I wouldn't worry about more seating riht now. Like mentioned before you can't find a place to park now.
I'm always amused by the delayed reaction in the stadium after each play everyone turns and watches the jumbotron to see it on replay, then they cheer. Doesn't happen unless we see it on the screen. . .
very true and that's the reason good ol' fund raiser Mike is change the department's business plan. He's now trying to model the UTAD after the newer NFL teams requiring season ticket holders to buy the right to buy season tickets aka VASF. At that point if you ever do not buy the tickets you forfeit your VASF. It ensures a sell out every game regardless of quality on the field.
Good ol' Mike. Pushing fans away one dollar at a time.
I think jumbotrons ruin sporting events. Best college football atmosphere I've experienced was Notre Dame; no jumbotron, everyone was paying very close attention to the action on the field.
I agree. A pair of third deck rows on both sides, sandwiched between the pressbox and Jumbotrons. That should put us back into the nation's largest again, and you better believe that will help recruiting. It will not only make the stadium even more inpressive visually, but should help hold in all the noise even better.
It's ok, I went to the desktop version of the site. Here is a link if anyone needs to see it on a mobile device.
Posted via VolNation Mobile