The following information was taken from various newspaper articles and i want to state this is also my OPINION of what happened based on these records and articles.
I will do this in 3 PARTS:
The truth about the Fab Five and Michigan Basketball:
1. These are the most flagrant violations where money is involved in the history of intercollegiate athletics (Don Canham-former UM AD)
2. I kept hearing minor violation, minor violations- these are major, major violations. (Don Canham).
3. The entire era of the Fab five was a disgrace to the University of Michigan (Don Canham)
4. On Bill Martin saying they had a wonderful legacy. I thought what he said was complete nonsense and he didnt know anything about the situation or didnt want to know. (Don Canham) Note-- (Bill Martin later changes his mind and wants distance between UM and the Fab Five, however, it did not occur before Jimmy King and Ray Jackson help recruit Daniel Horton to UM).
5. The thing that bothers me is that they fired Tom Goss (UM AD) because he tried to clean it up.
(Don Canham).
6. This continued ever after Fisher left. (Don Canham)
What Happened:
1. Four players were paid $616,000 dollars Chris Webber, Maurice Taylor, Robert Traylor, Louis Bullock. However the scandal long before this and ended long after.
2. McCabe/Freep: Martin paid players to go to UM and nowhere else. Taylors girlfriend said he had nothing when she met him and everything after. McCabe mentioned WJR as part of the cover-up and that they chose someone else to speak on the issue (Spadafore).
3. Ed Martin was involved with the following players minimally and many more players suspected:
A. Glen Rice (85-89)
B. Terry Mills(87-90)
C. Chris Webber (91-93)
D. Jalen Rose (91-94)
E. Maurice Taylor (94-97)
F. Louis Bullock (95-99)
G. Robert Traylor (95-98)
H. Albert White (96)
4. UM investigation did not go back to include Terry Mills or Glen Rice who had a clear connection to Ed Martin per March 24th, 2002 article by Jim Carty.
5. Robert Traylor, Maurice Taylor, and Louis Bullock all took money AFTER the banning of Ed Martin.
6. Ed Martin in fact took Mills father to the Windsor Raceway in 1984.
7. Jamal Crawford took three loans from Barry Henthorn all between 15,000-25,000 and received 3-vehicles including a Mercedes, gifts, AFTER the banning of Ed Martin. (There seems to be a connection between Henthorn and Martin also ).
8. Albert White took $37,000 from Ed Martin to attend UM per Sept 4th, 1999 Freep article. Although less money than others, this proved to be the most damaging. Because money was also given to his family and friends to influence his decision, which countered Martin's claim that this was a loan to be repaid.
9. Reporter John Beckett (October `12th, 1999, Ann Arbor News) said he told Steve Fisher after the 1989-90 season that players were getting golden handshakes and boosters were slipping players money after games and Fisher did nothing. Said Becker, Fisher was perfectly content not knowing.
10. UM claimed that Martin gave money to players that went to other schools, however the only one that even remotely true was Albert White, who took $37,000 to go to Michigan and then transferred to Missouri after falling out with the coaching staff. As Voshon Leonard, Willie Burton, Anderson Hunt found outif you dont go to UM, you get nothing.
11. Bill Martin mislead people by saying Ed Martin was not a traditional boosterbecause he didnt go to UM or attend football games. However he attended a lot of basketball games.
12. Chris Webber took 50,000 dollars the day he signed with UM.
13. Webber's family received also received money and gifts to influence his decision.
14. Steve Fisher allowed Martin to sit next to recruits at games with complimentary tickets.
15. Ed Martin often set up recruit press conferences and handed out UM hats.
16. Ed Martin set up strippers and alcohol for recruits.
17. Ed Martin received hotel reservations to the Final Four on the team floor. Something the most ardent booster cannot do.
18. Ed Martin was in Robert Traylors house during Steve Fishers in-house visit.
19. Fisher made numerous phone calls to Ed Martin per phone records also including pertaining to the final four.
20. Fisher wrote a note that explained Ed Martin was to sit next to recruit Willie Mitchell on Feb 18th, 1994.
21. Mick McCabe/FREEP: Ed Martin paid players to go to UM and nowhere else, UM lacked institutional control
UM did a cover up, and other teams wasted a lot of time, effort, and money, to recruit players UM bought".
22. Bullock and Traylor took money only in college showing a direct connect between UM and Ed Martin.
23. Antoine Joubert took large amounts of money to mow lawns for Ed Martin.
24. When indicted, Ed Martin stood on the courthouse steps and shouted, Go Blue!
25. Ed Martin paid for an apartment for Chris Webber and Jalen Rose.
26. Robert Traylor sometimes listed his address as 17430 Fairway Drive, which happened to be Ed Martins home address.
27. Money wasnt the only giftsapartments, cars, furs coats, jewelry, cologne and perfumes, cakes, food, etc. were also included.
28. Handwriting experts said Steve fisher forged (PW) on complimentary tickets to Ed Martin. Fisher said this was to show who requested them (allegedly Perry Watson), but Fisher fails to tell investigators this.
29. Mick McCabe claims that UM lobbed softball questions to Ed Martin because they didnt want to know the truth.
30. FBI special agent John Bell said, Players were less than forthcoming".
31. Chris Webber refused to answer questions related to point shaving. (Ann Arbor News, August 3rd, 2000).
End Of Part One.