laughable accusation. Only the most out of touch can not understand that the RINO's and Democrat Globalists wanted to ship our industries over seas, and have done so for decades, and Trump was actively opposing this at every turn, all while trying to stop teh hemraging of our U.S. Military who had not remotely replaced all the spent munitions, or updated in some time,a nd was actively falling behind. Under whose tenure did they stop publish the M3 report and why?
Was trump the one reshoring our jobs or was it larger conservative policy? China failed to westernize as was expected when the deal that was set up in the 1970s fell through -- I think the fall of bo xilai captures the end if the deal. Our trade deal with them turned more on that than anything else. Trump was simply following through on the terms of the deal that was set up by his predecessors, acting wholly within the bounds of existing policy likely at the behest of conservative policy wonks. Hes not some outsider. Logically, you should understand that it's not really possible for an outsider to be elected, that's just part of the trump marketing.
he straight up lied about trying to pay off the national debt. he didn't have to run with no deficit, he just needed to decrease it and put into place policies that would have continued to reduce them over time. but he didn't even try.

again a slight increase in interest rates in 18 or 19 as many were calling for would have us in a much better place. people were saying it in this forum before Covid that bad inflation was coming because we had three presidents who never increased the interest rates. and Trump was supposed to be some savvy business man who had it all figured out. but he didn't.

he promised to drain the swamp, but he filled it up even more.

and you need to stop trying to deflect, as you pointed out its the economy that matters, trying to play victim isn't going to address the economy.

based on Trump's track record how can you expect him to come in here and do anything that would actually help the economy? him getting slandered had nothing to do with him continuing out of control spending and putting us in a worse place than we were before him. and if you think he was such a limp wristed wuss due to people talking bad about him in his first term, how can you expect him to be any better in his second term? they aren't going to suddenly support everything he does. the real problem was that he refused to even attempt to address the real problems. it doesn't matter if he had support or not, he never had a plan that needed support.
I'm sure Biden will be better. With that 50% STCG tax and other "soak the rich" schemes... he'll get 'er done.
Miriam Adelson, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman, John Paulson, Robert Mercer, Harold Hamm, Steve Wynn, Nelson Peltz, Shaun Maguire, several of the Waltons. those are all within the last month.
Within the last month. Good to know. I guess they are finally waking up.
I'm sure Biden will be better. With that 50% STCG tax and other "soak the rich" schemes... he'll get 'er done.

Assuming you mean LTCG. Short Term has always been at marginal rate (i.e could be over 50% in NYC or Cali if super rich)...
Assuming you mean LTCG. Short Term has always been at marginal rate (i.e could be over 50% in NYC or Cali if super rich)...
I'm talking about federal tax. Puddinhead wants to increase tax on buy backs, STCGs, etc etc... GREAT ****ing plan.
Trump increased debt by multiple trillions (before COVID)

Trump signed all the excess waste COVID bills

Trump signed 600/week unemployment bill. Labor inflation is absolutely tied back to this

All the 6-9 month lagging indicators (CPI) were screaming inflation in early Spring 2021

Trump absolutely started the inflation fire but Biden came in and poured gas on it by continuing these same policies and attacking the energy industry stupidly....
Biden threatened Big Oil with death, and then wondered aloud why they wouldn’t do anything to help him 😂
Biden threatened Big Oil with death, and then wondered aloud why they wouldn’t do anything to help him 😂

He just helped the airline consumers by blocking Spirit’s merger with JetBlue (which would have created the 5th largest airline) and now Spirit is on track for Chaper 11. Well done, Brandon.

“If not blocked, the merger of JetBlue and Spirit would result in higher fares and fewer choices for tens of millions of travelers across the country. The Justice Department is suing to prevent that from happening,” said Garland. “Companies in every industry should understand by now that this Justice Department will not hesitate to enforce antitrust laws and protect American consumers.” (CNN)
He just helped the airline consumers by blocking Spirit’s merger with JetBlue (which would have created the 5th largest airline) and now Spirit is on track for Chaper 11. Well done, Brandon.

“If not blocked, the merger of JetBlue and Spirit would result in higher fares and fewer choices for tens of millions of travelers across the country. The Justice Department is suing to prevent that from happening,” said Garland. “Companies in every industry should understand by now that this Justice Department will not hesitate to enforce antitrust laws and protect American consumers.” (CNN)
The bolded part is truly hilarious.
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Easier for you to project then acknowledge you have completely ignored reality for years.
Nope, just actually paid attention and remembered instead of being a Partisan hack.

Trump said he was going to fix debt. didn't do it.
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. didn't do it.
trump said he was going to fix the economy. didn't do it.
he did mostly keep us out of wars and world politics kept most of the crazy at bay, I do have to give him credit there.
fix the border and get Mexico to pay for it? didn't do it.
get rid of Obamacare. didn't do it.

those are realities. and your only argument is that it was better then than it is now. but that was never Trump's claim.
More good news.

I don't care if they are building it in TN, this is reprehensable and will only weaken Tn in the long run, Boycott Tyson.
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Nope, just actually paid attention and remembered instead of being a Partisan hack.

