The Fate of Humanity Rests In The Calming, Sober Hands of Putin



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.
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They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.

I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...
I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...

Oh wow! History is really interesting, isn't it?!!
They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.

It would be obvious to most if not for the state run western media that perpetuates constant lies and fabrications against Russia and Putin...a psy-op designed to easily manipulate their faithful flock...

Its past time Americans see through the corrupt politicians and bought off media that has their back...
I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...

if germany leaves russia alone, it would have been a much different outcome.
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It would be obvious to most if not for the state run western media that perpetuates constant lies and fabrications against Russia and Putin...a psy-op designed to easily manipulate their faithful flock...

Its past time Americans see through the corrupt politicians and bought off media that has their back...

Well, we at least know where Pacer's rant got its one "like" from.
Putin Lays Down The Law At Valdai

Men like this are not to be tested too hard. And Putin’s response to the shooting down of the IL-20 plane and its crew was to cross a bunch of diplomatic lines by handing out S-300s to Syria and erecting a de facto no-fly zone over Western Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Notice how there have been no attacks or even harsh language coming out of Israel or the U.S. in the past few weeks. The failure of the British/French/Israeli operation to sucker Trump into an invasion of Syria is now complete.

And I’m convinced that Nikki Haley paid the price.

All of this highlights the major theme that came out of Putin’s comments.

Strength through resolve. Resolve comes as a consequence of defending culture.

Putin wasn’t boasting or grandstanding about Russia’s hypersonic weapons capability. He told everyone they are deployed. He did this to shut up the U.S. neoconservative chattering class who he rightly says whisper in President Trump’s ear that they can win a nuclear conflict with Russia.

They are insane. And you have to treat them that way.
if germany leaves russia alone, it would have been a much different outcome.
If England and France don’t make an idiotic guarantee to protect Poland, England might have kept their empire and we could have let Stalin and Hitler duke it out alone. Germany was always going to attack Russia, Hitler wanted the Ukraine for the German Lebensraum.
If England and France don’t make an idiotic guarantee to protect Poland, England might have kept their empire and we could have let Stalin and Hitler duke it out alone. Germany was always going to attack Russia, Hitler wanted the Ukraine for the German Lebensraum.
Or, if you want to rewind the clock 20 years before that, had England and France not pushed for the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, there may not have been a Hitler to deal with at all.
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I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...

If you seriously explained the importance of Russia in winning WWII, the average American get apoplectic.
Or, if you want to rewind the clock 20 years before that, had England and France not pushed for the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, there may not have been a Hitler to deal with at all.
Great minds think alike... Putin seems to be the only leader in the world that has a full grasp of what this world is walking itself into.

Vladimir Putin: The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II

"I would like to once again recall the obvious fact. The root causes of World War II mainly stem from the decisions made after World War I. The Treaty of Versailles became a symbol of grave injustice for Germany. It basically implied that the country was to be robbed, being forced to pay enormous reparations to the Western allies that drained its economy. French marshal Ferdinand Foch who served as the Supreme Allied Commander gave a prophetic description of that Treaty: "This is not peace. It is an armistice for twenty years."

It was the national humiliation that became a fertile ground for radical sentiments of revenge in Germany. The Nazis skillfully played on people's emotions and built their propaganda promising to deliver Germany from the "legacy of Versailles" and restore the country to its former power while essentially pushing German people into war. Paradoxically, the Western states, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States, directly or indirectly contributed to this. Their financial and industrial enterprises actively invested in German factories and plants manufacturing military products. Besides, many people in the aristocracy and political establishment supported radical, far-right and nationalist movements that were on the rise both in Germany and in Europe.

The "Versailles world order" caused numerous implicit controversies and apparent conflicts. They revolved around the borders of new European states randomly set by the victors in World War I. That boundary delimitation was almost immediately followed by territorial disputes and mutual claims that turned into "time bombs".

One of the major outcomes of World War I was the establishment of the League of Nations. There were high expectations for that international organization to ensure lasting peace and collective security. It was a progressive idea that, if followed through consistently, could actually prevent the horrors of a global war from happening again.

However, the League of Nations dominated by the victorious powers of France and the United Kingdom proved ineffective and just got swamped by pointless discussions. The League of Nations and the European continent in general turned a deaf ear to the repeated calls of the Soviet Union to establish an equitable collective security system, and sign an Eastern European pact and a Pacific pact to prevent aggression. These proposals were disregarded."
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They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.

Monday, June 22 Scoreboard: Hannity Averaged 4.5 Million Viewers in the 9 p.m. Hour
Russia's Lavrov Warns Of Surging Anti-White Racism In US | ZeroHedge

“We were pioneers of the movement promoting equal rights of people of any skin color,” said Lavrov, adding that “everyone wants to get rid of racism.”

However, he emphasized how it was important “not to switch to the other extreme which we saw during the ‘BLM’ (Black Lives Matter) events and the aggression against white people, white U.S. citizens.”

Lavrov also insisted that forces within the U.S. were trying to spread a “cultural revolution” around the world by forcing “diversity” down everyone’s throats.
Russia's Lavrov Warns Of Surging Anti-White Racism In US | ZeroHedge

“We were pioneers of the movement promoting equal rights of people of any skin color,” said Lavrov, adding that “everyone wants to get rid of racism.”

However, he emphasized how it was important “not to switch to the other extreme which we saw during the ‘BLM’ (Black Lives Matter) events and the aggression against white people, white U.S. citizens.”

Lavrov also insisted that forces within the U.S. were trying to spread a “cultural revolution” around the world by forcing “diversity” down everyone’s throats.

Sad that Russia can see the problems brewing in the US better than our own president.
They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.

Putin is a communist so he's got points from many of the board's dems
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I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...

I know this is super old, but this is wildly inaccurate.
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Our president doesnt care. Kamala has more in common with Putin than any Amerikan president, besides obama.
At least she is not a Vladimir Putin apologist, unlike Donald Trump, who was always eager to rush to Putin's defense and publicly side with Putin over conclusions reached by his own intelligence agencies. Trump carried water for Putin to the very end, when Trump completely dismissed Russia's involvement in the SolarWinds hack as being even a remote possibility. Trump didn't even want to be briefed on the matter. Basically, Trump unconditionally defended Putin and Russia in their campaign of aggression and cyberwarfare against the United States. Trump not only didn't care if Russia was guilty, he didn't even want to know if Russia was guilty.

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