The Fate of Humanity Rests In The Calming, Sober Hands of Putin

Fascism, from Merriam Webster:

1: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Yeah, that's Putin.
Sounds like the modern democrat party
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At least she is not a Vladimir Putin apologist, unlike Donald Trump, who was always eager to rush to Putin's defense and publicly side with Putin over conclusions reached by his own intelligence agencies. Trump carried water for Putin to the very end, when Trump completely dismissed Russia's involvement in the SolarWinds hack as being even a remote possibility. Trump didn't even want to be briefed on the matter. Basically, Trump unconditionally defended Putin and Russia in their campaign of aggression and cyberwarfare against the United States. Trump not only didn't care if Russia was guilty, he didn't even want to know if Russia was guilty.
Says the guy who worships Biden who is owned by the Chinese
I don't think any of those facts have been disputed by anyone.

I think the discussion arises over what was the eventual catalyst for japan surrendering: The atomic bombs or Russia's advancement.

Oh I’m sure the threat of Russia being part of the eventual occupation force sped up the thought process.
Says the guy who worships Biden who is owned by the Chinese
That narrative couldn't be based on policy. When it comes to China, Biden's rhetoric and policies are basically the same as Trump's.

In the first two months in office, Biden and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, have reaffirmed many of the Trump administration's most significant steps targeting China, including a rejection of China's maritime claims in the South China Sea.

Also, the Biden administration hasn't signaled any let-up on Trump's tariffs, restrictions on Chinese diplomats, journalists and academics in the U.S. or criticism of Chinese policies towards Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
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That narrative couldn't be based on policy. When it comes to China, Biden's rhetoric and policies are basically the same as Trump's.

In the first two months in office, Biden and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, have reaffirmed many of the Trump administration's most significant steps targeting China, including a rejection of China's maritime claims in the South China Sea.

Also, the Biden administration hasn't signaled any let-up on Trump's tariffs, restrictions on Chinese diplomats, journalists and academics in the U.S. or criticism of Chinese policies towards Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Only 3 months or so in. Biden is Xi’s puppet and little bitch. You left boy puts his family’s wealth over all else. He’s corrupt and if he ever tries to f with them Xi will threaten releasing what he knows about the crackhead and once again China owns us. America last.
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From what little I know of the Zapruder film, my understanding that the accuracy is in dispute and there are allegedly missing frames.
I'm not even going down that rabbit hole. I'm just trying to keep it on the surface level. It's not even necessary to get that deep.
Only 3 months or so in. Biden is Xi’s puppet and little bitch. You left boy puts his family’s wealth over all else. He’s corrupt and if he ever tries to f with them Xi will threaten releasing what he knows about the crackhead and once again China owns us. America last.
Like I said, that couldn't be based on policy at all. Biden's policies and rhetoric are the same as Trump's.
I'm not even going down that rabbit hole. I'm just trying to keep it on the surface level. It's not even necessary to get that deep.
I don’t go down the rabbit hole on it either because at the end you can prove anyone was involved in the assasination plot. The only thing I’m sure of is that it didn’t go down the way the govt claims it did. The Zapruder dispute is pretty surface level as far as it goes. There are issues with it, that is all.
LOL. I have never heard any such silly debate. The answer is rather obvious.
Meh, on the surface and in hindsight it would seem obvious. But at the time, Japan had already been suffering through months of cities being bombed... at least as far back as April or May of 1945. So they were used to cities being destroyed or bombed. At the time, the impact of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have been mixed in with the several dozen other towns that had been bombed and the theory was that the leaders of japan didn't really have a firm grasp of the nature of those bombings. However, once the Russians/Red Army had declared war and made their advance, it is believed by some that the Russian advance was the more immediate driver for surrender. There was some hope held out by japan that Russia would not break their agreement with Japan and that they could negotiate a surrender where Japan would have been able to keep some of their territories in SE Asia.
What was the trajectory of the bullet, assuming it was straight?
The Warren Commission correctly concluded that Governor John Connally was seated on a jumper seat which was 1 1/2 feet in front of and slightly to the left of Kennedy. They were struck by the same bullet. The first non-fatal shot which hit Kennedy in the back of the throat, exited his throat and then hit Connally in the back. Oliver Stone's movie incorrectly positions Connally as being seated directly in front of Kennedy. They were off-center from each other as the Warren Commission detailed.
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That isn't true.
Assuming the govt timeline of events is correct (which is open for debate because there is eyewitness testimony that the limo nearly came to a stop after the first shot), I would say that at most, only 2 shots come have come from a bolt action rifle from the TSBD. Now, if that time line is wrong and the limo did come to a near stop, then you may be able to throw in a 3rd shot.
The Warren Commission correctly concluded that Governor John Connally was seated on a jumper seat which was 1 1/2 feet in front of and slightly to the left of Kennedy. They were struck by the same bullet. The first non-fatal shot which hit Kennedy in the back of the throat, exited his throat and then hit Connally in the back.

OK, and the second shot? We'll assume the third shot was the kill shot.
Meh, on the surface and in hindsight it would seem obvious. But at the time, Japan had already been suffering through months of cities being bombed... at least as far back as April or May of 1945. So they were used to cities being destroyed or bombed. At the time, the impact of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have been mixed in with the several dozen other towns that had been bombed and the theory was that the leaders of japan didn't really have a firm grasp of the nature of those bombings. However, once the Russians/Red Army had declared war and made their advance, it is believed by some that the Russian advance was the more immediate driver for surrender. There was some hope held out by japan that Russia would not break their agreement with Japan and that they could negotiate a surrender where Japan would have been able to keep some of their territories in SE Asia.
While I don't doubt that some were delusional (or desperate) enough to believe the United States could be brought to the negotiating table with the Soviets as a mediator (and I think it's pretty silly to believe this was actually a feasible option), I haven't seen any indication that Japan had real hope of retaining territories outside of the Japanese home islands.

In any case, the post I was initially responding to implied the Soviets were largely responsible for the outcome of the war with Japan. That of course, is preposterous. Even if you want to argue the Soviet invasion played a bigger part than the atomic bombs in making the final decision to surrender (which I find pretty dubious), the war was clearly already lost.
OK, and the second shot? We'll assume the third shot was the kill shot.

People say the 1st shot bounced off the oak where it hit the man at the underpass. The 2nd shot hit jfk's neck and went through connelly. Which is plausible. The headshot shows the initial brain and blood spray going foward. If the shot was from the knoll the bullet would gone from right to left.
No, they're not.

Key differences include:

Private property is abolished under communism. With fascism, privately owned property is permitted contingent upon service and usefulness to the state.

Under communism, in theory, all members of the state are considered equal to one another. In fascism, belief in a superior race is not only tolerable, but common practice.

That still goes against the American idea. I wouldn't consider that true private property if there are contingencies. There is still a central gov controlling and endforcing these laws and regulations.

That definition sounds alot like what the new dem congress wants.
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One discredited theory after another... for over 3 hours. There are too many things to name them all, but that movie spent so much time on the trajectory of the "magic" bullet. The Zapruder film clearly shows that Kennedy and Gov. John Connally were seated off-center from each other in the car.

That movie did not mention the prosecutor's theory of why jfk was killed. He said if was because of some kinds of homosexual thrill killing.

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