The Great 2022 and Beyond Recession Thread



He/Him/Gator Hater
Nov 19, 2008
Everyone knows it's coming thanks to potato head Joe's war on the American oil business, so let's just get things rolling. I think that we're already in a recession, we just won't have the proof until sometime in July when they release the 2nd quarter GDP numbers.

Wall Street's favorite recession indicator is flashing red
Everyone knows it's coming thanks to potato head Joe's war on the American oil business, so let's just get things rolling. I think that we're already in a recession, we just won't have the proof until sometime in July when they release the 2nd quarter GDP numbers.

Wall Street's favorite recession indicator is flashing red
Was our last recession the housing bubble bursting?

How will this possible recession compare?
Was our last recession the housing bubble bursting?

How will this possible recession compare?
I know that housing prices where I live have doubled in the last year or so, I hope it pops before the politicians get their hands on that economic present when they re-appraise housing.
I expect us to blow all the way past recession and go into full depression. Joe is the worst nightmare for the economy in my lifetime
I hope it doesn't go that far. Our economy is still struggling to return to full force post pandemic, we still have supply issues, inflation is crapping on everything, and we have a career politician who has the sadiM touch.
Whole list of contributing factors that must have been inadvertently omitted by the OP in his zeal to blame one person. Interesting

Maybe people will start to take voting a little more serious? Nah 🤣

Interesting comment, contributing factors omitted to blame one person, and next sentence says maybe people will take voting more seriously.
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My prediction is that they will shortly change the definition of recession so they can avoid being charged with one. Just watch

I wouldnt be shocked if the Q1, 2022 GDP gets revised up from -1.4%% to .1% to kick the can down the road for another 3 months...

Q2 GDP is clearly going to be negative
Interesting comment, contributing factors omitted to blame one person, and next sentence says maybe people will take voting more seriously.
You blame only Biden. That is wrong

I blame voters. That is correct since they fill our govt full of idiots
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You blame only Biden. That is wrong

I blame voters. That is correct since they fill our govt full of idiots
Biden was the one installed. The main stream media is more complicit than voters were. Intelligence (lack of) played a part in installing this moron as well, so I'll give you that. Sometimes people have to feel the pain of making a bad choice on electing a party to lead the country.

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