The Fate of Humanity Rests In The Calming, Sober Hands of Putin

I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...
Oliver Stone made a pretty good Vietnam War movie in 1986, but he is not exactly a historian. His take on the JFK assassination is wildly absurd.
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Putin was a communist. Now he is a fascist. Because he is a fascist, he receives support from many of the board's Republicans.
Oddly, Vladimir Putin is shown a great deal of respect and admiration from conservatives/Republicans, while also being aggressively and unconditionally defended by them, for the simple reason that Donald Trump likes Putin and also blindly defends him. You see it all the time on this forum, as well as on the prime time opinion shows on Fox News.

The only logic to that, is that the leap of faith in Vladimir Putin either being harmless, or just being a good, strong leader is easier to make, than it is for conservatives/Republicans to try and understand why Donald Trump is constantly showing this tyrannical, authoritarian ruler so much deference.
Oliver Stone made a pretty good Vietnam War movie in 1986, but he is not exactly a historian. His take on the JFK assassination is wildly absurd.

I wouldnt trust Stone's doc in any history of America. That dude is a whack job. That jfk movies was complete BS. He called them creative license but is was fantasy.
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Oddly, Vladimir Putin is shown a great deal of respect and admiration from conservatives/Republicans, while also being aggressively and unconditionally defended by them, for the simple reason that Donald Trump likes Putin and also blindly defends him. You see it all the time on this forum, as well as on the prime time opinion shows on Fox News.

The only logic to that, is that the leap of faith in Vladimir Putin either being harmless, or just being a good, strong leader is easier to make, than it is for conservatives/Republicans to try and understand why Donald Trump is constantly showing this tyrannical, authoritarian ruler so much deference.

Ummm you boys are driving the bus now , stop reaching back for a Trump when you have a Biden to tell that commie dictator what to do . Show us we are watching to see how it’s done . Lol
You know that fascism and communism are the same.
No, they're not.

Key differences include:

Private property is abolished under communism. With fascism, privately owned property is permitted contingent upon service and usefulness to the state.

Under communism, in theory, all members of the state are considered equal to one another. In fascism, belief in a superior race is not only tolerable, but common practice.
At least she is not a Vladimir Putin apologist, unlike Donald Trump, who was always eager to rush to Putin's defense and publicly side with Putin over conclusions reached by his own intelligence agencies. Trump carried water for Putin to the very end, when Trump completely dismissed Russia's involvement in the SolarWinds hack as being even a remote possibility. Trump didn't even want to be briefed on the matter. Basically, Trump unconditionally defended Putin and Russia in their campaign of aggression and cyberwarfare against the United States. Trump not only didn't care if Russia was guilty, he didn't even want to know if Russia was guilty.

Whataboutism. The same thing you and others screamed for 4 years. When you have no defense, the classic but Trump.
Fascism, from Merriam Webster:

1: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

Yeah, that's Putin.
I know this is super old, but this is wildly inaccurate.
What part was wildly inaccurate?

I recently dug into Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US on Netflix... was surprised to learn that Russia (not the US) was largely responsible for the outcome of the eastern theater in WWII. Further, the Red Army had begun invading Japan (assuring their surrender) when we dropped the nukes...
What part was wildly inaccurate?

If he’s referring to the eastern theater as in Eastern Europe he’s correct, if he’s referring to the pacific war he couldn’t be more wrong. Plus the USSR didn’t declare war on Japan and move to invade until after we dropped the atomic bombs.
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What take was that?
One discredited theory after another... for over 3 hours. There are too many things to name them all, but that movie spent so much time on the trajectory of the "magic" bullet. The Zapruder film clearly shows that Kennedy and Gov. John Connally were seated off-center from each other in the car.
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They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.
If he’s referring to the eastern theater as in Eastern Europe he’s correct, if he’s referring to the pacific war he couldn’t be more wrong. Plus the USSR didn’t declare war on Japan and move to invade until after we dropped the atomic bombs.
I was under the impression that the post was referring to the Pacific Theater, not the Eastern Front of the European Theater.
If he’s referring to the eastern theater as in Eastern Europe he’s correct, if he’s referring to the pacific war he couldn’t be more wrong. Plus the USSR didn’t declare war on Japan and move to invade until after we dropped the atomic bombs.
I don't think any of those facts have been disputed by anyone.

I think the discussion arises over what was the eventual catalyst for japan surrendering: The atomic bombs or Russia's advancement.
One discredited theory after another... for over 3 hours. There are too many things to name them all, but that movie spent so much time on the trajectory of the "magic" bullet. The Zapruder film clearly shows that Kennedy and Gov. John Connally were seated off-center from each other in the car.
So you find the Magic Bullet Theory credible?

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