The Gardening Thread

Tilled and amended my little vegetable garden plot. Put up stakes and fencing and sowed some 9 year old San Marzano tomato seeds in a row next to fencing (in case some germinate). Rain stopped me from progressing further.
LOL, 9 YO. Wow! Please let us know.
Did you save the seed or find a pkt of old seed.
I’ve had the seeds the entire time. 🤞
Yeah, I find old seed ocassionally. Don't think I've ever tried to use seed more than 1 yo, but I seldom use all of the seeds in a packet. I'd probably try, but if no germanation you're getting a late start on the 2nd sowing.
Good luck.
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My Lady Banks rose (Rosa banksia), which was 18+’ wide and 10+’ tall, covering the shed, appears to not have survived the erratic winter. Waaaah.
Tragedy. Maybe some latent growth will appear near the base or roots? They are very resilient shrubs. The largest rose in the world is a banksia near or in Tombstone, AZ (seems to thrive on seasonal rain and mild winters). Would love to see it in spring. I've seen it in winter, not very remarkable but that was only in passing so did not get to gawk at it.
Tragedy. Maybe some latent growth will appear near the base or roots? They are very resilient shrubs. The largest rose in the world is a banksia near or in Tombstone, AZ (seems to thrive on seasonal rain and mild winters). Would love to see it in spring. I've seen it in winter, not very remarkable but that was only in passing so did not get to gawk at it.
I’m going to start judiciously trimming it back, which it needed anyway. I’ll give it a season.

But since it went from 3’ to nearly 20’ in two seasons, I can always start over!
My order of daylilies from Breck's arrived yesterday. Planted them in a raised bed in the back yard and am looking forward to the beautiful blooms this summer. Won't be very impressive this year but they'll get better and better every year. I love bulbs, they're the gift that just keeps on giving.
My order of daylilies from Breck's arrived yesterday. Planted them in a raised bed in the back yard and am looking forward to the beautiful blooms this summer. Won't be very impressive this year but they'll get better and better every year. I love bulbs, they're the gift that just keeps on giving.
Def one of the faves. Red clay soil, just dig, throw in, and divide later on. Makes people like myself appear to know what they're doing.
Yeah, I find old seed ocassionally. Don't think I've ever tried to use seed more than 1 yo, but I seldom use all of the seeds in a packet. I'd probably try, but if no germanation you're getting a late start on the 2nd sowing.
Good luck.

THat's where the mennonite garden center comes in. In case of failed germination, I know they carry a decent assoertment of heirloom tomatoes and other veggies and herbs. They are my back up plan, and I've had to use them this year.
THat's where the mennonite garden center comes in. In case of failed germination, I know they carry a decent assoertment of heirloom tomatoes and other veggies and herbs. They are my back up plan, and I've had to use them this year.
Germination probems?
yeah. May have been my thought. I poked the holes in the cup soil with a pencil. Prob dropped them too deep. And with the lack of days over 60 here so far they just never took.
Do you have supplemental heat in your greenhouse? (heat mats etc)
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Do you have supplemental heat in your greenhouse? (heat mats etc)
No. It’s my brothers. And they were leaving the top dutch door open all this time so it could have been warm enough but alas it was not. I bought what I was willing to substitute and re seeded the ones my wife actually liked. She’s not a big tomato eater but she asked me to grow the dwarf purple reign again. It was that good.
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Do you have supplemental heat in your greenhouse? (heat mats etc)
My step son puts his trays on a heat mat I bought him a couple xmas’ ago. He just built a green house as well. He lives in south GA. He’s already harvesting squash and cukes and a few other things and the rest of his stuff is growing strong already.
Do you have supplemental heat in your greenhouse? (heat mats etc)
look up Dwarf Purple Reign and order some seeds. Plant tops out around 3 feet. Full size rich purple red maters. Best flavored mater I’ve eaten by far. Big flavor. Sweet. And a tinge of tart.

Dwarf Beryl Beauty (green)
Dwarf Sweet Scarlet
are also some very good dwarf plant maters. Don’t need much room as all only get about 2-3 feet high.
Where (which seed supplier) did you buy the Dwarf Purple Reign seeds? And can they be grown in a container, and if so, how big of a container? (gallons, width x depth, however you like to measure them) Or even a grow bag (I’m trying some for potatoes this year)

I would be struggling a bit to give up any more garden space, but there’s room on the deck.
Where (which seed supplier) did you buy the Dwarf Purple Reign seeds? And can they be grown in a container, and if so, how big of a container? (gallons, width x depth, however you like to measure them) Or even a grow bag (I’m trying some for potatoes this year)

I would be struggling a bit to give up any more garden space, but there’s room on the deck.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1682728479/RO=10/RU=

I forget where I ordered mine. Etsy also sells them. Could have been there. THey would do perfect in a pot. I'd do a 5 gallon just to keep moisture in longer at waterings. And pot stability. Grow bag would also work well. I see alot of grow bags on commercial tomato grow pictures my step son sends me.

For a started plant look here. Save some time at this point. Buy seeds for next year.

Tomato Purple Reign | White Flower Farm;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1682728479/RO=10/RU=

I forget where I ordered mine. Etsy also sells them. Could have been there. THey would do perfect in a pot. I'd do a 5 gallon just to keep moisture in longer at waterings. And pot stability. Grow bag would also work well. I see alot of grow bags on commercial tomato grow pictures my step son sends me.

For a started plant look here. Save some time at this point. Buy seeds for next year.

Tomato Purple Reign | White Flower Farm

Purple Reign
Wow, I'm slow. Someone must of been a Prince fan.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1682728479/RO=10/RU=

I forget where I ordered mine. Etsy also sells them. Could have been there. THey would do perfect in a pot. I'd do a 5 gallon just to keep moisture in longer at waterings. And pot stability. Grow bag would also work well. I see alot of grow bags on commercial tomato grow pictures my step son sends me.

For a started plant look here. Save some time at this point. Buy seeds for next year.

Tomato Purple Reign | White Flower Farm
I saw the link to Renaissance Farms on my Google search. Trying to remember if I've ever ordered from them before, but I'll give them a try, thanks.

I'm honestly not sure if I ever knew that WFF carried vegetables! I wonder if that's new. I've always drooled over their ornamentals; even visited there once 15-20 years ago. Alas, they can't ship this one to NC (state regulations.)

Whew, at this rate, it'll be well into June before I get everything in the ground!

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