The Future Of Neyland Stadium...

There are still lots of places that need help. Sat in Sec A last year and thought I had gone back in time getting there. Still remenants of the dorms that used to be at Neyland and other things....Maybe they should be looking at some of the "undies" rather than more seats for no takers....Have never had trouble getting tickets when I wanted them.
no i refuse to take more seats out. we CANNOT have a smaller stadium than bama...we HAVE to be the bigest in the SEC. we have to keep that because it is a recruiting tool...
no i refuse to take more seats out. we CANNOT have a smaller stadium than bama...we HAVE to be the bigest in the SEC. we have to keep that because it is a recruiting tool...

And how's that been working for us?

Considering the exact opposite happened to TBA whereas they made the capicity smaller but much nicer. Has that had a positive or negative effect on recruiting? I'd say positive. Stadium size is only important to fans of teams with large stadiums. If it mattered to the players then why aren'y UT, Penn St., and Michigan winning titles?
I agree with you somewhat Boca, but UT is laid into the "arms race" of stadium seating. I was raised with tremendous pride in our 100K+ Saturdays.
They need to build another jumbo tron and they need to add on to the second level to make us the biggest again.
I'm against installing WI FI so students can take their laptops and play video games when the football team is on the field.
how about putting a special section for old people who do not like anyone standing up near their seat? This section can have reclining seats, allowing fans to take naps during boring parts of the game and the ushers can serve milk and warm cookies.
how about putting a special section for old people who do not like anyone standing up near their seat? This section can have reclining seats, allowing fans to take naps during boring parts of the game and the ushers can serve milk and warm cookies.

Yeah, and we will call it..... the parking lot. The ole geezers wouldn't know the difference anyway.
Retractable Roof like they have at the new Indianapolis Colts stadium. I'm all for playing outside but now that we cant hardly get a full sellout like in the past and use the noise level as an advantage I think we should put a top on it and open it from time to time depending on the weather.

No No No. I consider indoor stadiums an abomination. I have been in the Super Dome in New Orleans, and the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. Call me weird but both seemed wrong.

I have a better idea: electrify the seats so when fans don't make enough noise, give them a mild shock. I know, that is dumb, but so is a roof.
Not sure where your info comes from,but this program has no money and no plans to finish this until at least 2020...
The solution to parking is simply to construct underground parking space. You avoid consuming more surface area as well as creating a safe area if a very severe storm threatens. the key will of course be ventilation and a superb drainage system. A double or triple tiered design will just increase its efficiency. $$$$$$$$$$, yes the long term benefits will offset cost. While I'm at it, have multi exit points leading to major streets with say a walled off 1/4 or 1 mile lane allowing smooth traffic flow and traffic merging to the major street beyond the university would help. Said walled lanes should be available only during game day exits. Entry could be a manned or automatic ticket booth airport style.

Sounds like a good idea in theory, but considering Neyland Stadium's proximity to the Tennessee river (or Fort Loudon lake), would that create a problem? I am not an architect or an engineer, but it is to my understanding you can't build an underground facility like what you are talking about below the level of a nearby waterway. If anyone is or knows an architect who can answer that, I defer to their expertise.

I just have a feeling that such a facility would have been built long ago, if it were feasible.
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I would like to see them complete the brick façade all the way around the stadium. I would also like to see them add a 2nd jumbo tron at the other end zone. And finally, I'd like them to add the updated artificial turf. I think those turf fields look awesome!


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If and when we start winning, the fans will come and fill up Neyland, just as they did previously. Until we start winning, the attendance will probably continue to decline unfortunately.
If and when we start winning, the fans will come and fill up Neyland, just as they did previously. Until we start winning, the attendance will probably continue to decline unfortunately.

Actually I believe CBJ will get fans excited enough to come even while we are rebuilding. If he can get 60,000 to attend the O&W game, I see no reason why he can't convince fans to fill Neyland for every home game! Especially if it's clear that we are making progress.
I'm always amused by the delayed reaction in the stadium after each play everyone turns and watches the jumbotron to see it on replay, then they cheer. Doesn't happen unless we see it on the screen. . .

Are you saying Vol fans are a little slow? Shame on you!

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