The Foreign Trade Thread

On a personal level, i need our economy to stay really strong for about 2 more years. Want to sell, then build my final home. Will have a kid starting college and another in Christian school. I don't have the deep understanding of the markets and such that thunder has...but it seems to me that this short term squeeze will hopefully make serious longterm benefits to us and our economy by leveling the playing fields a bit. Also, i am tired of cheap chinese crap flooding our marketplace. Every crap tool or machine is made there. We dont need that crap. If we have to buy foreign, korean and Japanese products are far superior. They also align with us as a country globally, where china surely does not. Heck with buying all these crap goods from a country that is a far bigger threat to our way of life than Russia or anyone else. Screw china, and their arrogant rhetoric. They need us more than we need them, hopefully we dont have to starve their citizens to get a fair deal from them. They are the only country besides Russia that makes threats against us out loud in the global media. We keep Russia under sanctions, but are supposed to stay locked down in unfair trade policies with China??? Screw them. Lets put them on a level trade ground and see how well they much money they have to build aircraft carriers, submarines, stolen tech jets, and artificial island bases. If we reduce their exports to us by billions, we are reducing their cashflow from taxes by billions as well. Lets cut their military budget a bit and see how fast they can still try to catch up with us militarily. I love Trumps this country like a business, and play to win. These deferential trade policies are exactly what has fueled chinas war machine, and emboldened their leaders now that they have some shiny new toys. Eff em. Eff their couches.

TLDR: screw china and the horse they rode in on..and the libs that side with em, too.
All of the investment letters I get say the same thing. They all expect the US and China to reconcile this trade spat.
Based upon what? Were they warning of the trade spat a year ago?

Anyway, while the U.S. and China are the biggest fish, there are many smaller ones in the pond. China's may have more options than you think.
Also, i am tired of cheap chinese crap flooding our marketplace. Every crap tool or machine is made there. We dont need that crap. If we have to buy foreign, korean and Japanese products are far superior. They also align with us as a country globally, where china surely does not. Heck with buying all these crap goods from a country that is a far bigger threat to our way of life than Russia or anyone else.

No one is making Americans buy "cheap Chinese crap." That's the beauty of a free market. You buy what you want to buy.

It doesn't sound like you support a free market, though, since you're supporting Trump's tariffs.
Based upon what? Were they warning of the trade spat a year ago?

Anyway, while the U.S. and China are the biggest fish, there are many smaller ones in the pond. China's may have more options than you think.

No one is making Americans buy "cheap Chinese crap." That's the beauty of a free market. You buy what you want to buy.

It doesn't sound like you support a free market, though, since you're supporting Trump's tariffs.
Yeah... sure thing... your number one John that equals johns 2 3 and 4 says naw and you’ll just turn more tricks elsewhere. Boy you got an answer for everything genius 🙄
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Yeah... sure thing... your number one John that equals johns 2 3 and 4 says naw and you’ll just turn more tricks elsewhere. Boy you got an answer for everything genius 🙄

If you aren't asking "why?" regarding advice in investment newsletters, sooner or later you're going to pay a price.
Ronald Reagan on Free Trade vs. Protectionism

From Reagan's 1988 Thanksgiving week radio address. Worth reading today.

Yet today protectionism is being used by some American politicians as a cheap form of nationalism, a fig leaf for those unwilling to maintain America's military strength and who lack the resolve to stand up to real enemies—countries that would use violence against us or our allies. Our peaceful trading partners are not our enemies; they are our allies. We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends—weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world—all while cynically waving the American flag. The expansion of the international economy is not a foreign invasion; it is an American triumph, one we worked hard to achieve, and something central to our vision of a peaceful and prosperous world of freedom.
Additionally using a speech from 20 years ago to the date to base currently policy decision is rather dumb. Relations today with China are very different than they were 20 years ago. As well as the world as a whole.

