The Fate of Humanity Rests In The Calming, Sober Hands of Putin

Putin is a communist so he's got points from many of the board's dems

You're full of it. Putin is Trump's fascist handler, and Trump supporters are fine with that because they like effing fascists. It's what they want to be. They are betraying the U.S. Constitution for a wannabe fascist dictator.
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Putin Requests Talks With NATO Toward 'Deal' Halting Bloc's Eastward Expansion | ZeroHedge

In a speech before a group of newly-arrived ambassadors in the Kremlin on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he intends to request formal talks with NATO amid soaring tensions over Ukraine, which will be aimed at ensuring the Western military alliance does not expand closer to Russia's borders.

Russian state media sources translated Putin's words to say he's seeking "legal guarantees" from NATO that it will halt its eastward expansion witnessed over the past years and decades since the end of the Cold War. His offer of negotiations comes after Kremlin officials have declared any observed NATO infrastructure or base expansion into Ukraine would be a severe "red line" that would warrant "action".

Stoltenberg talking smack while probably looking over here to back up anything. Does anyone trust the Biden administration with any of this? It's a scary thought.
No wokeism/LGBTQ nonsense in Putin's Russia.

"A Woman Is A Woman, Man Is A Man": Putin Vows To Protect Russia From West's "Gender Obscurantism" | ZeroHedge

"I am a proponent of the traditional approach that a woman is a woman and a man is a man," Putin laid out, which it goes without saying also reflects basic Biology 101 and humans' self-understanding for thousands upon thousands of years. He continued in the remarks on gender: "A mother is a mother, a father is a father. And I hope that our society has the internal moral protection dictated by the traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation."
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They have invaded Ukraine and other FSU states on Russia's border.

They have invaded one of Russia's closest allies in the Middle East.

They have shot down a Russian fighter jet and Russian passenger jet.

They have accused Russia of tampering with US elections.

They have picked at and poked Russia in The Bosphorus and in The Baltics.

And now, they have gone so far as to assassinate a Russian ambassador.

By now, if you can't come to the conclusion that Russia isn't the bad guy that your mainstream media portrays them as, but in fact, Russia is a victim of these nefarious attacks by TPTB, then there is no hope for you. Because had any of these same events occurred to American interests, we would have been lobbing nukes by now.
Whatever you say, Comrade. Your Putin love and defense of all things Russia is sickening.
"Just like with the coronavirus pandemic one can't escape [non-traditional values coming from abroad]. We need to look for an antidote."
"And it is necessary to fight this not with direct orders and shouts and accusations but with the support for our traditional values," he asserted further. Additionally according to a description in TASS of his remarks, he "cited the example of an incident in the US when a criminal serving time for rape declared that he was female and after a transfer to a women’s prison committed the same crime in his cell."
Russia won the war on the Eastern front? No way.
If Germany had not invaded Russian, the national language in France and a large majority of Europe would be German. 80% of German casualties (4.4 million) occurred on the eastern front. If Germany had been able to put those soldiers on the western front, Normandy would of never happen.
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That is the plan. Replace the native populations with foreigners and disrupt/destabilize the country.

Especially with no rules for entry like we're seeing at an alarming rate today. Different value systems, understanding and respect for the way the republic supposed to operate.
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If Germany had not invaded Russian, the national language in France and a large majority of Europe would be German. 80% of German casualties (4.4 million) occurred on the eastern front. If Germany had been able to put those soldiers on the western front, Normandy would of never happen.
It was sarcasm.

I am fully aware that the bulk of the heavy lifting was done on the Eastern front. Germany entered into a war of attrition with the Russians, and when Operation Barbarossa failed to finish off the USSR in 1941, the war was essentially lost for the Germans. Although it would take another almost four years for it to play out. Germany's best divisions were on the Eastern front but they would not be able to match the USSR's wealth of manpower and material in a protracted war. What the Allies faced in Western Europe was the 2nd string of the German army, or 1st string units that had been beaten down against the Russians.

Hitler's two biggest mistakes of the war were declaring war on the Soviet Union and declaring war on the United States.

D-day and the following campaign did not win the war, it accelerated the end of it. It's biggest accomplishment was ensuring that Western Europe would remain free and not Soviet bloc puppet states.
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It was sarcasm.

I am fully aware that the bulk of the heavy lifting was done on the Eastern front. Germany entered into a war of attrition with the Russians, and when Operation Barbarossa failed to finish off the USSR in 1941, the war was essentially lost for the Germans. Although it would take another almost four years for it to play out. Germany's best divisions were on the Eastern front but they would not be able to match the USSR's wealth of manpower and material in a protracted war. What the Allies faced in Western Europe was the 2nd string of the German army, or 1st string units that had been beaten down against the Russians.

Hitler's two biggest mistakes of the war were declaring war on the Soviet Union and declaring war on the United States.

D-day and the following campaign did not win the war, it accelerated the end of it. It's biggest accomplishment was ensuring that Western Europe would remain free and not Soviet bloc puppet states.
Sorry, that I did not pick up on the blue font. It is surprising how many people do not know that Russia has about 22 million reasons to be paranoid of the west. You are correct on D Day. It has a dual purpose. !. To hasten the end of the war. 2. They did not know where Russia was going to stop.
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Sure. What are the stakes?

I'll even let you tell me which search engine I'm not allowed to use and give me three sources you won't accept
If the dead can vote why not the illegals.

oh I know - because there ARE no illegals, only the document impaired

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