The Endzone Garden Thread

Just picked my first 2 squash. I seed planted, so I'm a couple weeks behind my brother and stuff. He built a green house and started all his plants. He's already canning green beans. I got one sauce tomato,, but right now I've got alot of little ones coming on.

But dang it, something ate most of the leaves off my green beans, and tried starting on my peas. Got some Sevin on them. hope the keep going. Starting to bloom. Was going to plant a second crop in the row anyway for later harvest. Guess they will go in this evening. I found two japanese beetles. Could have been them. They stripped my apple trees couple years ago overnight.
This year is my first attempt at growing anything other than hot peppers. I have one tomato plant with the bottoms of all the tomatoes going rotten before they even start to ripen. Anybody have any thoughts?
Bone meal mixed in before you plant seems to help. Sometimes the “gardening potting soil” isn’t worth the **** it’s made from.
Makes sense. I've got 4 tomatoes i planted in a bed with bone meal. They're doing well. This was one was planted in a pot with bagged soil and nothing else. May try some fertilizer but it has so many bad tomatoes already that it's probably too late.
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Thanks. I'll give it a glass of milk. This plant is in a large pot with garden/potting soil, but I may try some fertilizer too.
Is it miracle grow and if so did you use for potted plants or in ground plants. It makes a huge difference.
Makes sense. I've got 4 tomatoes i planted in a bed with bone meal. They're doing well. This was one was planted in a pot with bagged soil and nothing else. May try some fertilizer but it has so many bad tomatoes already that it's probably too late.
Nope, you can straighten it out and pull the bad matters. Should be ok.
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Makes sense. I've got 4 tomatoes i planted in a bed with bone meal. They're doing well. This was one was planted in a pot with bagged soil and nothing else. May try some fertilizer but it has so many bad tomatoes already that it's probably too late.
I don’t think so. Put bone meal on the soil and toss the bad tomatoes. It probably has time to produce
I don't wish bad gardening issues on anyone, but I feel better knowing I ain't the only one with issues.

If my peppers don't start doing better by next week I'm gonna try some fish emulsion.
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Lightning bugs!

Question for all, especially those in KnoxVegas: when did you first see lightning bugs this year? Back in the 30-some-odd years I lived in Knoxville, they were reliably always seen around my son’s birthday, May 28.

When we first moved to AVL, they didn’t show up until mid-June, which is understandable. They were a bit later last year, and I only started seeing them this year 3-4 days ago.

Are they later than usual for anyone else?
I grew up thinking lightning bugs were a special thing at Grandma's house (Crossville) since we always saw them there and never had them in Charleston. 😄
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I grew up thinking lightning bugs were a special thing at Grandma's house (Crossville) since we always saw them there and never had them in Charleston. 😄
I’ve decided to turn off the backyard motion detector lights, aka “burglar courtesy lights”, from April through September. It appears that nighttime lighting from all sources is really adversely affecting wildlife. Except the squash beetles and striped cucumber beetles in the garden, which seem to be doing just fine. 😡

Why the lights are going out for fireflies
Progress report: everything is growing and green, but cucumbers are the only crop we’re picking now. Everything else is still in green fruit stage.

The cucumber tunnel has almost achieved tunnel-hood (at least on one side.) Hard to tell in photos vs IRL (third pic.)


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