The fact that people are criticizing us for being "classless" is a sign we are elite

Criticism is far better than condescending condolences and faux encouragement we got in the Dooley to Pruitt years. I remember the "friendly" pats on the back and the empty platitudes uttered through smug expressions.

Let. All. Criticize.

What is best in life?
"To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women".
Does this mean we've retired the "Champions of Life" trophy? Those were the years my friend, I thought they'd never end. Butch.
Overall I'm kind of tired of all the holier than thou of all the so called "sacred rules". I understand sportsmanship but I also think the first half is kind of fair game; after halftime we did back off and only scored 6 points. So stop whining. Also I think situationally it was a good onsides kick and imo it's good to practice it for when we might need it.

Also the sport is evolving and you can either get with it or shut up and find something else to do. You don't have to like everything but nobody ever will. I get sick of the old "in my day" bulls***. It's like the "unwritten rules of baseball"....great, glad you had your rules, nobody cares anymore. If you don't like a bat flip then don't throw a HR ball you snowflake.
It reminds me a lot of the baseball team. Heupel has always been a competitor, but I wonder if he took some motivation tactics from Coach Vitello. The football team is ready to compete at 110% at all times. The players don't have to apologize for playing hard. I would rather the kicker do what he was coached to do and have Heupel speak to it, than players compromising their intensity and effort which can effect them at later games.
I kinda think we need to beat somebody we aren’t supposed to before we use a word like elite.
Well, there are probably only two games remaining that we should be underdogs in (as long as we keep winning). The game in Norman is HUGELY important. Win that one and we control our destiny and have a good shot at the playoff even if we lose to Bama and UGA. It might just be the most important game on our schedule this season
Now is the time for this team to hunker down and really focus. Absolutely avoid media BS. Let the fans read and respond to that crap.

It's been easy so far. It's about get NOT easy. They need to be a solid group, maintain edge and a "go for the jugular" mentality.

Gonna be fun to watch. 😎👍
For all the good Heupel has done for Tennessee, there is still one missing accomplishment to unlock. We have yet to win a really big night game in a hostile stadium under the national spotlight. We have to get over that hump before people will really believe we have arrived. We get our chance in six days.
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