Also from that era trade and security relationships were tightly coupled. I need to find a article I read a couple of days ago. Basically since the US was the juggernaut that it was, it would simply make generous trade concessions to secure Cold War security arrangements. One thing Trump has done is separate the two. You want a bilateral security arrangement then negotiate one. You want a bilateral trade agreement then negotiate that too. But under Trump they are not necessarily coupled.
Additionally using a speech from 20 years ago to the date to base currently policy decision is rather dumb. Relations today with China are very different than they were 20 years ago. As well as the world as a whole.

Also from that era trade and security relationships were tightly coupled. I need to find a article I read a couple of days ago. Basically since the US was the juggernaut that it was, it would simply make generous trade concessions to secure Cold War security arrangements. One thing Trump has done is separate the two. You want a bilateral security arrangement then negotiate one. You want a bilateral trade agreement then negotiate that too. But under Trump they are not necessarily coupled.

The only thing that quote did was prove that the left's redefinition of "nationalism" is stupid.
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Trump needs to not just put his foot down with China. He needs to stick it up their ***.

So you don't agree with this?

The expansion of the international economy is not a foreign invasion; it is an American triumph, one we worked hard to achieve, and something central to our vision of a peaceful and prosperous world of freedom.
So you don't agree with this?

The capitalists doing business with China is the primary reason they're behaving better now than in the past. But they still need to get better and ramping up or reducing trade with them is the most logical way to deal with them. They need to stop stealing our **** and wrecking our key industries.
The capitalists doing business with China is the primary reason they're behaving better now than in the past. But they still need to get better and ramping up or reducing trade with them is the most logical way to deal with them. They need to stop stealing our **** and wrecking our key industries.
This is not achieved through tariffs with China. And certainly not with Canada or Europe.
This is not achieved through tariffs with China. And certainly not with Canada or Europe.

So you're happy with Canada protecting their industries while exploiting our markets?

Do you want to support the EU growing into a one world government?

Tariffs are one part of the economic policy pie. How would you suggest getting China to respect IP laws, stop stealing technology, and stop subsidizing industries that dump product that drives US based manufacturers out of business? How do you suggest countering export tariffs other than with import tariffs? Fair trade and equal access to markets are the goals. Should we just politely ask the foreign competitors to be nice? Should we be a charity to the rest of the first world? Should we just throw in the towel and morph into Socialism or Communism?
Trump might be failing at Twitter but he's hitting homeruns fixing the oppressive trade deals. China might not like it, but they don't hold the best hand.

What are you talking about? The USMCA got us nowhere except we added some new central planning items (quotas and min wage).

The USTR just reported that China is not blinking.
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We don't need their crap that fills the shelves of Walmart and DollarTree. They need our food. They send us 4 times as much as we send them. If they don't agree to a fair trade agreement they'll starve. We will see the price of Christmas decorations shoot up. Got it?

Why does that mean they need us more than vice versa?

They're not gonna starve
Negotiating fair, reciprocal trade agreements with our allies isn't a trade war. It's putting a foot down where foreign entities have been taking advantage of US markets while not allowing equal access to theirs.

Trump needs to not just put his foot down with China. He needs to stick it up their ***.

Trump called it a trade war. You're unreasonable on this stuff. You're attacking the left for siding with traditional conservatism on this issue while Trump is trying to centrally plan us towards economic prosperity. This never works (and it's not working).
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So you're happy with Canada protecting their industries while exploiting our markets?

Do you want to support the EU growing into a one world government?

Tariffs are one part of the economic policy pie. How would you suggest getting China to respect IP laws, stop stealing technology, and stop subsidizing industries that dump product that drives US based manufacturers out of business? How do you suggest countering export tariffs other than with import tariffs? Fair trade and equal access to markets are the goals. Should we just politely ask the foreign competitors to be nice? Should we be a charity to the rest of the first world? Should we just throw in the towel and morph into Socialism or Communism?

I'm not "happy" with Canada's trade restrictions, but in the grand scheme of things the items at issue were very small compared to the total volume of trade between the two countries.

The EU is not growing into a "one world government." I've talked about it in the Brexit thread. I do like the idea of freer trade, which I assume its customs union brings, though I have not studied it much.

You deal with other nation's tariffs through negotiations. That's what supposedly good dealmakers do. Remember that if China is restricting U.S. imports, it's the Chinese people who are being hurt.

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