I have realized that the three (out of nine) vine tomatoes are hopelessly stunted due to Operator Error.
Back when they’d been in the ground 2-3 weeks, I started a weekly tomato rasslin routine, where I’d tie them up as needed, trim away any diseased looking foliage while still leaving enough leaves on the plant for photosynthesis, and pinch off any suckers, leaving 2, maybe 3 (or 4, or 5…) to make new fruiting stems.
Weeellllll, I got on a roll and got carried away on these 3. I started pinching from the lowest branches and moved upwards, but a bit too upwards. It dawned on me too late that I should have stopped pinching back once I reached the top, because in fact, I pinched off the growth tips.
So, exactly as would be expected, the plants pretty much stopped growing then and there and concentrated on the few fruits that were there.

Soon as they’re ripe, I’ll pull the plants and park some marigolds in there. Saddest of all (to me) is that they were all heirlooms: Mortgage Lifter, German Johnson, and Black Krim.
Sigh, live and learn…