The Gardening Thread

This post isn’t about gardening, but I figured it could go here anyway. Traveling back to Knoxville from Granite Quarry, NC giving the grandparents a chance to see their great grandchild. Stopped in Asheville for lunch at the Early Girl Eatery. Pretty good place with great cinnamon biscuits and GF fried chicken. @VolNExile you live around here, right? Hello, if you do!
one of my faves when i lived there. get there early, pun intended, lines are out the door
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First year my peach tree has produced and hung onto fruit. They’ve started dropping in this recent dry spell and the birds are starting to visit. Any suggestions on a method to ripen if you need to pick them while still a bit firm? TIA
First year my peach tree has produced and hung onto fruit. They’ve started dropping in this recent dry spell and the birds are starting to visit. Any suggestions on a method to ripen if you need to pick them while still a bit firm? TIA
I gave up on peaches about 30-35 years ago. Too many problems after the first year. I didn't believe in spraying them.
Something to scare the birds away or netting to keep them away?
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First year my peach tree has produced and hung onto fruit. They’ve started dropping in this recent dry spell and the birds are starting to visit. Any suggestions on a method to ripen if you need to pick them while still a bit firm? TIA
Letting them sit out is only real way. When you pass thru South Ga and buy a case of real tree ripened peaches, they are picked, cased, and put in the coolers a little early. When you buy a case, they're not quite ready. Was told to give them 4-6 days at room temp and they'd be perfect. And they were. There are peaches. And there are GA peaches.
Letting them sit out is only real way. When you pass thru South Ga and buy a case of real tree ripened peaches, they are picked, cased, and put in the coolers a little early. When you buy a case, they're not quite ready. Was told to give them 4-6 days at room temp and they'd be perfect. And they were. There are peaches. And there are GA peaches.
OTOH, South Carolina produces more peaches than GA. CA produces more than both states combined.
Folks from SC think their peaches are the best.
We have got tomato plants that are out of control huge, but we do not get ripe tomatoes. They stay green and rot unless we pick them green and bring them inside. We started these things in an indoor hydroponic thingy and then put them outside once they were about 6 inches tall.

The jalapeno plant is producing well and the serrano is also.
We have got tomato plants that are out of control huge, but we do not get ripe tomatoes. They stay green and rot unless we pick them green and bring them inside. We started these things in an indoor hydroponic thingy and then put them outside once they were about 6 inches tall.

The jalapeno plant is producing well and the serrano is also.
Save your eggshells (add them to your compost if you compost), crush them, add it to your garden soil. At this time, you could add pelletized lime. Check soil moisture levels and try to keep them consistent, not overwatering or under watering. Good luck.

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