Trump said he was going to fix debt. didn't do it.
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. didn't do it.
trump said he was going to fix the economy. didn't do it.
he did mostly keep us out of wars and world politics kept most of the crazy at bay, I do have to give him credit there.
fix the border and get Mexico to pay for it? didn't do it.
get rid of Obamacare. didn't do it.

those are realities. and your only argument is that it was better then than it is now. but that was never Trump's claim.
But you ARE a partisan hack. you know damn well the reason he was prevented doing many things was a constant and coordinated attack including the all completely proven false russia scandel, all the way to a bio weapons attack to setup teh fraud. Even if Trump gets relelected that's only a start. No one man can save this country, but continued idiocy like your statements can certainly guarantee the new world order's plan to turn this country into a lesser power will succeed. Your country is being destroyed from within and without and you'd rather attack the one guy that tried, (cause the boob tube told you to) and continues to try and stop it vs face the much scarier reality that is the MANY MANY people and groups fully commited to ruining our economic future, and undermine this nation and who are very much in control. Not matter how many other partisan hacks from the VNMSG applaud you. You remain a trained seal.
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But you ARE a partisan hack. you know damn well the reason he was prevented doing many things was a constant and coordinated attack including the all completely proven false russia scandel, all the way to a bio weapons attack to setup teh fraud. Even if Trump gets relelected that's only a start. No one man can save this country, but continued idiocy like your statements can certainly guarantee the new world order's plan to turn this country into a lesser power will succeed. Your country is being destroyed from within and without and you'd rather attack the one guy that tried, (cause the boob tube told you to) and continues to try and stop it vs face the much scarier reality that is the MANY MANY people and groups fully commited to ruining our economic future, and undermine this nation and who are very much in control. Not matter how many other partisan hacks from the VNMSG applaud you. You remain a trained seal.
If one man can't fix the country why are you so sure that Trump will fix the country?

as I pointed out, in term 1 he didn't do anything that would actually fix the country. continued to increase spending before Covid. didn't work with Congress to get policies passed that would have limited the damage from the Dems, or address past damage. America didn't get any better under Trump, and whether you like it or not we divided more under Trump than we were before.

yes yes the Dems do it too, or maybe even more, Trump is supposed to be fixing things. and he isn't.

here's a simple check, what new is he proposing to do this time? What is his plan to make his efforts more than a one man affair? What new policy or financial strategy is he pushing that he wasn't the last time? what makes you think term 2 will be different from term 1 where even you agree he wasn't able to fix anything?
You know very well what happened in his first term.

NWO types absolutely attcked it's ability to do much of anything. Even so he had a more positive effect on the economy then the last 4-5 administrations combined.

And the answer is I don't know if he can fix the country. I think there's a decent chance it may be too late. However I KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt if the DNC or RINO's win office again youc an kiss it good bye entirely. Their every policy is designed to destroy the United States, and they are fully in bed with out nation's greatest enemies. And anyone able to see beyond their own nose, and petty feelings can see that much clearly also. We are in the midst of the Great Reset designed to absolutel eliminate the United States as a world power or at least the United States that stands for any of it's constitutional values.....yet you lemming like focus on orange man bad.

I know without Trump ww3 and civil war are very real possibilities, as he's one of the few trying to prevent that......
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He just helped the airline consumers by blocking Spirit’s merger with JetBlue (which would have created the 5th largest airline) and now Spirit is on track for Chaper 11. Well done, Brandon.

“If not blocked, the merger of JetBlue and Spirit would result in higher fares and fewer choices for tens of millions of travelers across the country. The Justice Department is suing to prevent that from happening,” said Garland. “Companies in every industry should understand by now that this Justice Department will not hesitate to enforce antitrust laws and protect American consumers.” (CNN)
Yeah that's denial made zero sense. It actually should have been a smooth merger. Same aircraft type and little route overlap.
Trump increased debt by multiple trillions (before COVID)

Trump signed all the excess waste COVID bills

Trump signed 600/week unemployment bill. Labor inflation is absolutely tied back to this

All the 6-9 month lagging indicators (CPI) were screaming inflation in early Spring 2021

Trump absolutely started the inflation fire but Biden came in and poured gas on it by continuing these same policies and attacking the energy industry stupidly....
Trump lit the fire, Biden threw gas on it. Much like G.W. Bush and Obama, they're basically the same empty suit. They waste $ on slightly different things and they're both garbage as leaders.
You know very well what happened in his first term.

NWO types absolutely attcked it's ability to do much of anything. Even so he had a more positive effect on the economy then the last 4-5 administrations combined.

And the answer is I don't know if he can fix the country. I think there's a decent chance it may be too late. However I KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt if the DNC or RINO's win office again youc an kiss it good bye entirely. Their every policy is designed to destroy the United States, and they are fully in bed with out nation's greatest enemies. And anyone able to see beyond their own nose, and petty feelings can see that much clearly also. We are in the midst of the Great Reset designed to absolutel eliminate the United States as a world power or at least the United States that stands for any of it's constitutional values.....yet you lemming like focus on orange man bad.

I know without Trump ww3 and civil war are very real possibilities, as he's one of the few trying to prevent that......

what on earth is Trump doing to avoid Civil War? and if you know history you know the world is quiet capable of starting a world war WITHOUT the US.

I don't disagree with your take on the Rs and the Ds, I just have Trump in there with the rest of them. I didn't at first, but as his presidency went on it became clear he was just another one of them.

If you think the NWO derailed his first presidency and kept him from doing much, why would the second term be any different?

and his positive effect on the economy was countered by his continued increased debt spending, which contributes to the inflation we see today. He kept the interest rates lower than they would have been in order to artificially pump up the economy. If the economy was actually healthy Covid wouldn't have had as much of an impact. But our economy relies on ever increasing debt spending, and calls that "growth". Its not healthy or sustainable and Trump maintained and added to it. Under Trump we added 7.8 Trillion dollars to our deficit. about half of that was his disastrous punting on Covid. but even half is still 10% of the total deficit thanks to Trumps pre-2020 spending.

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